knightly knews
september 2, 2024
Wednesday, Sep. 4 | 8 a.m. | APR
Give the kids a hug, send them off to class, then join us for a time of consolation or celebration! Our annual Boo-Hoo/Woo-Hoo Breakfast is open to all TKCS families dropping students off for the first day of school. We will meet in the APR at 8 a.m. No response required. Hosted by the Parent-Teacher Fellowship.
From the Head of School
Church Fellowship Builds Roots
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6,7
Your faculty and staff have already completed a week of the new school year with last week's orientation activities. The overall goal of the week is to be fully ready for your students, and that includes administrative details (schedules, textbooks, technology) and professional development (workshops on pedagogy, classroom management, ADHD and executive functioning, and spiritual growth). In our discussion about being rooted in Christ, we discussed this statement: Let the roots of your life sink deeply into the person and work of Jesus Christ. Spend personal time daily with the Lord — in scripture, prayer, meditation, and reflection. Commit to consistent corporate worship and involvement with your local church.
Notice the personal and the corporate sides of that principle: being rooted in Christ has an important personal element, but growth in Christ is not a lone ranger project. Scripture commands us not to neglect assembling together (Hebrews 10:25). As the body of Christ, we all have differing gifts and talents, but the Lord uses all of us to build each other up (I Corinthians 12). As you begin this new school year — parents and students — be sure to include consistent worship and involvement with your church, so you can be "strengthened in the faith as you were taught."
Head of School
Steve Dill
New Students Only - Medical Forms
New Student Orientation
Tuesday, September 3 | TKCS
All new students are asked to attend new student orientation tomorrow, September 3. Students do not need to wear school uniforms but may bring school supplies to leave in the classroom or their lockers.
Arrival times:
9:00 a.m. – Preschool
9:30 a.m. – Kindergarten
10:00 a.m. – 1st–5th grade
10:30 a.m. – 6th–8th grade
11:00 a.m. – 9th–12th grade
Association Meeting and Dedication Service
Monday, Sep. 23 | 7-8 p.m. | APR
The TKCS Association's fall meeting will take place on September 23 and will include a dedication service lifting up our students, parents, faculty and staff, and board members to the service of the Lord. The service will include worship, testimonies, and prayers of dedication. Families, including children, are welcome to attend.
The TKCS Association is one of the vital ways parents and TKCS leadership partner together to educate and disciple our students through God’s Word. Consider becoming a member of the TKCS Association today. Membership applications are for the current fiscal year and must be renewed annually. Current TKCS parents, guardians, and employees are not required to make a contribution to TKCS for membership. All others are required to make a contribution of $100 per household for membership eligibility.
[Membership Application for current TKCS parents, guardians, and employees]
[Membership Application for non-current families]
TKCS Golf Classic
Monday, Oct. 21 | Little Mill Country Club [map]
Join us for our annual TKCS Golf Classic on Monday, October 21, at the Little Mill Country Club in Marlton, New Jersey. Be sure to save the date and [register online] early to reserve your spot. There will be breakfast, a BBQ lunch, and prizes. We hope to see many of you on the course for a fun time together.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Matt Baals [matthew.baals@cfamanahawkin.com].
September 3: New Student Orientation
September 4: First Day of School
September 4: Early dismissal; no ASC
September 5: MS/HS Back-to-School Night
September 10: Elementary Back-to-School Night
September 11-12: Senior pictures
September 13: High School Day Retreat
September 17: PTF Meeting
September 23: Association Meeting and Dedication Service