

     February 2018



Marty Overlilne
Aardvark Pest Management
Phildelphia, PA
Adam Witt
President Elect
Witt Pest Management
Pittsburgh, PA

Keith Hamilton
Chairman of the Board
J.C. Ehrlich
State College, PA

Central Division
Gary Lesher
Perry Pest Control
Landisburg, PA
Leland Manuel
Manchester, PA

Keith Jones
Archer Pest Control
Camp Hill, PA
Eastern Division  
Bryan Levengood
Thur-O Pest Mngmt
Elverson, PA

Mike Snyder
Township Pest Control
Warrington , PA
Rob Byer
Mountain Laurel , NJ
Northeast Division
Jeff King
The Pest Rangers
Hanover Twp., PA
Paul Kutney
The Pest Rangers
Larksville, PA
Peter Arnold
K-9 Bed Bug 
Detection Services
Pleasant Mount, PA
Western Division
Adam Witt
Witt Pest Management
Pittsburgh, PA
Scott Grill
Bill Grill Exterminating
Verona, PA
Sean Williams
Bill Grill Exterminating 
Verona, PA
Industry Liaison
Brian Smith
Sharon Hill, PA
Executive Director
Versant Strategies
Harrisburg, PA

Many thanks to these Past Presidents:
Len Bruno
Dana Lown
Harvey Goldglantz
John Morrison
Keith Hamilton
Mike Powers
Dave Hyres
Steve Rubel
Robert Jones
Charles Taylor
Joe Kahn
Ed Van Istendal
Paul Kutney
Rick Voyton

Are we missing someone? Let us know as we work to compile this record.










Dear Friends:

Warm weather is arriving in PA, and the busy season is just around the corner. We hope to see you at NPMA Legislative Days, coming up on March 18-20, 2018 in Washington, D.C. Your perspective as a PPMA member can help change federal policy. If you are there, be sure to connect with the rest of the Pennsylvania contingent in attendance! Check out the Member Benefit spotlight this month as we highlight legislative advocacy.

The tick survey is still going on! Your input as a member is EXTREMELY important. Be sure to click the information below. Answers will be kept anonymous.

If we at the Association's office can ever be of assistance, please feel free to contact us at (800) 842-9090 or cwright@versantstrategies.net.

  Team Versant  
Your insight needed!

Tick Control Services: A Survey of the Pest Management Industry (PA)

As you all know, ticks and the diseases they carry are becoming more and more of a concern for landscape and pest control professionals and their clients, in 2016 Pennsylvania ranked first in the nation with respect to Lyme disease, reporting nearly 9,000 confirmed cases. For more than a decade CDC and its agency partners have been looking at different approaches to this growing problem; now we in PPMA have a chance to add some "boots on the ground" input to help guide the approach for this emerging market.
If you are already encountering tick-related issues, or anticipate someday doing so, we strongly suggest adding your opinion early.

Access the survey here:

Why Be a Mentor?

You might be asking yourself...why be a mentor?

I'm going to ask you to think back to what it was like when you first started in this very unusual industry. You might have thought there wasn't much to it, after all how tough could it be? Killing bugs and catching mice...nothing to it. That is until you came to the realization that in order to succeed, you needed to know a heck of a lot more.

Just to run a business you needed to know about book keeping, regulations, marketing etc. Let alone the actual craft of pest control. I'm sure at some point, you became overwhelmed and maybe thought about calling it quits.
But you didn't...you hung in there and signed up for the school of hard knocks and persevered. It wasn't easy was it? Of course it wasn't. You put your nose to the stone and kept plugging away...enjoying small victories and learning from your mistakes. You used every available resource and you made it. 

You gained experience...and nothing is more valuable than experience.

YOU can be the most valuable resource there is.

Now granted, there is help out there for those searching for it. Training seminars, manufacturer reps, trade associations like The Pennsylvania Pest Management Association and don't forget the dreaded Internet. But there is nothing like turning to a fellow bugman for a little guidance or moral support. This is why I am spearheading the PPMA Mentoring program. I want to see us all succeed, I want us all to be connected and I simply want to help my brothers and sisters in arms.

Now is your chance to make a difference in someone else's life with very little effort on your part.

You are a resource...please share.

Right now the Mentoring Program is in the planning stage. If you are interested in being part of something that can really make a difference, please contact me.

Scotty Grill
Mentoring Chairman 

Member Benefit Spotlight

Written by Caleb Wright, Executive Director.
It is no surprise to PPMA members that the pest control industry is heavily regulated.  From technician's required certification and continuing education requirements to licenses and tax collections, federal and state requirements keep all our business owners on their toes. Ensuring profitability and at the same time public health and safety is a key priority for PPMA/NPMA. A team of individuals covering state and federal interests work together to avoid over-regulation and laws that would inhibit success.
In Pennsylvania, over 4,000 bills are introduced each two-year legislative cycle. Versant reviews those bills daily and tracks ones of interest to PPMA members. Updates can be found in each copy of the Inspector. We also review weekly reports on regulatory changes, captured in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
As issues arrise, we work with the leadership committee of PPMA to identify strategies to deter harmful legislation and regulations. To date, we have been successful in avoiding bans on pesticides, stark changes to the Sales and Use Taxes, and are working to find ways to lower Worker's Compensation Insurance costs. 
PPMA has also supports NPMA's federal strategies. Not only do we provide a lift with the Pennsylvania congressional delegation at NPMA's request, but the association also participates in NPMA Legislative Days.  There the foundation will be set and relationships forged to further the work of your advocacy team. Your support of this event is greatly appreciated by NPMA Staff and Leadership as well as the PPMA Board.  Interested individuals can reach out to President Marty Overline at ....
As a professional trade association, our strength is in our numbers. Legislators and staff reach out to us for technical input that helps them make data driven decisions. Through advocacy efforts, PPMA raises the profile of the industry and adds strength to messagesshared to key decision makers.
If you have any questions on any legislative or regulatory issues, call our office at (800) 842-9090 or email cwright@versantstrategies.net or text Caleb at 717-319-4638.
Caleb Wright serves as PPMA's Executive Director and as the COO of Versant Strategies, Pennsylvania's leading Public Affairs firm specializing in agricultural, environmental, educational, and rural affairs. He can be reached at cwright@versantstrategies.net. 
News From NPMA

Don't miss this deadline!

District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment (DDOE) Extends Reporting Deadline to March 1st

The Washington, DC Department of Energy and the Environment has extended the February 1st deadline for applicators to report pesticide usage to March 1st.

DC Regulations ( 20 DCMR § 2516.3) require that operators submit, on or before February 1, pesticide application information to the Department. Operators submit this information via the Department's DCPLANTS platform. While the cut off to submit this information was February 1, the Department is extending the deadline until March 1, 2018 to allow applicants to access DCPLANTS, which the Department recently activated. After this date, if operators have not submitted the required information, the Department may take an enforcement action for failure to comply with this reporting requirement.

Click here to access the DCPLANTS platform. Upon logging into DCPLANTS, you will need to provide the EPA Number, Amount, Measurement (lbs, oz, gallons, etc.), and form of pesticide applied in the District of Columbia during calendar year 2017.

If you have any questions regarding the submission on required information, please contact the DC Pesticides Program at 202-535-2600.
Upcoming Meetings          

The Meetings and Events section of the website is always the most up-to-date resource for happenings of the Association. Be sure to check it out!

March 8, 2018 - Eastern Division Spring Meeting , Trevose, PA

March 18-20, 2018 - NPMA Legislative Day, Washington D.C.

The Eastern Division continues to hold its monthly meetings with varying topics of discussion on the second Thursday of every month at the Crowne Plaze in Trevose.  For more information on monthly topics and speakers, contact Sue at (215) 331-1121.
Featured Article
My first termite s warm of the 2018 season...Pittsburgh, February 27th...near a furnace. (of course)
This is the earliest swarm that I have on record for my company. I'd like to know when yours is.
Drop me a line at 412.292.1608 or email me at MisterPlanBee@gmail.com

Have a great season!
Scotty Grill
Mentor Chairman
Legislative Update

The information below represents legislative activity (including bill introductions) that has occurred since the last newsletter.  For a full listing of legislation that Versant is tracking for PPMA, please contact us at (717) 635-2320 or cwright@versantstrategies.net.  Activity marked HCO or SCO indicates a co-sponsorship memo which precedes the actual introduction of legislation and is designed to secure the support of other legislators prior to introduction as a bill.

The beginning of February marks the start of the annual budgeting process for state government in Pennsylvania. As the legislature prepares for the Governor's Budget Address next week, work must still continue with redrawing the Congressional District maps. Versant Strategies is paying close attention to the following legislation on your behalf:

HB 1001- Helm, Susan (R) - Act regulating home inspectors; establishing the Home Inspection Licensing Board; providing for licensure & practice, for disciplinary action, for remedies & for penalties; making an appropriation; & repealing provisions.

The bill has passed the Senate Labor and Industry Committee and awaits further action in the Senate. .

SB 936 - White, Donald (R) - Amends the Workers' Compensation Act, in liability and compensation, further providing for prescription drugs and the treatment of work-related injuries; and, in procedure, further providing for peer review.

The bill failed a vote on the House floor and will no longer be considered.
Increase Your Business Opportunities; Update your Find a Pro Listing Today
To update your company's service area, please follow the steps below:
  1. Log on to the Manage My Group area of the NPMA websitePlease note: in order to access the "Manage My Group" area of the NPMA website, you must be a company administrator. 
  1. Click on "Company Information" from the drop down menu.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Service Area section.
    1. Download the excel template found on this page.
    2. Update this template to include all of the zip codes that you service.
    3. Save the file on your computer.
    4. In the Service Area section click Choose File.  Locate the excel template file that you just saved. Click open.
    5. Click Upload file.
Once you've completed these steps your service on Find-a-Pro is instantly updated to include these new zip codes. 
If you are having problems accessing please contact NPMA at (703) 352-6762 or npma@pestworld.org.

Articles of Interest

02-27-2018 Wolf Administration Officials, Berks County Stone Supplier Show How to...
  (Press Release)

02-26-2018 Infestation of Asian tick, previously unknown inside U.S., found in N.J.
Add the longhorned tick to the growing list of invasive species farmers, foresters and officials are confronting. The Rutgers Center for Vector Biology published a study last week confirming an infestation by Haemaphysalis longicornis at one farm in Hunterdon County, N.J. Previously, the tick wasn't known to have made... - Philadelphia Inquirer

02-21-2018 Maryland braces for invasion of lanternflies, races to slow their spread
Mary Kay Malinoski has seen plenty of harmful insects swarm into Maryland during her long career, from the tree-eating gypsy moth, which invaded in the 1980s, to the malodorous brown marmorated stink bug, which arrived in 2006. But Malinoski, a veteran entomologist with the University of Maryland's... - Baltimore Sun

02-08-2018 PDA: Wolf Administration Thanks USDA for $17.5 Million in New Spotted...
  (Press Release)

02-04-2018 Ticks likely to be abundant this year, regardless of cold weather
Given the recent stretches of subzero temperatures and heavy snowfall, it would seem likely that pests, like ticks, may be impacted for future seasons. It's a question that's commonly posed to Pennsylvania Department of Conversation and Natural Resources officials.... - Uniontown Herald-Standard