Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Newsletter   
August 17, 2023
Enrollment Broker Breach

Family & Social Services (FSSA) announced Friday that personal information (name, address, case number and Medicaid number) was subject to a security breach of more than 744,000 Hoosiers enrolled in Medicaid. The breach occurred in May by Maximus Health Services, an enrollment broker for Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) since 2007. All Medicaid members affected will have access to credit monitoring services through Experian for two years. Medicaid members can call 1-833-919-4749 for more information.
New Toolkit from CMS

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released Increasing Access, Quality, and Equity in Postpartum Care in Medicaid and CHIP: A Toolkit for State Medicaid and CHIP Agencies. In its announcement of the toolkit, CMS stated, "More than half of pregnancy-related deaths occur in the postpartum period, and 12 percent occur after six weeks postpartum. Medicaid and CHIP programs can engage in opportunities to improve postpartum care and work to eliminate preventable maternal mortality, severe maternal morbidity (SMM), and inequities."

According to a 2022 policy brief from Indiana University's Public Policy Institute, "Indiana has the third highest maternal mortality rate among all reporting states". More specifically, Black Hoosier women have much higher maternal mortality rates than white and Latinx women. Low-income women and women from rural areas also have higher rates of pregnancy complications.

The toolkit includes, among other things, a postpartum care strategy checklist. This checklist includes suggestions to improve the likelihood a postpartum mother will attend appointments, strategies to curb smoking and increase mental health screening, and ideas on how to connect new mothers to contraceptives.
The State of Coverage Policy Summit

The topic of the 2023 State of Coverage Policy Summit is Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment, or EPSDT. EPSDT a preventative healthcare program designed to improve the overall health of Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligible individuals from birth through the month of their 21st birthday. Registration is open!
School Immunizations

Hoosier school children starting kindergarten, sixth grade, and twelfth grade are required to have age-specific immunizations prior to attending class. Students who need immunizations can access clinics around the state. Parents can search the Routine Immunizations Catch Up Map or the Indiana Immunization Coalition website to find a clinic.
Lead and Healthy Housing

One of the keynote sessions at the Indiana School Health Network (ISHN) conference in June focused on Lead Poisoning of Hoosier children. If you were inspired to become more involved in local efforts to address the topic, please consider attending the “Lead and Healthy Housing” conference on Thursday October 26th, 2023 at the University of Notre Dame. You can register to attend the conference here by October 1st. 
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Marketplace Certified Application Counselor Designated Organizations Agreements

Certified Application Counselor Designated Organizations (CDO) received a notice from CMS about renewing CDO status between August 15th – September 14th. If you did not receive a notice and have questions, contact
New rule for 2024 and beginning with CDOs renewing this year, at least one certified CAC must be on the employee roster. CDOs without a CAC for 90 consecutive days during the two-year certification period will be withdrawn from the CDO program. Resources for CDOs can be found here.
New applicant CDO organizations can apply through December 15, 2023.
Marketing of Limited Benefit Products

A secret shopper study by Georgetown University in June suggests that individuals losing Medicaid as part of the unwinding are facing aggressive marketing of limited benefit products. Misleading sales pitches may direct former Medicaid enrollees away from subsidized, comprehensive Marketplace plans. The study found that online searches did not lead to the Marketplace and sales representatives did not mention $0 premium plans with no deductibles from the Marketplace. Most sales representatives tried to sell limited benefit products and frequently made false or misleading statements.
Medicaid Unwinding

At the end of July, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its first monthly national data report on the Medicaid Unwinding.
Indiana Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA) updated their return to normal website including:
  • July report to CMS
  • Updated FAQs
  • Recording of August stakeholder meeting

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is one year old! The line provides a direct connection to compassionate specialists who provide free and confidential support for anyone experiencing mental health related distress.
Understanding MAGI

Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is used in determining Medicaid eligibility and Marketplace assistance. This webinar sponsored by the Indiana Primary Care Association, will be presented by Nonis Spinner, Director of Eligibility and Member Services at Indiana’s Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP), on August 30th at 11 am.
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Pregnancy

This Lunch & Learn webinar series is sponsored by the IN Alliance on Prenatal Substance Exposure.

Tobacco and Pregnancy – Learn about the prevalence of Tobacco use among pregnant people and youth and its impact.
August 22nd at 12/noon. Register Here.

FASD in a Nutshell – Learn about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, its prevalence and prevention strategies.
September 13th at 12/noon. Register Here.

Exploring the Neurodiversity of FASD – Learn about FASD and the affects on a developing brain.
September 27th at 10 am. Register Here.

This is a free, virtual day of learning for families and those caring for or serving children and youth with additional health and education needs or disabilities. Our virtual platform allows registrants to pop on and off sessions as needed, and all registrants will have access to session recordings for one month following the conference. We will also offer LIVE Spanish & ASL interpretation for each session. Visit to learn more and register!
Free Translation Services

The Latino Coalition is offering free translation services to nonprofit organizations in Indiana. For more information, contact
Enrollment Trends

Total Membership decreased in June. With 2,143,164 members, there were 37,131, or
-1.70%, less members in July 2023 than in June 2023.

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