Finance Team
Quarterly update and role of this team
The job of the Finance Committee is simple and straight forward. It is to provide clear, easy to understand financial information. This document provides a measurement of the church's progress in reaching its' financial goals.
The document does not include contributions that the donor has specified for a specific purpose, such as a contribution earmarked for a Youth Mission trip. The church then must use it for only that purpose and it cannot be used for other bills or expenses. Please note that this quarterly report represents revenue and expenses for 25% of the year. Therefore, revenue is under budget by $7,000 and expenses are under budget by $13,540. The under budgeted expenses is mainly due to unfilled staff positions.
Grace UMC Quarterly Financial Report as of MARCH 31
2024 Annual Budget
General Fund $44,883 $ 175,000
God-Faith 0 $ 30,000
Loose Giving $752 $ 2,500
Total Giving $ 45,635 $ 207,500
Building Rental Fees $39 $ 1,500
Interest Earned $861 $ 1,808
Rummage Sale 0 $ 5,000
Total Miscellaneous $ 900 $ 8,308
Total Revenue $ 46,535 $ 215,808
PROGRAMS $528 $ 8,950
TRUSTEES $11,961 $ 58,050
STAFF PARISH RELATIONS $20,803 $ 119,853
Total Expenses $ 40,997 $ 218,153
The nine members of the Finance Team ask for God's wisdom as we share our financial information with "respect and in order" so that He will be pleased and our church will be a good witness to the world of financial integrity