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The Journey Journal

February 2022

In this issue:

  • Anticipating a New Tradition
  • A Special Thank You
  • Reaching Beyond Our Groups
  • Spotlight: Board Member Anthony Wright
  • 19th Annual Swing Fore Hope Golf Tournament
  • Meal Providers Needed
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Children created snowflakes in group to represent how grief looks different for everyone.

Anticipating a New Tradition

Go back to your childhood, to the days leading up to your birthday. There is so much anticipation! You count down to the day that’s all about you and wonder what will change being a whole year older.


A child or teen whose parent or sibling has died may have a whole different type of anticipation when a birthday is coming up. The first special occasions after a death are challenging for children and families. Franco will be turning 14 this year and this will be his first birthday without his dad. 

“One thing that's hard this year is that my birthday is coming up. It's the first birthday my dad isn't going to be here. Ever since I was little, he always said he wanted to be the one to take me to get my driver’s license. Now, I don't even know who is going to teach me how to drive. It's just weird to think that he's not going to be here."


Franco’s mom said, “When the worry of handling birthdays and holidays arose, it was too painful to think we would just do it all the same without my husband there.”

When children get the opportunity to share with others in a similar situation, they don’t feel so alone. Our trained support group facilitators encourage participants to find ways to remember their person during special times. Creating new traditions is one way that helps families during celebrations because they can find ways to include their person.


Following a conversation at home, Franco’s mom reached out to tell us that Journey helped her family realize they could create new traditions while still including Dad in those special moments. At the next group meeting, Franco shared one way his family adjusted birthday traditions: 

“Dad used to get donuts the morning of everyone's birthday, but this year we just couldn't imagine eating donuts without him. So, we talked about making pancakes as a new tradition. It still includes my dad because we are going to use his favorite syrup!"

Click here to help more children like Franco

We are so thankful for our donors

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Thank you all of our wonderful donors who contributed to our 2021 year end campaign. Because of your generous donations, we exceeded our goal! Journey of Hope would not exist without each and every one of you. Thank you for your support in helping us expand our reach so we can provide our services to more children who are grieving.

Reaching Beyond Our Groups

Empowering Other Helping Professionals

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In January, we announced the launch of our free Grief Workbook for mental health providers to use with children who are grieving.


So far, the workbook has been downloaded by over 300 providers and counselors. The purpose of the Workbook is to provide professionals supporting children and teens who are grieving a free, modern, and relevant resource. Many communities have minimal mental health funding and lack resources. By providing this free resource, we are empowering caring professionals to better support the grief needs of their community.

We were able to create this resource through a generous Community Impact Grant from New York Life.

Mental health providers and counselors, click here to receive your copy today

Spotlight: Board Member Anthony Wright

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Journey of Hope's Board Chair-Elect Anthony Wright is a father, husband, and successful business owner of Safe Hands Insurance Services. He has never forgotten where he came from, or the challenges faced along the way.


Growing up in South Dallas, Anthony recognized the different lifestyles in other parts of the city. Anthony was blessed to not lose a parent/caregiver or sibling while he was growing up, but he knew others who lost important people to illness, violence, and suicide. He saw the impact death had on his friends and community and how much they needed support and resources. 


Anthony’s passion for helping others is driven by his faith and belief that he will be placed where he needs to be. When Anthony learned about Journey’s plans to expand our services into Southern Dallas, he knew Journey was exactly where he needed to be. “I am by no means wealthy, but I am blessed. It’s not always about money. It’s your time and connections. It’s what is in your heart to give. And that is enough. I want my legacy of impact to be helping all communities, but especially the community that I spent a lot of my youth in. I want children in those neighborhoods to get the timely support that they need so they can grow up and live their own improbable story.”


"Nothing is more important than helping children in a time of grief. Children will become our leaders of tomorrow. I want us to help them walk through their difficult times, so they see the light on the other side. Then they can help their family and community. It all starts at the family level. We impact families, we impact communities." 

In addition to being Board Chair-Elect, Anthony is also chairing Journey's 2021 Golf Tournament fundraiser. Anthony is pretty modest about his own golfing talents, but not his passion to make this year’s event our best ever! He believes this opportunity was presented to him for a reason. “If it’s what I’m supposed to do, then the right things will be put in my path and the right people will be brought in my circle.” With Anthony’s guidance, the golf committee is working hard to plan a successful and enjoyable event that will help expand Journey's services to more children in more communities.


Anthony encourages you to join us at our 19th Annual Swing Fore Hope Golf Tournament.

19th Annual Swing Fore Hope Golf Tournament

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Click here for more information and to register
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Meal Providers Needed!

We are looking for individuals, groups, and organizations to provide and serve meals on group nights beginning in March.

Click here to sign up now

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