Inspire Love, Embrace Christ, Engage the World | |
Sunday, June 9
Third Sunday After Pentecost
Mark 2:23-3:6
9:00 AM
Classic Worship (Sanctuary) - Rev. Abbey Maynard preaching "Made for Us"
- Modern Worship (Wesley Hall) - Rev. Kathleen McMurray preaching "The Heart of the Sabbath"
10:30 AM
- Classic Worship - Airs on KATV-Channel 7
11:00 AM
- Classic Worship (Sanctuary) - Rev. Abbey Maynard preaching "Made for Us"
- Modern Worship (Wesley Hall) - Rev. Kathleen McMurray preaching "The Heart of the Sabbath"
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Don't forget to join us for Rev. Abbey Maynard's going away reception on Sunday, June 16 in the Gathering Hall from 10:00-10:50AM. We are going to celebrate Rev. Abbey Maynard before she moves on to her next appointment at FUMC Fort Smith. A basket will be available at the reception to collect cards, gifts, and well-wishes from our faith community.
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Last week our Board of Stewards met. Here are a few of the reports that were shared.
- Rev. Curry shared about Caring ministries and Senior Adult ministries. He spoke about the importance of connection and developing strong relationships. He also highlighted that our Visitation Ministry is looking for volunteers, and our van ministry can bring people to church on Sunday and to doctors' appointments during the week.
- Our Finance Committee reported that while we are operating at a deficit, which is normal for our church finances, we raised $250,000 over our budget for our May financial plea.
- The PHUMC Foundation reported that their investments are performing well this year. They have given over 50% of their budgeted gifts to the church for the year.
- Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee shared that we are in the process of hiring one more position, administrative assistant for worship. They also encouraged people to come to Rev. Maynard's going-away reception on June 16 in the Gathering Hall from 10:00-10:50AM.
- Our Board of Trustees reported that we have finished up the work we needed to complete around the building and came in under budget. We are currently looking at upgrading Sunday morning security, updating the exterior signs, and looking at proposals to replace our elevators
- Dr. Robbins gave the pastor's report. He shared that Rev. Katye Chambers will come on staff full time to replace Rev. Maynard beginning November 1st. He shared that our Raney speaker will be Kate Bowler, who you won't want to miss. He also stated that some of our Youth Interns this summer will be involved with worship, so you might see some unfamiliar faces. Lastly, he reiterated that PHUMC has truly become a leader in United Methodism around the country and that we are more visible than ever.
- Our membership committee shared that next meeting we will have a charge conference to clean up our Membership rolls. This will allow us to fully care and be in relationship with all members of our church community in the best way possible.
Overall, we are excited for the direction that our church is going and look forward to seeing where God leads our congregation. If you would like any more information about our Board of Stewards, contact chair Sylvia Borchert at
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This summer we are ministry partners with Project Transformation at St. Luke United Methodist Church Pine Bluff. We reading with students on Tuesday mornings throughout the summer. We still in need adults for the following dates!
If you are interested in signing up go to! Questions? Contact Rev. Ellen Rowland at or Rev. Katye Chambers at
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Parents of preschoolers, we hope you can join us this Sunday, June 9 from 3:00-5:00PM at the Museum of Discovery for an afternoon of fellowship, discovery, and fun! Families can experience all the exhibits and then gather at 4:30 to learn All About Animals in the theater. RSVP by contacting Kristie at or 501-664-3600 or Pam at! Children are admitted for free and $5 for adults. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Questions? Contact Kristie or Pam!
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Young and Young-ish adults, join us for one of our upcoming Young Adult Ministry gatherings this summer! You can see the full Summer schedule and sign up for text and email updates at Questions? Contact Brooke Sanchez-Hobbs at or 501-664-3600!
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Donuts are taking a break this summer, but don't worry! You can take Dale the Donut with you on your summer adventures! Pick up a Dale the Donut cutout outside of Wesley Hall or at the Welcome Desk, bring him with you on your adventures, take some photos with him and tag the church on social media. You can also email your photos to Emily Stotts at!
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Starting this month, join Rev. McMurray for her Summer Book Club. We'll meet in the Parlor four times during the summer and discuss a different book each time. (See the graphic for the details!) Don't have time to read and still want some fellowship? You are also welcome to join! The first book is A Hole in the World by Amanda Held Opelt. Read or listen on your own, and we will discuss it at our first book club on June 11th. Questions? Contact Rev. McMurray at or 501-664-3600.
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New this summer, the whole family is invited to Camp Firelight, even if you can't make Vacation Bible Camp during the day!
On Thursday, June 27th, 5-7pm,
we will have crafts, snacks, and worship!
Questions? Contact Pam Lentz at or Kristie Finney at or call 501-664-3600.
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Midyouth & Sr. High Youth |
- Sunday, June 9
- Sunday School (5th-12th Grade): 10:10-10:50AM, Youth Area
- June 9-14
- Mixed (7th-12th Grade) - Ozark Mission Project
- Monday, June 17
- All Youth (5th-12th Grade) -Fun Night - 6:30PM, Offsite
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- Sunday, June 9: Children Promotion Sunday
- Sunday School: 10:10-10:50AM, Norma Story Building
- June 24-27
- Vacation Bible Camp - 9:00-11:45AM - Register at
- June 27
- Night @ Camp - 5:00-7:00PM - Register at
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Sunday School
We offer Sunday School for all ages on Sundays from 10:10-10:50 AM.
- Children (4th grade and under)
- Infant/Toddler and Preschool childcare is offered throughout the morning.
Children’s Sunday School is from 10:10-10:50 AM.
Preschool classes meet on the bottom floor of the Norma Story Building.
Kindergarten through 4th grade meet on the top floor of the Norma Story Building.
- Youth (5th-12th) - Meet in the youth lounge on the 3rd floor above Wesley Hall.
- Adults - We have many different classes you can attend! Find the class that's right for you at
Telephone Class - 3 PM on Sundays, call in using 501-748-7664
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We have celebrated our first graduations with the Sadiqi boys! Amir, graduated from
kindergarten to first grade. Hussain graduated from 5th grade, and he will attend 6th grade at Mann Arts Magnet school next year. Sajad has completed his 2nd grade year and is being considered for the gifted and talented program. The graduations were fun for the boys, the
parents, and for our PHUMC sponsor team. The grades were very good for all three boys....
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As United Methodists, we stand together and do our part to support each other in times of need. We are supporting the United Methodist Committee on Relief in their work to help the Northwest Arkansas recovery effort. If you would like to contribute financially to Disaster Relief, you can do so by clicking here or the button below and selecting UMCOR Disaster Relief. Questions? Contact Rev. Abbey Maynard at or 501-664-3600.
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OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED to Kandice Bell and family in the death of her mother, Dr. Josephine Bell
OUR CONGRATULATIONS to Bailey Katherine Amberg and Anthony Brian Bean in their wedding.
| James Clyde Francis "Judge" Keizer, child of Piper and Johnny Keizer | |
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4823 Woodlawn Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(501) 664-3600
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