See Our Calendar

Pi Day & St. Patrick's Day Celebration!

Today, Friday, March 15th at noon, all of our students and staff gathered at the main campus's back lawn for our annual Pi Day Events! Thank you to the math club for selling tickets every morning at the main campus. They sold over 150 tickets for the Pi Eating Contest! All of our students and staff were treated to a green doughnut from Krispy Kreme. Thank you Mrs. Hipps & the Math Club for organizing all of the activities today!

The Knights have been working hard to study the first 300 digits of Pi (WOW). Last Monday, March 11th, students in grades 3rd through 8th, had an opportunity to participate in Blessed Sacrament School’s fourth annual Pi Bee! The student in each classroom who memorized the most digits of Pi participated in the final round that took place last Thursday, March 14th. Congratulations to the finalists: Natalie Allison (Fifth), Dennis Alvarado Zavaleta (Seventh), Matthew (Matty) Buyco (Eighth), Carter Fitzgerald (Seventh), Mason Groh (Sixth), Farah Nasrawin (Fifth), Isabella Palos (Eighth), Mckenna Peterson (Sixth), Melany Zavala Portillo (Fourth)

The winners are:

Mason Groh (240 digits), Melany Zavala (169 digits) & Farah Nasrawin (207 digits)! Congratulations Knights! 💙💛

Here are more pictures of today's Pi Day Activities:

Upcoming Dates

Friday, March 15 - Out of Uniform - Wear Green! 🍀; NO SCHOOL MASS; Pi Day Events

Sunday, March 17 - Blue vs Gold Track Meet @ Willimas High School🏃 🏁

March 18 - March 22 - Scholastic Book Fair Week! 📚 

Monday, March 18 -  Away Golf Match v. SLS @ Tanglewood (Reynolds Course Front 9); 3:30 pm tee time 🏌⛳

Thursday, March 21 - Home Golf Match at Alamance Country Club v. St. Pius and SLS; 3 pm tee time 🏌⛳; Scholastic Fair Family Nights @ 6 pm; Uniforms Swap Shop Sale! from 5:30-7pm

Friday, March 22 - School Mass ⛪ @ 8:30 am

Monday, March 25 - Little Knights Eater Celebration: 10-Preschool;10:30-PreK;

Tuesday, March 26 - Stations of the Cross by 8th Grade @ 10:45 am; Early Dismissal at 11:30 am- Afterschool Care Available

Wednesday, March 27 - Easter Day Camp - 7:30 am - 6:00 pm-Register at the School Office!

March 27 - April 7 - Easter Break - School Closed

Monday, April 8 - Classes Resume; Summer Uniforms Begin; Food Pantry Distribution Day 🍉🍊🌽🍞🍖🍚

Tuesday, April 9 - Away Golf Match v. St. Pius @ Greensboro Country Club (still waiting for tee time) (early dismissal time TBD) 🏌⛳

Click here to see the official BSS calendar: BSS Calendar
Knights' News

Dear BSS Families:

Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. AND—as always—every purchase at the Fair benefits our school. Here’s what you need to know about the big event, which will take place from March 18th-22nd at Multi-purpose Room of Blessed Sacrament School – 515 Hillcrest Avenue, Burlington, NC:

The students will have a dedicated time to browse the fair and purchase books and accessories, so make sure your children come prepared with their eWallets: say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet—your child’s digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy.

We will also have a family fun night on Thursday, March 21st from 5:30-7:30 pm. The whole family will be welcome to come and see our Book Fair, so mark your calendars!

If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Book Fair online. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Every online purchase will also benefit our school. Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:

The countdown to more Bookjoy is on! Catch you at the Fair!

Happy reading,

Mrs. Gomez


Blessed Sacrament School

Estimadas familias de BSS:

¡Prepárense! La Feria de Los Libros de Scholastic se acerca (¡Hurra!). Elegir los libros que quieren leer empodera a los niños y las niñas, y los inspira en su viaje para convertirse en lectores de por vida. ADEMÁS, como siempre, cada compra que se haga en la Feria beneficia a nuestra escuela. Esto es lo que necesitan saber sobre el gran acontecimiento, que tendrá lugar del 18 - 22 de Marzo en salon Multi-Usos de Blessed Sacrament School – 515 Hillcrest Avenue, Burlington, NC.

Los estudiantes tendrán un tiempo dedicado a explorar la feria y comprar libros y accesorios, así que asegúrese de que sus hijos vengan preparados con sus billeteras electrónicas (eWallets): Díganle adiós al dinero en efectivo y hola al eWallet, la cuenta de pago digital de su niño o niña. Antes de que la Feria de Los Libros comience, configure la eWallet para hacer compras sin dinero en efectivo y sin preocupaciones. ¡Cualquier persona puede contribuir! Compartan la eWallet de sus niños para que familiares y amigos puedan aportar fondos, y así sus niños podrán disfrutar de más libros.

También tendremos una noche de diversión familiar el jueves 21 de marzo de 5:30 a 7:30 p. m. Toda la familia será bienvenida a venir a ver nuestra Feria del los Libros, ¡así que marquen sus calendarios!

Si no pueden asistir a la Feria, compren en la Feria del Libro en línea de nuestra escuela. Todos los pedidos se envían directamente a su hogar y el envío es gratuito para órdenes de libros superiores a $25. Todas las compras en línea también benefician a nuestra escuela.

Visiten la página web de nuestra Feria del Libro para aprender más y comenzar a usar la eWallet para hacer compras en línea:

¡La cuenta regresiva para la emoción de leer ya comenzó! ¡Nos vemos en la Feria de Los Libros!

Feliz lectura,

Mrs. Gomez


Blessed Sacrament School

Uniform Swap Shop Sale

Next Thursday, March 21st - at the same time as our Family Fun Night (5:30 pm - 7:00 pm), our Swap Shop Sale will be open for business if you and your family want to stop by downstairs to look for summer uniforms. Take what you need upstairs, pay, and enjoy the Book Fair.

Friendly reminder: We will transition to Summer Uniforms on Monday, April 8th-when we come back from our Easter Break. CLICK HERE to review our school uniform guidelines.

Venta de tienda de intercambio de uniformes

El próximo jueves 21 de marzo, al mismo tiempo que nuestra Noche de Diversión Familiar-Feria de Los Libros (5:30 pm - 7:00 pm), nuestra Venta de Tienda de Intercambio estará abierta si usted y su familia quieren pasar abajo para buscar prendas de uniformes de verano. Lleva lo que necesitas arriba, pague y disfrute de la Feria de los Libros.

Recordatorio amistoso: Haremos la transición a los uniformes de verano el lunes 8 de abril, cuando regresemos de nuestras vacaciones de Pascua. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para revisar nuestras pautas sobre uniformes escolares.

Morning Announcements

A few of our 4th-grade students helped with our morning announcements last Wednesday, March 13th! They did a great job! You can join us Tuesday through Friday mornings at 8:00. The link is on our Google calendar.

Chicken Wing Dissection Lab

How do the muscles, bones, and tendons work together to move a joint of a chicken wing and how do they compare to a human arm? Mrs. Tichy's 7th-grade Middle School Students made an experiment in science class this week exploring these very questions.

Nice weather for snacks at the deck-Kindergarten Koalas

Yesterday, Thursday, March 14th, Mrs. Cruz & Ms. Preudhomme took their Kindergarten students to the deck for their snack time. As the weather continues to get warmer, we will see our students enjoying the outside more, and more! Thank you for sharing Mrs. Cruz!

Payments to Our School

Dear BSS Families,

Please submit any payments you need to make to our school; like field trips, accessories, tuition, or any fee directly to our school office at the main campus (515 Hillcrest Ave.). Do not send money in with your children. We will only be able to provide a receipt if you pay it at the office with Ms. Leslie Miranda. Thank you for your cooperation.

Pagos a la Escuela

Estimadas familias de BSS,

Envíe cualquier pago que necesite realizar a nuestra escuela; como excursiones, accesorios, matrícula o cualquier tarifa directamente a la oficina de nuestra escuela en el campus principal (515 Hillcrest Ave.). No envíes dinero con tus hijos. Sólo podremos proporcionarle un recibo si lo paga en la oficina con la Sra. Leslie Miranda. Gracias por su cooperación.

Goodwill Trailer

There will be a Goodwill trailer in the Main Campus parking lot from Monday, April 8th - Monday, April 15th. Thank you to the Glenn family for opening and closing the truck each day!

Chromebooks & Doughnuts

Dear Parents,

As you know, most of our students do a lot of their schoolwork on a Chromebook each day. So far this school year, we have purchased 75 new Chromebooks. These were purchased to provide all new students with a device and to replace broken ones. Unfortunately, many of our Chromebooks are still outdated.


We are now required by the Diocese of Raleigh to do online i-Ready and Ark Testing. In order to do this testing, students must have Chromebooks with updated operating systems. Our older Chromebooks are not capable of doing the required updates. Due to this, testing has become an even more stressful event than usual. We have been able to make it work, but we need to purchase new Chromebooks as soon as possible. 


For the remainder of the school year, all of our fundraising efforts will focus on raising money for Chromebooks. 


Our first fundraiser starts today! We have partnered with Krispy Kreme to sell digital dozens! For each dozen we sell, BSS will receive $4.50!

Use this link to purchase gift certificates for a dozen donuts! Each dozen costs $12! This is a $3 discount off the normal price in the store. Once you purchase online, you will receive a voucher in your email! You can purchase them as gifts for friends and colleagues!


Please share with your family and friends! 


If you would like to donate money directly to our Chromebook campaign, please let us know! 


Thank you!

Estimados padres,

Como saben, la mayoría de nuestros estudiantes hacen gran parte de sus tareas escolares en un Chromebook todos los días. En lo que va del año escolar, hemos comprado 75 Chromebooks nuevos. Estos se compraron para proporcionar un dispositivo a todos los estudiantes nuevos y reemplazar los rotos. Desafortunadamente, muchos de nuestros Chromebooks están desactualizados.

Ahora la Diócesis de Raleigh nos exige que realicemos pruebas i-Ready y Ark en línea. Para realizar esta prueba, los estudiantes deben tener Chromebooks con sistemas operativos actualizados. Nuestros Chromebook más antiguos no son capaces de realizar las actualizaciones necesarias. Debido a esto, las pruebas se han convertido en un evento aún más estresante de lo habitual. Hemos podido hacerlo funcionar, pero necesitamos comprar nuevos Chromebooks lo antes posible. Durante el resto del año escolar, nuestros esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos se centrarán en recaudar dinero para Chromebooks.


¡Nuestra primera recaudación de fondos comienza hoy! ¡Nos hemos asociado con Krispy Kreme para vender docenas digitales! ¡Por cada docena que vendamos, BSS recibirá $4.50!

¡Utilice este enlace para comprar certificados de regalo para una docena de donas! ¡Cada docena cuesta $12! Este es un descuento de $3 sobre el precio normal en la tienda. Una vez que compres en línea, ¡recibirás un cupón en tu correo electrónico! ¡Puedes comprarlos como regalo para amigos y colegas!


¡Por favor comparte con tu familia y amigos! Si desea donar dinero directamente a nuestra campaña de Chromebook, ¡háganoslo saber!


Volunteers Needed

Book Fair (3/18-3/22):

Volunteers are needed to help students shop during the school day. We will also need help setting up the sale and breaking it down. Please contact our Book Fair Chair, Michele Corradini, if you'd like to help.


Athletic Banquets (4/25 & 4/26):

On Wednesday, 4/25 there will be an Elementary Athletic Banquet. On Thursday, 4/26 there will be a Middle School Athletic Banquet. Both will be held in the gym at the Middle School Campus. We will need help setting up tables and decorating the gym. Most of the help will be needed on 4/25. We will need help cutting and slicing cake both nights. Contact Beth Fitzgerald if you are able to help.


Art Walk (5/2):

Our annual Art Walk will be held on Thursday, May 2nd. Mrs. Lee would like an Art Walk Committee to help plan and set up for the event. Please contact her if you'd like to help.


Teacher Appreciation Week (5/6-5/10):

A Teacher Appreciation Week committee is needed to plan and organize the week for our school. Please contact Beth Fitzgerald if you'd like to take over the responsibility for planning and organizing this week OR if you'd like to serve on the committee.


Let me know if you have any questions!


Beth Fitzgerald

Knights of Summer Camp 2024 Now Enrolling!

The summer is coming up soon and you are wondering what to do with your children? Now you can sign them up for our 2024 Knights of Summer Camp: Animal Kingdom Edition! REGISTER TODAY!

Please see this link for more information and sign them up!

¡El Campamento de Verano de Blessed Sacrament School 2024 ya está aceptando inscripciones!

Se acerca el verano y te preguntas ¿qué hacer con tus hijos? ¡Ahora puedes inscribirlos en nuestro Campamento de Verano de Caballeros de 2024: Edición Animal Kingdom! ¡REGÍSTRESE HOY!

¡Consulte este enlace para obtener más información e inscríbase!

Summer Ballet Camp!

Blessed Sacrament Knights of Summer Camp is proud to partner with Le Petit Ballet Co. to offer Ballet Camp once a week this summer! 

The camp is targeted at students ages 3 through rising 2nd grade. 

CLICK HERE to register! If your child will need to stay until 4 pm, make sure you fill it out and pay for it at the BSS Knights of Summer Camp Application 2024 above. 



¡Campamento de ballet de verano!

Blessed Sacrament Knights of Summer Camp se enorgullece de asociarse con Le Petit Ballet Co. para ofrecer un campamento de ballet una vez por semana este verano.

El campamento está dirigido a estudiantes de 3 años hasta segundo grado.

¡Pulse aquí para registrarse! Si su hijo/a necesitará quedarse hasta las 4 p. m., asegúrese de completarlo y pagarlo en la Solicitud del campamento de verano BSS Knights of Summer 2024 arriba esta el anlace.


Correo electrónico:

BSS Sports

Congrats to the BSS golf team for winning their first match of the season last Thursday, March 14th! 💙💛

Happy Friday BSS families:

Updated 2024 Spring Sports Schedule

3/17 - Blue v. Gold Track Meet @ Williams High School Track; runners arrive at 1:30; meet begins at 2pm

3/18 - Golf Away Match v. SLS @ Tanglewood (Reynolds Course Front 9)

3:30pm tee time

(early dismissal at 1:45pm)

4201 Manor House Circle

Clemmons, NC

GPS may direct you to the back of the park which is inaccessible. Please enter through the main park entrance off of US Route 158.

3/21 - Golf Home Match at Alamance Country Club v. St. Pius and SLS; 3pm tee time (early dismissal at 2:00pm)

CANCELED4/9 - Away Match v. St. Pius @ Greensboro Country Club (still waiting for tee time) (early dismissal time TBD)

410 Sunset Dr, Greensboro, NC 27408

**4/10 - Golf Away Match v. OLG and SH at Grandover Resort; 4 pm tee time  (early dismissal at 2:30)

1000 Club Road, Greensboro

4/14- Track Meet v. OLG @ Williams High School Track; runners arrive at 1:30pm; meet starts at 2pm

4/17 - Golf Away Match v. IHM @ High Point Country Club (Emerywood); 3:30pm tee time (early dismissal at 2:00pm)

800 Country Club Dr High Point NC 27262

4/28 - PECSAA Track Meet @ Bishop McGuinness High School, Kernersville

Meet begins at 2pm 

**5/7 - PECSAA Golf Tournament – Greensboro Country Club beginning at 1pm - 410 Sunset Dr, Greensboro, NC 27408 (early dismissal TBD based on assigned tee time; likely 11:30am)

Thank you,

Tracy Miller

Co-Athletic Director

Middle School Girls Soccer Update

We have determined it would be in the best interest of our girls to have a girls' soccer club for the rest of this school year, with practice once a week on Wednesdays until 4:30 pm. These practices will focus on soccer skills and rules of play for games. The goal is to build up the girls’ soccer skills this year and next year so that they are prepared for interleague play in Spring 2025. We would also encourage families to sign their students up for recreational soccer programs over the summer and fall to continue to build and improve their soccer skills. Both the City of Burlington and the City of Mebane offer affordable recreational soccer programs throughout the year.  

Coach Jose will run the Wednesday practices, which will be open to all 4th through 8th graders interested in playing soccer for BSS and would prepare our students to be more competitive, skilled, and confident next year. The practices will begin on Wednesday, March 13. Girls should wear their PE uniform to school and must bring cleats, shinguards, and a water bottle to practice.

Thank you for your understanding. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions.

Tracy Miller

Co-Athletic Director

Below is an important message from Our Head Track Coach Bridgette Clifton about practices and meets:

We are excited for our first track meet of the season. The Blue v. Gold Track Meet at Williams High School Track is this Sunday, March 17.  WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO RUN THE MEET. Please signup HERE to volunteer to help with the track meet. We especially need ribbon writers and lane timers. Only volunteers are allowed down on the track and infield during the meet; all other spectators must stay in the bleachers. 

Runners must be there at 1:30pm to stretch and warmup.

Meet will start at 2:00pm and end around 4:30pm.

Runners can wear their yellow PE shirt to the blue/gold meet. We will have blue pinnies for the blue team.

Please contact Coach Bridgette with track meet questions (

Recurring info:

All runners should wear their PE uniform on their practice day. Properly fitting athletic shoes are required to participate in practices and meets. All runners should bring a water bottle to practices. The season ends early this year so recommendations for additional drills and practices at home will be sent home with your runner at the first practice.


Parents, please park in the side parking lot at 515 Hillcrest and enter the back gate for pick up. There will be no car line pick up.

Elementary School: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00 pm at Hillcrest

Middle School: Fridays 3:00-4:15 pm at Hillcrest

Combined: Sundays 3:00-4:15 pm at Williams High School Track (not mandatory, but necessary to practice lane running and relays). Parents are encouraged to stay and walk or jog the outside lane of the


Track Meets

We have 3 track meets. All runners are welcome to participate in the first 2 Meets. While participation is not mandatory, running in at least one of the two meets is necessary to help determine times for participation in the PECSAA meet.

  • Blue vs Gold (Sunday, March 17th ): This is a scrimmage meet between BSS runners. Will be held at Williams High School in place of a Sunday practice.
  • Dual Meet: This is typically against Our Lady of Grace Catholic School and will be held at Williams High School in place of a Sunday practice. Date TBD (tentatively 4/14)
  • PECSAA Track Meet (Sunday, April 28th ): Will be held at Bishop McGuiness in Kernersville.

PECSAA rules limit participation in the PECSAA Meet to only ONE (1) boy and ONE (1) girl in each grade per event, therefore please be aware that not everyone will be able to race in the PECSAA meet. Track is a team sport and we will choose the fastest runners for the events so that we can be competitive. All others are welcome to attend as part of the BSS Scream Team or as backups when we need subs, which happens every year. Event assignments will be given out the week before the PECSAA Meet.

Elementary Track Events:

1. 3 sprints: 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters

2. 4 x 100 meter co-ed relay

3. Broad Jump

Middle School Track Events:

1. 3 sprints: 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters

2. 4 x 100 All-Girl Relay

3. 4 x 100 All-Boy Relay

4. 4 x 200 co-ed relay

5. 400 meters (~.25 miles)


7. Running long jump

Questions and concerns can be emailed to Coach Bridgette at

GOLF 2024

Practices will be at Alamance Country Club on Thursdays starting at 4:00pm with the first practice on 2/22/2024.

Practices will likely finish around 6:30pm contingent on daylight and weather. Golfers can be dropped off at the driving range located behind/to the right of the swimming pool at Alamance Country Club.

Per our agreement with Alamance we will have two coaches at all times to support and supervise.

It will be expected that the golfers follow instructions when on the range, putting green or golf courses so we can enjoy this opportunity to utilize ACC facilities.



We are limited to the number of golfers we can facilitate at Alamance but our sign up seems to align with the 6-8 golfer cap.

BSS will have two successive tee times between 4:00 - 4:30 on Tuesdays or Thursdays – Typically Thursdays.


The practice tee will be available for four players at a time from ½ an hour prior to the first tee time through the start of the second tee time. Access to the putting green/short game area will be based on availability and should be used in groups of 4 players max per station area. 

 A coach must be with the team during the entirety of the practice time and will be responsible for checking the team in for times and confirming daily activities. 

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

Please remember in your prayers, David, brother of Abby (1st and Lizzie, Class of 2021) for his health.

Please pray for Dagoberto Gonzalez, father of Matthew (2nd) who has back surgery due to a fall.

Please pray for Indiana Gonzalez (former employee of BSS), sister of Mrs. Gomez and Mrs. Rivera, as she recovers from two falls this week. 

Please keep in your prayers, Mr. Worley, husband of Mrs. Worley, for his health. 

Princial's Message

Dear Parents,

It was a great Pi Day! Thank you to the Math Club and Mrs. Hipps for all the hard work in making this a fun event! Congratulations to our Pi eaters and Pi Bee winners. 

Mrs. Gomez

From the Office of Admissions

2024-25 African American and Native American Tuition Assistance Program

Applications for our 2024-25 African American and Native American Tuition Assistance program will open on Feb. 1, 2024. Please note that this scholarship program is administered by the Office of Education in collaboration with the AAMEN office (African American Ministry and Evangelization). We are grateful for their support and advocacy!


As a reminder, it is no longer required that families complete a FACTS tuition application for this scholarship, and preschool students are eligible to apply.


Black and Indian Mission (BIMO) Tuition Assistance for Students of African American and Native American Ancestry

Catholic school students (Preschool-12th grade) of African American Ancestry and Native American heritage in the Diocese of Raleigh are eligible to apply for tuition assistance. The assistance awards are funded by parish second collection donations and a grant from the Black and Indian Mission Office founded by the Catholic bishops of the United States. 

  • All applicants MUST complete a Catholic school enrollment application before this application will be considered.
  • Applications are available at, open on February 1, 2024, and close on March 15, 2024. A separate application must be completed for each student.
  • Applicant verification lists will be emailed to principals no later than May 1, 2024.
  • Decision letters will be emailed to parents no later than May 24, 2024. 
  • Tuition awards are expected to be $200 again this year, and checks will be sent from the diocese to the applicant’s school.

Welcome to Blessed Sacrament School!

We are excited for another school year. Thank you for choosing Blessed Sacrament School for your children's education.


José Rico Benavides

School Tours

Mr. Rico will be available at the office on Mondays & Wednesdays for any questions or concerns related to admissions.

You can reach Mr. Rico at 336-570-0019 ext. 212 or by email at Hablamos Español!

Here is a link to our admissions page:

Lunch & Uniforms Information

Winter Uniforms

Friendly reminder, we will transition to our Summer Uniforms next Monday, April 8!

Summer uniforms begin next Monday, April 8. Just a few reminders:

  1. French Toast items run very differently in sizing from Lands End. Sounds like the tops are much smaller.
  2. Review our Uniform Guidelines by CLICKING HERE.
  3. If you order any logo items and they are the wrong size, they CANNOT be returned.
  4. Orders are arriving in about a week. So if you need new shirts, you should order them as soon as possible to receive them in time.
  5. Graham Sporting Goods is the ONLY provider of PE shirts. French Toast will not be offering them.

Recordatorio amistoso, ¡haremos la transición a los uniformes de invierno el próximo lunes 8 de abril!

Los uniformes de verano comienzan el próximo lunes 8 de abril. Solo algunos recordatorios:

  1. Los artículos de French Toast tienen un tamaño muy diferente al de Lands End. Parece que las tapas son mucho más pequeñas.
  2. Revise nuestras Pautas Uniformes HACIENDO CLIC AQUÍ.
  3. Si solicita algún artículo con el logotipo y tiene el tamaño incorrecto, NO SE PUEDE devolver.
  4. Los pedidos están llegando en aproximadamente una semana. Entonces, si necesita camisetas nuevas, debe pedirlas lo antes posible para recibirlas a tiempo.
  5. Graham Sporting Goods es el ÚNICO proveedor de camisetas de educación física. French Toast no los ofrecerá.

French Toast

Families can mark their calendars to shop early for back-to-school.

June 10-24 is the only embroidery savings event of the year!

CLICK HERE to shop.

June 10-24

25% OFF Embroidery

+ 30% OFF Merchandise

Lunch Information

My Hot Lunchbox is excited to be partnering with Blessed Sacrament School again this year as the hot lunch provider. To begin ordering lunches, click the link below to log in or follow the instructions to create your free account!

Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.


Our new lunch menu beginning August 2022:

Monday: Chick-Fil-A

Tuesday: Cici’s Pizza

Wednesday: Subway

Thursday: Highway 55 Burgers

Friday: Moe's Southwest Grill

If you have any questions, please give us a call at (888) 894-8295 or email us at We are looking forward to serving your school!

If you are bringing lunch to your child, please make sure it is labeled with your student's name and grade level and leave it on the table just outside the front door of the school--Do not forget to buzz the office to let us know you dropped by.

PE Uniforms:

You can still purchase PE uniforms locally at Graham Sporting Goods. They have yellow PE shirts, solid sweatpants, and zip-up jackets. You do NOT have to get the logo on the sweatpants, but it must be on the jacket and sweatshirt.

PE pants need to be solid navy. There should not be any lines down the sides or decals on them.

Let me know if you have any Winter Uniform questions!


Beth Fitzgerald
Director of Advancement

BSS Spirt Wear

Choose from hundreds of spirit wear designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days. Don't miss it! **This is NOT part of BSS uniforms**

Yearbook Fundraiser 2023-2024 - Attractions Books!

The Yearbook Club is raising money to attend a workshop at the Jostens Southeast Conference in Charlotte, NC (Carowinds) in April 2024. All Coupons are valid now through 2024! Over $4.600 in LOCAL Savings!

Make sure you use EZ Pay Code: 5324665 or BSSKNIGHTS

Cost: $30.00

Follow this link to purchase:

Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Ortiz and the BSS Yearbook Staff

Re-occurring Information

Middle School Filed Trip to Dollywood

  • As stated in the Middle School Handbook: Field Trips are a privilege.  
  • Students receiving 5 infractions will be ineligible for the MS field trip in the Spring.

Who: All Middle School Students 5th-8th

When: May 20 & 21, 2024 

Where: See Itinerary attached

Price: $395 per student (you can pay in full or 3 payments -$115( after $50 deposit)each -due 11-15-23, 1-19-24 & 2-23-24)

Adult prices: Double room (please tell me who you want as a roommate) $450 per person.

Single room $ 535

Return THIS DOCUMENT completed to Mrs. Kearney or your middle school homeroom teacher.

Important Payment due dates

Deposit of $50 per person-Oct. 25

First payment of $115 is due November 15,2023

Second payment of $115 is due January 19,2024

Final payment of $115 is due February 23,2024.

See above prices for parent amounts.

Note: You must check Option C regularly for trip updates and information

Questions?? Email Mrs. Kearney at

Viaje de escuela secundaria (Middle School) a Dollywood

  • Como se indica en el Manual Para Padres y Estudiantes: Las excursiones son un privilegio.
  • Los estudiantes que reciban 5 infracciones no serán elegibles para la excursión de MS en la primavera.

Quién: Todos los estudiantes de secundaria de 5º a 8º

Cuándo: 20 y 21 de mayo de 2024

Dónde: Ver itinerario adjunto

Precio: $395 por estudiante (puedes pagar el total o 3 pagos -$115 (después de un depósito de $50) cada uno -vencimiento el 15-11-23, 19-1-24 y 23-2-24)

Precios adultos: Habitación doble (por favor dime a quién quieres como compañero de cuarto) $450 por persona.

Habitación sencilla/de un solo cuarto $535

Devuelva ESTE DOCUMENTO completado a la Sra. Kearney o al maestro de su escuela secundaria.

Fechas de vencimiento de pago importantes

Depósito de $50 por persona-oct. 25

El primer pago de $115 vence el 15 de noviembre de 2023.

El segundo pago de $115 vence el 19 de enero de 2024

El pago final de $115 vence el 23 de febrero de 2024.

Consulte los precios anteriores para conocer los montos de los padres.

Nota: Debe consultar la Opción C periódicamente para obtener actualizaciones e información sobre el viaje.

¿¿Preguntas?? Envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. Kearney a


CLICK HERE if you would like to pay for the $50.00 DEPOSIT for your child(ren) field trip.

CLICK HERE if you would like to pay for your child(ren) field trip in FULL ONLINE for $395.00

CLICK HERE if you would like to make THE FIRST PARTIAL PAYMENT for your child(ren)'s field trip. This first payment of $115.00 must be submitted no later than Wednesday, November 15th, 2023, after making the DEPOSIT.

CLICK HERE if you would like to make THE SECOND PARTIAL PAYMENT for your child(ren)'s field trip. This first payment of $115.00 must be submitted no later than Friday, January 19th, 2024

CLICK HERE if you would like to make THE THIRD PARTIAL PAYMENT for your child(ren)'s field trip. This first payment of $115.00 must be submitted no later than Friday, February 23rd, 2024

Want to accompany your child? You must become a Chaperone.

CLICK HERE to pay online for an adult who is coming to pay for a DOUBLE ROOM-Make sure you write down whom you would like to room with. $450.00

CLICK HERE to PARTIALLY PAY online for an adult who is coming to stay in a DOUBLE ROOM-Make sure you write down whom you would like to room with.

CLICK HERE to pay online for an adult coming to pay for a SINGLE ROOM. $535.00

CLICK HERE to PARTIALLY PAY online for an adult coming to stay in a SINGLE ROOM.

Chaperoning in the field trip?

If you are coming to the trip, you are agareeing to be a chaperone you will need to take a Safe Environment Training and a Background check. We will have more details in the first week of November.

The dates for Safe Environment training will be announced later. You will also need to contact the front office (336-570-0019) to schedule your background check.

From the Office of Advancement

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2023-2024 school year

We have new Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2023-2024 school year. We would love to help promote your business, while you support our school! 

Money raised during the 2022-2023 school year was used for several major and unexpected expenses. We are in the process of replacing our 26-year-old Fire Alarm System at the Main Campus. We also replaced and repaired flooring in several areas of the building. A few rooms also received new paint!

Due to increased enrollment, we purchased 100 new Chromebooks for our students. None of these things would have been possible without the support of our community!

CLICK HERE to Review Sponsorship Level

CLICK HERE to Pay/Donate Online

If you or someone you know owns a business and would like to partner with our school, contact us today! 

I look forward to working with you! Contact me with me any questions!

Beth Fitzgerald 

Director of Advancement

Box Tops For Education

No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit Blessed Sacrament School's Box Tops earnings online. Click here for a video of how it works.

Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs! If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school. CLICK HERE

Link your Lowes Card

With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter of a million dollars to local schools this year. To participate, just enroll Blessed Sacrament School on your Fresh Rewards card, and start earning for our school. Click Here
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card

When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to Blessed Sacrament School if your VIC card is linked.
You link your card online (CLICK HERE), or you can ask your cashier to link your VIC card by providing our TIE code 1704.

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