Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Newsletter   
August 31, 2023
CMS Takes Action to Protect Health Care Coverage for Children and Families

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sent a letter to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands on August 30 regarding disenrollment.  CMS requested states evaluate eligibility system issues that could cause people, especially children, to be disenrolled from Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) even if they are still eligible for coverage. CMS is also requiring states and territories to immediately act to correct the problem and reinstate coverage.

States are required by federal regulation to use information already available to them through existing reliable data sources (e.g., state wage data) to determine whether people are still eligible for Medicaid or CHIP.

CMS believes that eligibility systems in a number of states are programmed incorrectly and are conducting automatic renewals at the family-level and not the individual-level, even though individuals in a family may have different eligibility requirements to qualify for Medicaid and CHIP. For example, children often have higher eligibility thresholds than their parents, making them more likely to be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP coverage even if their parents no longer qualify.
The State of Coverage Policy Summit

Join CKF-IN on October 19, 2023 from 10am - noon ET for the 2023 State of Coverage Policy Summit. Registration is open!
Selfies, Social, and Screens: Navigating Virtual Spaces for Youth Toolkit
Today’s youth interact in a variety of virtual platforms on a daily basis. The online world of selfies and social media can invite challenging situations that can have a negative impact on youth mental health. The 2023 Mental Health America Back-to-School toolkit provides information, tips, and resources for young people, caregivers, and school personnel on how to protect youth mental health in a digital world. The toolkit provides educational information and tips, posters, sample social media posts and much more.
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Marketplace Enrollment

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the Early 2023 Snapshot Report and Full Year 2022 Effectuated Enrollment and Financial Assistance Data report. Effectuated enrollment is the total number of people who picked a plan AND paid their premium. Nationally there was a 13% increase from February 2022 to February 2023 in consumers with effectuated coverage.

In February of 2023 in Indiana:
  • 176,938 Hoosiers were enrolled
  • 85% were enrolled in Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC)
  • 40% were enrolled in Cost Sharing Reductions (CSR)
  • Average total premium was $570.59
  • Average premium after APTC was $182.06 (national average was $123.69)
Unwinding Updates

KFF updated their Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker on August 23rd. As of July 2023, more than 285,000 Hoosiers have renewed their coverage, almost 176,000 were disenrolled, over 150,000 were disenrolled for procedural reasons. One third of Hoosiers disenrolled were children.

The Indiana Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA) also updated their return to normal website. Updates include the July report to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and a July Dashboard. Also, the recording from the Stakeholder meeting from August was added.
Changes to Cost Sharing

A recent Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) bulletin announced that when cost-sharing resumes -no earlier than January 1, 2024 - there will be some changes as a result of House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1513 (2023).

  • Except for the Healthy Indiana Plan and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, copayments will NOT be reinstated for nonemergency medical transportation or pharmacy services (including presumptive eligibility). 
  • Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities (MED Works) will continue to have premiums, but copayments will NOT be reinstated.
  • When cost sharing starts again, only HIP and CHIP will have copayments. However, COVID -19 vaccines, testing or treatment will be exempt until September 2024.
Beyond the Basics Fall Webinar Series

Beyond the Basics is hosting their annual fall webinar series in preparation for the 2024 Open Enrollment season. Webinar recordings and slides will be posted after the webinars on the Beyond the Basics website. All webinars are at 2pm ET.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Determining Households and Income
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Premium Tax Credits
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Part I: Immigration-Related Eligibility for Health Coverage Programs
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Preventing and Resolving Data Matching Issues
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Plan Design
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Plan Selection Strategies
Thursday, October 12, 2023
The Auto Renewal Process
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Part II: Outreach and Application Processes to Support Enrollment of People Who are Immigrants and Their Families
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Tying It All Together
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Asistiendo a consumidores hispanos a obtener cobertura médica: consejos & mejores prácticas
2024 Assister Certification Training Modules Now Available!
In preparation for the Marketplace Open Enrollment Period starting November 1, 2023 for the 2024 Plan Year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated the Assister Certification Training curriculum. Assisters may take the 2024 Assister Certification Training now.

The training is hosted on the Marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS), which can be accessed through the CMS Enterprise Portal.

New users register here: New User Registration
Existing users can login at: Existing User Registration

Required ID Validation for MLMS Access
All new Assisters (Certified Application Counselors, Navigators, and Enrollment Assistance Personnel (EAPs) will need to verify their identity on the CMS Portal to access Assister Certification training on the MLMS. The Quick Reference Guide: FFM Registration with Assister ID Verification provides an overview of how to register as a new Assister using the Identity Verification process, or login as a returning Assister. If you have taken Annual Assister Certification Training in the past, and already have a CMS Portal account, please DO NOT create another account.

MLMS Helpdesk

For questions on the MLMS assister training, please submit inquiries to

Contact for the following issues:
  • Issues printing or viewing completion certificate
  • Issues finding the correct curriculum to take
  • Issues with training not launching or proceeding to the next segment
  • Enrolled in the WRONG training

CMS Portal Helpdesk

For questions on password resets and access to MLMS, please submit inquiries to Monday−Friday 9:00 AM−5:30 PM Eastern Time or contact the Marketplace Service Desk at 1-855-267-1515 or 1-855-CMS-1515 Monday−Friday from 8:00 AM-8:00 PM Eastern Time.   

Contact for the following issues:
  • CMS Portal User ID or Password issues
  • No access to the MLMS training tile
  • Updates to CMS Portal User ID (name issues, etc.)

CAC Questions Helpdesk

CACs with general questions about assister certification training should contact
Yearly Income Guidelines and Thresholds for Marketplace
Beyond the Basics released their annual Marketplace reference guide that includes tax guidelines, out-of-pocket maximums, employer sponsored insurance affordability threshold, and much more!
Medicaid Leadership Exchange Podcast: Aligning for the Good of Medicaid Members
When programs are aligned across sectors, they can better serve community members. In the latest season of the Medicaid Leadership Exchange podcast, guests from all corners of the public sector — behavioral health, criminal justice, and housing, among others — sat down to discuss how services can be more impactful and efficient when everyone rows in the same direction.

Listen now:

The Medicaid Leadership Exchange podcast explores priority topics for Medicaid leaders and is developed in partnership by the National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) and the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Total Membership decreased in July.

With 2,143,164 members, there were 37,131, or -1.70%, less members in July 2023 than in June 2023.

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