Your Monthly Agudah Update

March 2024 / Adar II 5784

Women's Networking Nite for Therapists

This month, LinkedUp, Agudah's recently launched program that builds community through business, held its first-ever event, a women's Networking Nite for therapists.

Chaired by Adina Krausz LCSW and Shoshana Ort LCSW, and generously hosted at the home of Ruth (Hyman) Levine, the group of community therapists was treated to a presentation by the renowned psychiatrist and expert on ADHD, Dr. Bill Dodson, LF-APA. Throughout his presentation, attendees eagerly took notes and then followed up with questions.

"Dr. Dodson's presentation was so valuable," says co-host Penina Zussman. "Since his presentation, I've already read a few of his articles on my own."

The discussion following Dr. Dodson's presentation was lively and involved, as participants shared what had originally brought them into the mental health field and the main challenges they face. They also talked about how to build a private practice and some of the details involved in running a business. Initially intended to run for a little over an hour, the event continued for a full two hours as the therapists talked and connected.

Networking Nite was just the beginning. As the therapists left, they were eager to follow up with each other about specific points, confirming that this was a much-needed and appreciated event.

As LinkedUp grows, we plan to host more industry-specific events where Jewish businesses in Colorado can connect and network. To be a part of the network, sign up here.

National Agudah Directors Professional Development Conference

Rabbi Yossi Kaplan, Director of Agudah of Colorado, joined Agudah Directors and Staff from all over the country at the Rabbi Moshe Sherer National Headquarters of Agudath Israel of America in Manhattan this month for RISE, a two-day in-service.

This acronym encapsulated the participants' collective aspiration: to amass Resources, draw Inspiration, receive Support, and depart feeling Empowered. Over two days, the regional directors engaged in meetings, professional development sessions, and idea-sharing. The lineup of presenters featured well-connected, seasoned business professionals such as Eli (Meilich) Rubin, Co-Founder of Proud Moments ABA, R' Itche Rosenbaum of Madison Commercial Real Estate Services, Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Shimon Lefkowitz, CEO of The Palm Group, and David Solomon, Founder and CIO of Central Pine Capital, among others.

In addition to the sessions of updates on Agudah activities and leadership insights from experts and pivotal national Agudah board members, participants also had a rare opportunity to interact with members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah.

"While every moment of these two days was incredible, one of the biggest highlights was meeting with members of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah," says Rabbi Kaplan. "We had the opportunity to share what we do in the field, ask difficult questions, and know that these Torah giants and leaders of the Jewish world are available to answer."

Rabbi Kaplan departed from RISE with a profound motivation and renewed vigor to pursue Agudah's sacred mission on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

Presenter Eli (Meilich) Rubin

With Rav Elya Brudny

Pre-Yom Tov Assistance

For nearly a decade now, Agudah of Colorado, as part of its mission to advocate and provide for the for social and religious needs of the Colorado Jewish community, has remained steadfast in its commitment to bring more funds to support community infrastructure.

During this time period, tens of thousands of dollars were brought into the community through men's, women's, and girls' discounted clothing and gift cards. This year marks the ninth consecutive year in which Agudah has offered discounted clothing to help support Klei Kodesh and others in need, alleviating the financial burden that often accompanies the Yomim Tovim.

Seventh Annual Boys' Purim Mesiba

Agudah's Boys Purim Mesiba held this year at Aish of the Rockies was once again a huge success. Started in 2018 and now in its seventh year, it was designed to fill a void by helping middle school boys get into the ruach of Purim after the night Megillah reading. The Mesiba included interactive learning for boys in 6th-8th grades and their fathers, led by Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Rubinstein, eighth-grade Rebbi at Hillel Academy. The learning was followed by lively music, dancing, refreshments, and hot food.

"It was incredible seeing boys coming out to learn late Purim night, " says Rabbi Rubinstein. "The impact of an hour of learning on Purim night sets the tone for the rest of Purim and can have an influence throughout the year."

Thank you to Rabbi Yechiel and Esti Erlanger for their partial sponsorship of the Mesiba. More sponsorships are still available, reply to this email for more details.

Agudah Marks with Sadness the Passing of Senator Joe Lieberman

View on Our Website

$1K Off Your Child's Camp Tuition

One Happy Camper is back!

If your child is a first-time camper in a Jewish summer camp, they may be eligible to receive one thousand dollars off of the camp tuition.

Contact Heather Flowers at JewishCOLORADO ( for more information and a list of participating camps.

LinkedUp, a project of Agudath Israel of Colorado, was launched to strengthen the entire Jewish community in Colorado by creating a vibrant Jewish business network.

If you are a business leader in Colorado, and you care about growing your business and about community growth and development, join the network by filling out this short form.

This month, two more local businesses joined the LinkedUp network, bringing the total of current businesses to twenty-eight.

Elisheva Greenspan Photography

natural light photography

Elisheva Greenspan

Susan L. Hollander, Ph.D., LLC

psycotherapy private practice

Dr. Susan Hollander

View the Growing Business Directory
Tell Us About Your Business & Join the Network

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