March 2024

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.



Issues & Board Meeting

1st Monday of every month

6pm Semi Bird, Candidate for Governor

7pm Central Committee & Executive Board Meeting

Next Meeting: Monday, April 1, 2024

KCRP Headquarters, 6610 Kitsap Way, Bremerton, WA 98312

23rd Legislative District Republicans Monthly Meeting

2nd Thursday of every month @ 6pm

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 11, 2024

Western Red Brewing, 19168 Jensen Way NE Poulsbo, WA 98370

2024 State Convention

April 18-20, 2024 in Spokane


Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) & Volunteer Meeting

Last Wednesday of every month @ 6pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Cloverleaf Grill, 1240 Hollis St, Bremerton, WA 98310

KCRP meetings are open to all Republicans.

Check our calendar!


Executive Board Member Reports

Juliana McMahan, Chair

She had the opportunity to speak to senior civics students at Kingston High School about “What does it mean to be a Republican?” She was very excited about this opportunity to encourage high school students to think about the differences between Republicans and Democrats. The students seemed mostly receptive and engaged. The teacher said she would ask her to speak to her next class in the fall.

She announced the appointment of John Johanson as Chair of the Candidate Support Committee.

She was honored to be appointed as the Chair of the State Convention Platform Committee.


KCRP is looking to hire a full-time employee who will help execute our strategic plan of turning Kitsap County red! If you know if someone who might be interested, please email for a job description.


Sean Murphy, Vice Chair & Events Committee Chair

He has contacted various event committees to see about signing up for this year. Whaling Days said they are not going to allow any political or religious booths since it’s their 50th Anniversary Year. He is checking to see if we can still participate in their parade.


He’s been busy with John Cameron and Andrew Olson on the Tuesday Assemble X Washington platform broadcast. It allows everyone a chance to talk.


John Cameron, State Committeeman & PCO Committee Chair

At the last PCO/Volunteer Meet & Greet they continued to recruit committee members.


The PCO of the month is Bethany Gray. Congratulations Bethany!


Elizabeth Doll, State Committeewoman

The next State Committee Meeting will be on April 17 in Spokane, just before the State Convention.


Over the last couple of years Braver Angels has brought together conservatives who are concerned about election integrity and progressives who are concerned about better suppression. The goal was to find common ground on values, concerns, and potential policy solutions. The results are 23 policy solutions which can be found in the recently released report “Trustworthy Elections.”


Shelly McKinley-Olson, Treasurer & LDD Committee Chair

Our Lincoln Day Dinner went great! We sold out of all our tickets including the Chair’s Reception with speakers Jim Walsh (WA GOP Chair), Juliana McMahan (KCRP Chair), and Mike Stevens (23rd LDRD Chair). Event speakers included several candidates and elected officials. We also had Glen Morgan and John Cameron doing the auction and emceeing for the evening, with Jason Rantz as our Keynote Speaker. It was a great evening!


Linda Popp, Secretary & GOTV Committee Chair

She observed ballot processing at the Auditor’s office a couple of times. She’s thankful for Chuck DeCosta and Francis Doyle for being frequent flyers there! We’d really like to get more volunteers over there to observe. If you haven’t ever seen ballot processing done, it’s so amazing.


Twice a month she attends the WSRP Election Integrity Committee Zoom meeting. It is very eye-opening! We should all be thankful for our county auditor. Many other counties have horror stories about their county auditor.


She attended the last Puget Sound Patriots meeting and heard Tim Eyman speak. He has been brutally attacked by our current Attorney General, yet he continues to pursue various conservative issues in the state and country.


She helped to audit the books for the Silverdale/Seabeck Republican Women’s group. It gives her a real appreciation for what our Treasurer does for us!


She attended our last PCO/Volunteer Meet & Greet. David Gonzales is doing a great job of enlightening new PCOs. 


Jamie Miles, Bainbridge Island

She spoke to the Bainbridge Island Republican Women, introduced herself as the Bainbridge Island Representative for KCRP, and fielded questions.


John Johanson, Bremerton & Candidate Support Committee Chair

His priority right now is building out candidate resource materials to be plugged into our website. The idea is to have a team and resources available where people can check their eligibility and responsibilities when considering running for office. We want to help candidates with filing, training, marketing materials, and staying in compliance with the PDC.


His understanding that Bremerton Council is going to be opening a homeless shelter by putting up cubicles to separate areas.


He encouraged people to attend the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair is on April 5 (grades 1-8) and April 6 (grades 9-12). He’s been a judge twice in the past. It is rewarding to see the incredible projects young children are doing.

He presented “The Golden Chin” award to Francis Doyle for putting himself in harm’s way to ensure the safety of others at the county convention.


Janell Hulst, North Kitsap

The NKSD Superintendent (who was caught stealing signs opposing a school district bond) avoided charges through a pre-trial diversion agreement. The Superintendent will be resigning at the end of the school year. Janell thanked Scott Henden and Kim Gerlach for all their work, dedication, and tenacity in following through on this.


She is working with Ed Reyman to put together arguments for candidates/PCOs when they’re speaking at the doors with voters.


She encouraged everyone to volunteer as they are able. We need everyone’s help. Many hands make light work.


Francis Doyle, South Kitsap & Election Integrity Committee Chair

He helped to monitor the presidential primary. Turnout was 39% of registered voters in Kitsap County. Unofficially, from what he’s seeing, he thinks people are waking up.


Anyone who is interested is welcome to join the Washington State Republican Party Election Integrity meetings (held via Zoom). Just let him know so your name and email can be added to the meeting notification list.


SKSD changed their governance culture policy. Some people thought they were eliminating public comment all together, but that’s not true. They will have one public comment meeting per month for in-person attendance. Their other monthly meeting will be a study session for the board. We will post the meeting schedule on our website calendar.


He thanked his security team colleagues during our county convention for backing him up when needed.


Volunteers Needed!

If you have been looking for opportunities to volunteer, now is a great time! Below are some key opportunities to help:

Volunteer to help on one of the many KCRP Committees. Some key committees: Events chaired by Sean Murphy; Get-Out-The-Vote Committee chaired by Linda Popp; PCO chaired by John Cameron; Candidate Support chaired by John Johanson; Candidate Recruitment chaired by Rick Kuss; Lincoln Day Dinner chaired by Shelly McKinley-Olson; and Election Integrity chaired by Francis Doyle.


Thoughts and stray input

Community and Homes: There are many meetings going on around Kitsap County which should concern citizens, no matter which party they affiliate with.

The Central Kitsap Community Council (CKCC) meeting on March 6, 2024 brought into focus the homelessness issues of the county, particularly in Silverdale. This seems to center around the Clear Creek hiking trail, which is constantly being colonized by un-homed citizens. There have been no follow up reports on the Bremerton shelter, but the homeless continue to pop-up at the Salvation Army downtown Bremerton and outside Fred Meyer on Wheaton Way in Bremerton. Townhall will be at 5300 Newberry Hill Rd, Silverdale (Firehouse) on April 3 at 5:30pm to discuss in-depth homeless issues and come up with solutions. HEART will be in attendance. 


The Central Kitsap Community Council meeting on March 6, 2024 addressed many Kitsap sewer upgrades, especially in zones targeted for development in the Silverdale area. It was very enlightening, and looked expensive to the taxpayer.

Deputy Brandon Myers was at the meeting and he had good news. Word has come down for the local police to take more action against those in violation of good social behavior in our midst: criminals, squatters, speeders, etc. Most will agree our social standards of etiquette and law enforcement have been severely impacted post-COVID. This was welcome news to all in the room.

The same people often show up at city council and county planning meetings. One group is people who wish to ride bicycles and limit driving. They also support road access for handicapped citizens in their motorized conveyances.

Farmers in Kitsap had some good points. One thought-provoking question is what we would do in case of a national emergency (such as COVID) if our supply chairs collapse. Would our local farmers be able to sustain our population effectively with locally grown food? Most farmers oppose development and re-zoning of their farm land.


Global/National Politics: A new website which outlines the flaws in our current Federal Administration's economic policies can be found at


It is spring and that means our schools will be much more lively and our young people are feeling frisky! Bremerton High School sent out an alert on March 13 about "incidents involving threats made on several high school bathroom stalls and online via the SnapChat app" and the culprit was arrested and expelled. Concerned parents with students in public schools, have a nice long chat with your children and encourage them to walk away from trolling, fights, and other attempts to "pull them off-sides." You can't start too young teaching them that losing their temper has uncool results.


The UK has blocked puberty blocker hormones from being given to underage children.


Controversy over Tik-Tok continues to rock the cyber world. It is working as a "spy ware" app. On some level, this is a 1st Amendment issue: our Founding Fathers didn't specify any agent foreign or domestic for this freedom of speech. The real answer is parenting. Be proactive if you don't want your children being hypnotized or brain-washed by Tik-Tok. This is a "voice of the people" issue, so write your Congresspeople with your views. They do work for us.


J6 fallout continues. There are many stories regarding "continuing arrests" that filter back via social media, but it seems certain that the Biden administration is trying hard to be relevant in some sort of legal campaign against Republicans, as if this is a soft "civil war."

The people perpetrating violations of civil rights must be held accountable for their actions. Where you can, do investigative research on those perpetrating these arrests and expose the information to the light of day. We are seeing this turn the tide in the case of Fanni Willis in Georgia. Remember, facts facts facts. "We have a Republic.... if we can keep it."


Follow up to the "let's take Trump off the ballot" in various state primary elections. SCOTUS in a 9-1 (unanimous) ruled that the 14th Amendment, sec. 3 cannot be invoked at the state level. That is, a state cannot define the actions of a candidate or office holder at the Federal level as "insurrection" such designations must be made by the Federal legislative branch of government.

Colorado's attempt to remove Trump from their state ballot failed in the highest court of the land. The response from SCOTUS says of the 14th Amendment "the terms of the Amendment speak only to enforcement by Congress." This is no shock, because Mr. Trump has not been tried or convicted by ANY court except the "court of the media." In fact many define J6 as a riot, and not an insurrection. Read the entire response here:


Reading: Dr Phil has a new book out, readily available on Amazon. We've Got Issues. Dr. Phil had some pretty strong words to say about the lack of accountability in human trafficking on the Southern Border, as well as continuing mismanagement in our society in general.


Homelessness Resources

Veterans Affairs Homeless Programs:

VA Homelessness Hotline: Dial 877-424-3838 and Press 1

Narcotics Anonymous:

NA help line: 360-215-2616


Kitsap County Auditor's Office - Elections Information


School Board and City Council Notes

KCRP School District Information Page

Bainbridge Island School District

School board website:

Bremerton Bremerton School District

School board website:

Documents link:

Central Kitsap School District

School board website:

North Kitsap School District

School board website:

Advisory board website:

South Kitsap School District

School board website:

Board meetings recap:

Many parents in the South Kitsap district have found the "Parent Square" app/link to be very helpful in "being connected" with their district. See for more information. 

City Council

Video archives of city council meetings from all over Kitsap County can be found at:


KCRP Executive Board Contact Info:

Contact other conservative groups in our area:


Contact Newsletter Editor:

Note: Please put your topic in your tag line and source your articles. Thank you!



Do you have 1-2 hours a week or month to volunteer in person, at home, or virtually? KCRP needs volunteers in many areas for any skill level.

Volunteer Now!

Check out our website

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