Chamber Chatter
A Publication of the Belle Glade Chamber of Commerce
Black Gold Jubilee
2023 Black Gold Jubilee was a Huge Success!

This year's Jubilee was filled with FUN, GREAT FOOD, and EXCITEMENT! We have set a date for next year's event, please mark your calendar!

Be on the "look-out" for our Black Gold Jubilee Recap Special Edition newsletter next week!
Get ready for this year's July 4th Extravaganza and Rodeo at Las Palmas! Doors open at 3:00 pm, there will be concerts, food, fireworks and a WHOLE LOT OF FUN FOR THE FAMILY!
Leadership Glades Class
March 15,2023 was Environment & Water Management Day for the Leadership Glades Class. The day was filled with tours and presentations from the South Florida Water Management District. The class learned the history of the Everglades Agricultural area and water management, as well as native Florida wildlife.
April 19,2023 was Leadership Project Day for the Leadership Glades Class. As one of the projects, the class volunteered with Habitat for Humanity to prime a house of a local resident to prepare it for painting.
May 9,2023 was Graduation for the Leadership Glades Class with County Commissioner Sara Baxter as the guest speaker. During the ceremonies, class representatives presented a donation check to both the Alzheimer's Community Care Center and to The PB Explorers, Post 611.
New & Renewing Members
We would like to welcome our new chamber members:

East Coast Snowie, LLC
Tony's Industrial Service, Inc.
Mr. Shrimp
Keller Roofing and Inspections
Southern Touch Healthcare

Stay tuned - next month we will be spotlighting them!
Abraham and Associates, Inc
American Insurance Brokers
Belle Glade Church of God
Belle Glade Rotary
C4 Rents
Cavinee's Paint and Body Shop
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
Courson's Essential Supply (Belle Glade Wholesale)

A Message from the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
Top 5 Frequently Asked Passport Questions: What You Need to Know

Thinking of traveling abroad this year? If you need a passport, the Clerk’s office is here to help.
As Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller in Palm Beach County, one of my office’s important duties to the public is as an authorized passport acceptance facility, providing the necessary services for U.S. citizens to obtain new passports. This service is available at our Belle Glade, Palm Beach Gardens and Delray Beach locations.
We understand that this process can be confusing and overwhelming at times, which is why I want to answer five of the top questions we get asked about passports here at the Clerk’s office.
Do I need to apply in person for my passport?
If you can answer “yes” to any of the following, you’ll need to apply in person:
·    Is this your first time applying for a U.S. Passport?
·    Did you lose your most recent passport book or card?
·    Was your old passport issued more than 15 years ago?
·    Was your old passport issued when you were a minor (under 16 years old)?
To apply in person, you can make an appointment online or walk-in to our Belle Glade, Palm Beach Gardens, or Delray Beach locations and our helpful Clerk staff will take care of you. If you don’t meet the criteria above, simply renew through the mail with the U.S. Department of State.
What documents do I need to bring with me?
·    Your completed DS-11 application form, which must be completed in black ink.
·    Proof of U.S. citizenship such as a birth certificate, Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization.
·    A valid government-issued photo ID or passport.
·    One 2X2-inch white background passport photo, or you can purchase a photo at our office.
Can I take my own photo and submit it?
Of course! You may bring with you one color photo, on matte or glossy photo quality paper that is 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm). You must directly face the camera with a neutral expression, and your head should be between 1 inch and 1-3/8 inches (between 25 and 35 mm) from the bottom of your chin to the top of your hair. The background must be white.
If you’re not comfortable taking the photo at home, we are more than happy to take your photo during your appointment for a nominal fee, or you may purchase a passport photo at a retail store that offers passport photo services.
How do I get a passport for my child?
With school out, now’s the perfect time to bring them to an appointment. Children under age 16 must apply for a passport in person with either 1) two parents or guardians, or 2) one parent or guardian with a notarized Statement of Consent form. You must submit documentation that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child applying for a passport, such as an original or certified copy of a birth certificate, and the parents must bring their own form of valid ID. Proof of citizenship is also required, such as a previous passport or birth certificate.
How long does it take for me to get my passport?
Processing time with the Department of State will currently take between 10 to 13 weeks for routine and 7 to 9 weeks for expedited passport service, though times are subject to change. As more and more people seek out international travel, these longer processing times will be the norm for quite some time. Even if you’re only thinking about traveling outside of the United States, now is the time to book your appointment and get ahead of any delays.
While the Clerk’s office is only a passport acceptance facility, we are more than happy to help you with your passport journey in any way that we can, from scheduling your appointment, to taking your photo and making sure that your application is filled out correctly.
My office will do whatever we can to make your experience as stress free as possible.
Joseph Abruzzo
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
Career Source Summer Program
Click HERE for application link
Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center
Auditions for “Rapunzel” at the Dolly Hand
Set in the French countryside, the story of Rapunzel with take you on a frivolous frolic. The Ogres garden in the mushroom patch while the Corn and Potato spies report back to Madame Gothel, who holds Rapunzel captive. Rapunzel’s friends Frenchy and the Wood Elves do their best to help Rapunzel escape. This is a tale of personal triumph and friendship.
If your child and/or grandchild wants to participate in the show, auditions for Rapunzel will be held at Glade View Elementary Cafeteria in Belle Glade on June 12th at 10 AM. Students ages 5-18, are welcome to audition for over 50 roles. Auditioning does not guarantee a role.
Rapunzel will be presented at 7 PM on Friday, June16th. Tickets are $10 for adults and $6 for students 12 & under and are available by calling the box office at 561-993-1161, online at and at the door.
The Missoula Children's Theatre residency is brought to you with support from the H.E. Hill Foundation. The Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center is located on the Palm Beach State College/Glades Campus at 1977 SW College Drive in Belle Glade.
Check out the calendar for Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center here
Healthy Mothers, Heathly Babies Programs!
Download Flier HERE
South Bay Summer Camp
Belle Glade Library Events!
A Lot of Great Events at the Library this Month!
Download May's calendar HERE
Interested In More Events?
We have more events going on this month! Check out our updated events calendar by clicking here.
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We have both monthly and yearly opportunities, call Lamar Weathers at the Chamber to discuss which option is best for your business.

561-996-2745 or

Have any News to Share?

How about an announcement that you would like make, then let us know! 

Just contact us by the 20th of the month and we will place it in the newsletter for the following month.

Contact Lamar Weathers at the Chamber.

561-996-2745 or

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