Happy 4th of July!

To All Last Chance Patriots and Friends

Hello Linda,

This promises to be a very interesting summer. I am not sure “interesting” is the right word; would “stressfully suspenseful” be better? After watching the Presidential debate this past week, I cannot predict what we might face by summer's end. I am pretty sure chaos will reign supreme, but the specific nature of the chaos could be any of a large number of potential crises. 

Indeed, the anti-Israel demonstrations could be reignited. COVID-19 could pop up again. The murders and assaults of American citizens by illegal immigrants could continue unabated. There could be an attempted terror event in the U.S. by any of the known terrorists who are now present here. Antifa could once again rear its ugly head. The list goes on. Meanwhile, we have two conventions that promise to add to the chaos. There will undoubtedly be violent protests at each of them.

Last Chance Patriots need to heed the first words of Rudyard Kipling’s poem If: 

If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you

Between now and November (and beyond), we need to keep our heads and wits about us and not become discouraged while we fight to regain at least some of what we have lost in the past four years. “Fight” is the operative word—this is not going to be a skirmish; it is likely to be an all-out battle, and we need every single Patriot to be engaged and ready.

If ever our name was accurate, it is today: THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE!


By Linda Sauer

U.S. Supreme Court says it’s OK for federal government to outsource online censorship to Big Tech, curtailing free speech of all Americans

Today is a dark day for freedom in America ...

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Wednesday in Murthy v. Missouri that challengers alleging the Biden regime colluded with social-media companies to remove content the government viewed as unfavorable did not have the legal right to sue. Therefore, the court did not rule on the merits of the case.

The High Court determined neither the Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general nor the five private individuals who brought the lawsuit had standing to seek an injunction against any of the government defendants.

The challengers attributed the restrictions they experienced on social media to the U.S. Surgeon General, the White House Press Secretary and dozens of other Biden administration officials from the White House, FBI, and CDC. They alleged a “coordinated campaign” between the officials and Big Tech companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, to censor content dealing with opposition to government narratives about COVID-19, the validity of the 2020 election, the Hunter Biden laptop story, abortion, gender discussions, and more.


Hands Up!

the Show Trials are Here

In a million years, did you ever think you would see the justice system of the United States of America so utterly compromised that American citizens are held for years, imprisoned, and lives ruined, all the while our members of Congress pretend everything is just fine?

Read the following stories and then think about why Congress is silent.

  1. A Christian teacher is fired for refusing to use a student's preferred pronouns.
  2. A Math Professor is fired after criticizing slavery reparations.
  3. A 75-year-old woman was sent to jail for praying at an abortion clinic.
  4. FBI provides Biden administration records on whistleblowers before testimony.
  5. Teens jailed for defacing pride signs on the street with their scooters.
  6. Feds won't prosecute a man who threatened a Republican Congressman's family.
  7. FBI threatens a nurse who blew the whistle on children's gender surgery.
  8. CT Bar Association warns members not to criticize Trump prosecutions.
  9. NYC Anti-Trump DA drops all charges against U of Columbia protestors.
  10. Cops Breakdown Family Door Arrest Father/Son on 8-year-old Warrants from another jurisdiction.

We're living in a time of lawlessness, double standards, and weaponization of law enforcement. Police now use SWAT teams to take down law-abiding citizens rather than serve papers as in the old days. Look around. Things have changed and we have to learn to deal with the new reality.

by Ed Kugler


The following article is the first in a four-part series that we will include in our newsletter through the October edition. We have had the pleasure of meeting the writer, Charles Garner and reading the book from which these articles are excerpted.

A Canary in a Coal Mine: Hope for a Culture in Free Fall, is a must read for all Last Chance Patriots. It provides an answer to a question that many of you have asked us, “What can we do?” 

If Part One interests you, you can visit thecanarybook.com for more information, including the opportunity to buy the book, a study guide, and other supporting resources.

The Third Century Crisis of the Roman Empire

Empires rise and fall. Nations accumulate a load of negative issues and can then become unstable, reaching a tipping point. If a catalyst is introduced into the mix, collapse ensues. This can be as simple as a catastrophic weather event, a pandemic, monetary instability, or poor or weak leadership. What are the extinction events that cause empires and nations to collapse? 

The Roman Empire almost collapsed hundreds of years before it actually fell. The near collapse came in the period from A.D. 235-284. It is known as the Crisis of the Third Century. Several factors caused the near collapse:


  1. The problem of succession and civil war created fragmentation—during the crisis, 26 emperors sat on the throne. Because of weak leaders, the Empire split into three factions that warred against one another. A kingdom divided against itself will fall. It cannot stand.
  2. Natural disasters. Several natural disasters occurred—plague/pandemic—the plague of Cyprian from 250-270; a mega-drought in western Asia put pressure on the herding tribes of the Asian steppes, pushing them west to find grazing for their herds. The invading tribes from the east were fierce warriors. They found looting more profitable than herding. They pressured the Germanic tribes living north of the Danube and Rhine rivers. An open border allowed the Germanic tribes from the north to invade the Roman Empire. They raided and looted regions of the Empire. The fragmentation of the Empire prevented a focused effort to defend the Empire and repel the invaders.
  3. The debasement of the Currency and Hyperinflation. The coinage, once gold and silver, was being cut by adding base metals. This alloy was not valued the same. The coinage was diluted. The coins lost their purchasing power. The price of goods soared. It took more money to purchase less. 
  4. Breakdown of internal trade networks. The plagues, crop failure and famine, internal wars, and invading tribes disrupted the supply chains across the Empire, creating hardships throughout it.
  5. Widespread civil unrest. The factions, the debasement of the currency, and the disruption of supply lines allowed civil unrest to grow throughout the Empire, especially in the urban centers.
  6. Falling revenues and increasing expenses of the Empire. 
  7. Increased militarization. The might of the Roman Empire was its military. No force had the same discipline, equipment, or record of victories. The Empire had troops deployed from the Nile to the British Isles. But as the resources began to be squeezed, the army had to pull back to protect the inner important core of the Empire. They came to the point of being unable to sustain the huge military infrastructure.

Do you think any of this sounds familiar to you? If you substitute America for the Roman Empire, can you see the same factors leading to crisis and collapse? 

Does a society have to collapse? No. Nineveh was an example. Why did it not collapse when God pronounced judgment upon the kingdom? Because they repented at the message that Jonah had delivered from Jehovah. 

The Apostle Paul captures the story of mankind in Romans 1:18-32. People abandoned God, and He turned them over to a reprobate mind. The downward spiral ensues. Destruction is the result. When a nation abandons God, they face destruction.

Alexis De Tocqueville perceived the United States as egalitarian, individualistic, decentralized, religious, property-loving, and lightly governed. 

In America’s God and Country, William J. Federer reflected on the response of French writer Alexis de Tocqueville after visiting America in 1831: “I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests—and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her public school system, and in her institutions of higher learning— and it was not there. I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution—and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!”

Is a society safe because of its might, power, wealth, technology, and advancement in military warfare? No. Great powers have been assigned to the dustbin of history. Why? They persisted in disobedience against God. He held His people to that standard. He will hold all to that standard. And that includes America.

by Charles Garner

The Meltdown of the Left

We are now three days post-debate, and the left is in quite a state. I find it interesting that the ones who are speaking out in defense of Biden’s pathetic performance are the ones who have been sycophants of Obama for years. Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, Clyburn, and many others want to protect their places at the trough and will likely do ANYTHING necessary to get old Joe re-elected. On the other hand, big donors and the media quickly realized, even before the debate, that Joe’s number was up, and they were calling loudly for Biden to drop out.

Over 51 million viewers watched in real-time, and an untold number of people had access to the internet on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There is no way that any rational person who watched Biden’s performance could justify him remaining in office for a second term. The Dems know this, but they are so totally invested in the sham presidency that we have watched since January 20, 2021, that they simply cannot stop lying to the American public because they can’t get off of the sinking ship without exposing themselves as the corrupt liars that they have been for decades.

So the question remains: what are they going to do? All of their options are bad for them and worse for the country. Imagine if you will all of the possible scenarios that are being discussed behind closed doors. I’m afraid that most of us can’t even begin to imagine the evil shenanigans that are being proposed as a Hail Mary play. I told our readers in January that this summer would be a VERY bumpy ride, but I was wrong: it would be a nightmare! Buckle up and gird yourself for the battle that is coming.

Is Donald Trump perfect? No, he is not. But he is our way out of this mess. I don’t see anyone else with the spine to do everything necessary to get the U.S. back on track. If Trump could select as his running mate someone who would be his partner and work WITH him instead of undermining him for four years, the trajectory that the USA is on could be changed. We could be respected again, maybe even feared, internationally. We could be energy-independent again. Our economy could be made healthy again. The border could be appropriately managed, and deportations of invaders could begin. 

So let’s all pray that Donald Trump picks a better VP candidate, that they defeat whatever feckless pair runs against them, and that this ship gets turned around safely, quickly, and definitively!

by Linda Sauer

Proven: CIA Election Interference

Biden’s DOJ Charges Hero Surgeon After He Blew the Whistle On Child Mutilation Surgeries

Surgeon Whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim took on Texas Children’s Hospital.

Dr. Eithan Haim was the anonymous whistleblower who exposed the fact that Texas Children’s Hospital – the largest children’s hospital in the world – was lying to the public about the existence of its transgender program.

In part due to the story’s release, the very next day, the Texas Legislature voted, with bipartisan support, to ban transgender medical interventions on minors. The conduct they exposed became illegal in the State of Texas.


Well Worth Reading ...

A friend texted this book to me, and I had to share it. The Author was a missionary in Russia who was struck by the stories of those she met.

Americans today live in a time of war. Our country has been invaded by Communist forces that have trained 49.4 million American public school children to become Marxist revolutionaries. Wolves infiltrate our churches in sheep’s clothing.

This is not fiction. This is a wake-up call to the American people – to everyone with children in schools, to Christians, and to anyone who cares about freedom. A unique look at our present situation.

This is her dire warning to the United States.

Big Sky ... Big Problems

It's time people realize that if you want the Montana of times past, you best open your eyes to the infiltration of the crazies of the Left. Here are a few clues ...

Picturesque mountain town becomes unexpected migrant hotspot, sparking backlash as locals blame Yellowstone

A picturesque Montana city has become an unexpected hotspot for America's migrant boom, sparking a backlash from a group of hard-right residents.

Bozeman, once a quiet backwater known for its small-town charm, is now one of the fastest-growing small cities in the country.

Home to around 56,000 people, the city's economy has grown exponentially, and thousands of jobs have been created. But some long-standing residents fear their community is being destroyed.


Where Are the Republicans When You Need Them?

In the clip below, Steve Bannon, once a right-hand man to President Trump, speaks out about being sent to prison in yet another show trial. Steve Bannon's crime? He should have honored a Congressional subpoena. He and Peter Navarro, also guilty of being an aid to Donald Trump, are in jail for the same thing. They are the first to be so punished since 1948. And who else ignored a recent subpoena? None other than Attorney General Merrick Garland.

It's unbelievable. This is an egregious example of the double standard in our country. Right? How could this happen in America? Wait, those are all Republicans, but where is the outrage? As I wrote last month, the silence is deafening. The House of Representatives controls the purse strings of the federal government. The Republicans control the House. They could turn off the spigot on the money flowing to the Marxists. But they don't.

The one Representative from Montana, Matt Rosendale, a man who wasn't afraid to take on the Deep State, was canceled, as they say today. He was rewarded with being pushed out of office by his party. We, the people, have a lot to think about heading into the abyss as our election approaches.

In 2020, a sitting president was pushed from office due to unprecedented election fraud. In Trump's hour of need, on January 6th, name the Republicans who stood up for him. Then there is Jeremy Brown. Have you heard of Special Forces Master Sergeant Brown? He has been held for well over 1,000 days in jail over January 6th. Is he charged? No. Did he enter the Capital? No. His crime is that he came forward as a whistleblower against the FBI for trying to recruit him for January 6th.

Listen. Listen carefully. We know a Democrat isn't going to speak for him. Listen. Where are the Republicans standing for the rights of Brown and over 400 fellow Americans incarcerated as a result of an FBI-led coup framing them for loving America? Where are they?

As the world found out during last week's first Presidential debate, America has no sitting President. Forget election fraud; we have unelected people manipulating a mentally incompetent man leading the late great America. Could anything be more important than bringing that front and center?

What do we have from our Republican leaders? An eerie silence. Are they scared? Are they the UniParty? Are they crooked? Why are they silent? What to do?

I once reached an impasse with a huge company where I worked. I was paid a lot, but they needed to be more apparent regarding customs and import/export matters. I called them out. Should I stay or go?

I sought the advice of a friend and a psychiatrist. He listened carefully, and this is what he said: "Ed, ask yourself if the situation is hopeful or hopeless." He explained that if the situation is hopeful, you believe there is a reasonable chance they will change, and things will be different for you. On the other hand, a hopeless situation means you think that no matter what you do, nothing is going to change.

I said, "That makes sense. What should I do?" He smiled and said, "I can't tell you what to do. That's your decision. I can tell you that if the situation is hopeful, you have a great job; by all means, return. If the situation is hopeless and things aren't changing, run like hell and never look back."

In my case, I ran like hell. But here, in our current situation, where would I run?

by Ed Kugler

Our President ... (in name only) Debates?

Reasons Not to Vote for Big Jon

Many people write us and ask ... what do I tell friends who love Senator Tester? Here are a few links you can forward.

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