Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Newsletter   
April 27, 2023
Indiana General Assembly Update
The 2023 legislative session should end today, April 27th , but has not adjourned sine die at the time we're sending this email. (Sine die means adjourning "with no appointed date for resumption" and indicates the end of the legislative session.) We will do a comprehensive policy update in the next News & Views after the dust has settled, but here are the top line items:

HB 1001 State budget – According to Republican leadership, the following will be in the budget regarding public health:
  • Local Public Health - Appropriates $75M in FY 24 and $150M in FY 25 to support a public/private partnership approach to local public health services. (Related to what was in SB 4.)
  • Medicaid Assistance - Funds FSSA's updated Medicaid reimbursement rate proposal for dentists, home health agencies, and other waiver service providers and increases reimbursement for physician services to 100% of Medicare (vs. 83%)  
HB 1091 Eligibility under Medicaid, CHIP and other benefits – The language from SB 376, which removes the 5-year waiting period for Medicaid coverage for lawfully residing immigrants who are pregnant or under 19, has been added to this bill. The underlying bill changes the requirements for submitting eligibility information for Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollees less than 19 to no more than once annually. (You may also hear it called continuous coverage.) This has passed.
SB 4 Public health commission - Delineates core public health services and their delivery as recommended by the Governor's Public Health Commissionwhile also increasing state level support for these local efforts. The House has passed the Conference Committee Report (CCR), which is the final agreed upon language of the bill. The Senate will need to pass the CCR as well before it can be sent to leadership and the Governor for signature. See HB 1001 for funding details.
Other bills we've been following:
This year’s conference School Health: Connecting the Pieces gives you the opportunity to connect with individuals, organizations, schools, and communities with whom you work.

Visit great exhibits and get the latest news and updates from school health professionals. Network with your peers and win prizes! Dynamic speakers, subject matter experts, exhibitors and networking opportunities will provide you with valuable information, resources, and inspiration to move your initiatives forward.
Since 2008, the Indiana School Health Network has assembled key stakeholders and experts in school health for the annual School Health Conference.  Each year, professionals from a wide variety of disciplines attend the conference including but not limited to:

  • Educators and School Administrators
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • School Health Professionals
  • Social Workers
  • Outreach & Enrollment Specialists
  • Managed Care Professionals
  • Child Health Advocates
  • Government Program Partners
The Indiana School Health Network has applied for 10 hours of continuing education (CE) hours for social work (LBSW, LSW, LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, LAC, LCAC) to the Indiana University School of Social Work. 

This activity has been submitted to the Ohio Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. The Ohio Nurses Association is an Ohio Board of Nursing approver of nursing continuing education. (OBN-001-91).

The Indiana School Health Network has applied for 10 hours of continuing education (CE) hours for Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.

A certificate of attendance will also be available.

Masks are recommended for all conference attendees and guests of ISHN while inside the building and when it is not possible to be socially distanced. Any registered attendee who cannot make the conference due to feeling unwell or for any other reason can request their registration be applied to the June 2024 conference.
Seeking Award Nominations

Do you know someone who is a strong advocate for student health or a healthy school environment? Someone who has made outstanding contributions to improving statewide processes and policies that benefit Indiana schools? Someone who promotes school wellness policies, school health behaviors and activities in Indiana? Would you like to see them recognized for their work?

The Indiana School Health Network and Covering Kids & Families of Indiana are currently seeking nominations for the Governor & Cheri Daniels School Health Award. The award winner will be recognized at the 2023 Indiana School Health Network Conference.

The deadline for nominations is May 12, 2023.
Registration to Exhibit at the ISHN Conference Closes May 1, 2023

Covering Kids & Families of Indiana invite you to join the 15th Annual ISHN Conference as an exhibitor. If you've exhibited in the past, we hope to see you again!
The Indiana School Health Network (ISHN) has been connecting the pieces in school health by assembling key stakeholders, thought leaders and subject matter experts on an annual basis. This conference provides people who are passionate about children's health with an opportunity to expand their knowledge, increase their skills, and collaborate with others who truly want to make a positive impact in the lives of Hoosier kids.
The ISHN conference is attended by over 500 school professionals, including educators, school nurses, social workers, school administrators, public health nurses, managed care professionals, federally qualified health center and school-based health center leaders, providers, and school health experts from across the region.
Exhibitors provide attendees with valuable information and resources, and their organizations have the opportunity to raise awareness, connect to and collaborate with conference attendees.
Grant Opportunity

Grant opportunity for small and/or rural schools interested in improving the nutritional quality of their school meals. Interested but not sure where to start? The Healthy Schools Action Team is available to provide assistance!
Connect with ISHN
FSSA Stakeholder Updates
The Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) held their monthly stakeholder meeting on 4/25/23. Several items of interest discussed include:

  • When resolving issues, start with the Division of Family Resources (DFR). If the issue is not resolved then reach out to the Regional MailboxInquiries sent to the DFR Regional Mailbox should receive a response within three to five business days.
  • Managed care entities (MCE) are required to undertake activities to assist with the unwinding. These activities include:
  • Sending postcards the beginning of the year encouraging members to update their contact information with FSSA.
  • Adding a “Check Your Coverage” button to their websites.
  • Reaching out to members who are no longer eligible for Medicaid to assist them with signing up for Marketplace coverage. If members are still eligible, reaching out to provide information on the 90 days window when they can come into compliance and regain coverage.
  • FSSA encountered an issue with their vendor for the posters and postcards. Organizations that ordered materials should start receiving them in the next couple weeks.
Children and Marketplace

A recent blog post from Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families explored the increase in children with Marketplace coverage. In the last two years, the number of children covered by Marketplace plans increased by more than 50%. Nationwide, seven million children are projected to be at risk of losing their Medicaid coverage. Most are expected to still qualify but those who are no longer eligible will hopefully enroll successfully in Marketplace coverage.
Employer Coverage

With Medicaid unwinding, many of those no longer eligible for Medicaid will need to transition to other forms of coverage including employer coverage. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) recently released an Issue Brief to provide estimates of the number of Medicaid enrollees who are employed. It is estimated that 3.7 million of the Medicaid enrollees who will lose Medicaid will be eligible to enroll in an employer sponsored plan.
Disparities in Insured Rates

A new study from the Commonwealth Fund, Inequities in Health Insurance Coverage and Access for Black and Hispanic Adults – The Impact of Medicaid Expansion and the Pandemic, finds that disparities in uninsured rates between Black, White, and Hispanic adults have greatly improved in the last 10 years since the Affordable Care Act took effect. Also, in states like Indiana that expanded Medicaid, the racial and ethnic disparities were even more narrow. The study authors propose policy changes to counteract the expected negative impact of the Medicaid unwinding on this progress. Black and Hispanic people are disproportionately enrolled in Medicaid and are most at risk of losing coverage gains.
Beyond the Basics is offering two upcoming webinars. These will also be posted on their website afterwards.
  1. Special Enrollment Periods. May 4th at 2 pm
  2. Resuming Medicaid Renewals and Terminations: Key Considerations for Assisters Note: This webinar will be presented in Spanish. May 11th at 2 pm
Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) is highlighting different data from their 2023 Because Kids Count Databook in weekly emails. Last week they highlighted health insurance coverage. Access to health insurance has long term effects and is foundational in short- and long-term health outcomes. Children with health insurance:

  • Are more likely to receive routine check-ups
  • Show decreased reports of mental health issues
  • Have better health and educational success

In Indiana in 2021, just over 100,000 Hoosier children did not have health insurance.
Enrollment Trends

Total Membership increased again in March. With 2,219,595 members, there were 14,495, or 0.66%, more members in March 2023 than in February 2023.
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