

      August 2018



Marty Overlilne
Aardvark Pest Management
Phildelphia, PA
Adam Witt
President Elect
Witt Pest Management
Pittsburgh, PA

Jeff King
Vice President
The Pest Rangers
Hanover Twp., PA

Keith Hamilton
Chairman of the Board
J.C. Ehrlich
State College, PA

Central Division
Gary Lesher
Perry Pest Control
Landisburg, PA
Leland Manuel
Manchester, PA

Keith Jones
Archer Pest Control
Camp Hill, PA
Eastern Division  
Bryan Levengood
Elverson, PA

Mike Snyder
Township Pest Control
Warrington , PA
Rob Byer
Mount Laurel , NJ
Northeast Division
Jeff King
The Pest Rangers
Hanover Twp., PA
Paul Kutney
The Pest Rangers
Larksville, PA
Peter Arnold
K-9 Bed Bug 
Detection Services
Pleasant Mount, PA
Western Division
Adam Witt
Witt Pest Management
Pittsburgh, PA
Scott Grill
Bill Grill Exterminating
Verona, PA
Sean Williams
Bill Grill Exterminating 
Verona, PA
Industry Liaison
Brian Smith
Sharon Hill, PA
Executive Director
Versant Strategies
Harrisburg, PA

Many thanks to these Past Presidents:
Len Bruno
Dana Lown
Harvey Goldglantz
John Morrison
Keith Hamilton
Mike Powers
Dave Hyres
Steve Rubel
Robert Jones
Charles Taylor
Joe Kahn
Ed Van Istendal
Paul Kutney
Rick Voyton

Are we missing someone? Let us know as we work to compile this record.

Dear Friends:

Congratulations to the Western Division on a very successful Annual Meeting and Trade Show. The event drew a record number of attendees! Executive Director Caleb Wright was honored to be in attendance to answer questions and discuss membership benefits. 

The membership drive is still on! If you have not renewed your membership, DO SO NOW!
Access renewal information via your MyNPMA account (accessible at  https://npmapestworld.org/ by selecting "Log-In/Members Only"). As well, information for 2018-19 membership dues is available if you  click here

Registration information for the upcoming Annual Meeting will be hitting your inboxes shortly. Mark your calendars now to be in attendance on December 3-4 in Lancaster, PA!

If we can be of assistance in any way, please reach out via email at cwright@versantstrategies.net or by phone at (800) 842-9090.

Team Versant  

Nature and Availability of Tick Control Services Survey

Tick season is in full swing in the Northeast, and adding to the region's tick problem a new Asian import that has joined the growing number of pests that can stand up to even the worst winters. The USDA has issued a fact sheet for this invasive newcomer, the bush or longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) who is making headlines for overwintering successfully in NJ. 

The CDC is running a short, 20 question survey (even shorter for members currently not providing tick control) of companies in our region to get input from our members about their tick control practices and experience; even if you don't currently have tick-control clients, or have taken a prior survey, your input is invaluable in getting our industry's input heard in this emerging public health issue.

Click the link below to take the short survey:
New Online course for Spotted Lanternfly Permits
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences has created an online permitting course for businesses and organizations moving within or from the quarantine zone of the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). You can find information on the course at https://extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly. 

Companies should designate specific employees to take the course. Once a designated employee passes this course, his or her company will receive spotted lanternfly permits for company vehicles. The designated employee must train fellow employees to work in the quarantine zone without inadvertently spreading these insects and endangering agriculture and commerce. This course includes fact sheets to use with training.

If you have questions on the permitting process, email the PA Department of Agriculture at slfpermit@pa.gov   

In addition, homeowner fact sheets and information, along with the process to report any sightings of SLF across the state are on the PSU website at extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly (or you can just search PSU SLF). Penn State also have a SLF hotline set up to answer questions from the public and to report sightings outside of the quarantine zone - 888-4-BADFLY (888-422-3359) toll-free.
Record Mosquito Numbers and West Nile Virus Threaten Pennsylvanians
DEP encourages residents to protect themselves and families through simple preventative measures

Harrisburg, PA - Receding floodwaters and heavy rains across Pennsylvania are creating a perfect storm of conditions, that have contributed to the highest level of West Nile virus activity in the mosquito population since the disease was first introduced in 2000. The disease, which has infected more than 150 people in the past six years, is on track to pose an unusually higher than normal risk this year and is widespread throughout the commonwealth, having already been found in 51 Pennsylvania Counties as of August 1, 2018. 
"With record levels of West Nile virus activity in mosquitoes already found, we are at increased risk of disease from a bite of a mosquito. It is imperative that Pennsylvania residents take common-sense precautions to protect themselves from mosquitoes," said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell. "There has been one human case already this year. Our goal is for that to be the only one. By eliminating places for mosquitoes to lay eggs, using insect repellant and other protective measures, and targeted use of pesticides, we can all make sure Pennsylvanians are protected."
Governor Wolf's administration is taking several specific initiatives to combat this little-known virus. The Pennsylvania Department of Health has issued an advisory through the Health Advisory Network to alert medical professionals about the risk of West Nile virus this year. Governor Wolf and the legislature also recently approved a $140,000 increase to the program's budget.
DEP West Nile virus program staff have conducted multiple operations to reduce mosquito habitats from tire piles and other areas. These efforts will be ongoing until the first hard frost of the year. 
The virus can have devastating effects on bird populations as well. Pennsylvania's state bird, the ruffed grouse, has been hit especially hard by the virus, and the winter hunting season for the bird has been curtailed as a result of the virus and habitat loss. 
"The disease is especially deadly to birds, including grouse," said Matt Helwig, a biologist with the DEP mosquito program 
Residents can also eliminate habitat by getting rid of standing and stagnant water where mosquitoes lay eggs. 
"Mosquitoes are weak flyers and won't travel far from where they are born - if there are mosquitoes in your backyard or neighborhood, they are likely laying eggs there as well," said Helwig, "If you're being bitten by mosquitoes, they are 9 times out of 10 coming from your property. Get rid of even small amounts of standing water around your home."
Common places water can accumulate are outdoor features like potted plants and birdbaths, yard debris like, storage bins, kids' toys (including kiddie pools), rain gutters, and even corrugated downspouts.
"It doesn't take much for several hundred mosquitoes to be born. The small pool of water that collects in a single upturned bottle cap is an incubator for as many as 300 mosquito eggs," said Helwig. Mosquitoes acquire the virus by biting infected birds and transmit the virus to people through a subsequent bite. 
Use of commonly sold insect repellants, like those using DEET, Picaridin, or other EPA-registered repellants, can also cut down on mosquito bites, and possible exposure to the virus. Long pants and sleeves are also an important way to cut down on possible exposure to mosquitoes. 
DEP and county partners throughout the state will also conduct routine, localized spraying events to control infected adult populations of mosquitoes. These operations are conducted when and where deemed necessary based on recent population survey results.
"Control operations are a strong tool, but they are not a substitute for preventive measures like eliminating standing, stagnant water," said Helwig.
Symptoms of West Nile virus in humans are typically like those of a mild flu, but the virus can lead to a more serious condition that includes swelling of the brain, muscle convulsions, coma, paralysis, and death. Since DEP first began monitoring for the virus in 2000 there have been 33 fatal cases of West Nile virus in Pennsylvania. 
"While the symptoms may not seem threatening in the vast majority of cases, serious impacts to health can occur from being bitten by mosquitoes that carry this virus," said McDonnell.
For more information on West Nile virus please visit  http://www.westnile.state.pa.us/ 

For audio, photos and videos on West Nile virus please visit  https://www.winstormdp.com/eMercial/view/html5/CMS/PINS/6345/no/Custom
NPMA and PA Pest Management Association Participate in Congressman Glenn "G.T." Thompson's Farm Bill Roundtable Lunch 

As reported by NPMA:

NPMA Director of Public Policy Jake Plevelich, Executive Director of the PA Pest Management Association Dr. MeeCee Baker, and PA Vice-SPAR Caleb Wright participated in a roundtable discussion on the Farm Bill with House Agriculture Committee Vice-Chair Congressman Glenn "G.T." Thompson at Penn State University on Tuesday, August 7, 2018. GT was very receptive to the pest control industry's regulatory reform initiatives in the Farm Bill. We highlighted the need to reform the EPA-FWS consultation process for pesticides regarding the Endangered Species Act, repealing NPDES permits for pesticide applications near or in bodies of water, and NPMA's initiative to bring clarity for pesticide regulation and prevent a crazy-quilt of laws so it's easier to protect public health and property and serve our customers. Dr. Baker and Vice-SPAR Caleb Wright did a great job of organizing the event so our industry's concerns could be conveyed directly to the Vice-Chairman of the Ag. Committee and critical Farm Bill conferee.

Jake Plevelich greets Congressman "GT" Thompson. 
Small Business Spotlight

Key Considerations For Selling A Family Business

Succession planning can be one of the most challenging aspects of owning and operating a family business. And while many family business owners may dream of passing ownership of the business onto future generations, keeping the business within the family isn't always a viable option. When a clear successor within the family doesn't exist, family business owners are faced with the difficult decision of who will take over the business when they are ready to step aside.
According to the Family Business Institute, two of the ownership succession issues that most often plague family businesses are technical mistakes and planning in a vacuum. If you are contemplating selling your family business to an outside buyer, a comprehensive succession plan that addresses a few key considerations can help ensure that you don't make these common mistakes.
Determine an Appropriate Timeline
While selling your business may take as few as six months to close, positioning the business for sale-not to mention preparing yourself and your family emotionally-may take much longer. For many family businesses, beginning the process at least three years in advance is often necessary.
From an operational perspective, you may need time to clean up your balance sheet or lock down contracts with key vendors or strategic partners. If your business requires real estate to operate, long-term leases may need to be in place prior to sale. Additionally, you may need to secure agreements with essential employees and key management. Taking these preparatory steps can add value to the business when the time comes to sell.
Structure the Sale Thoughtfully
There are numerous ways to structure the sale of a closely held business-a lump sum sale, an installment sale, an earnout sale based on a percentage of future profits or a sale to a charitable trust. Determining your desired "end result"-as well as the potential tax implications of each of your options-will help determine how to best structure the sale of your business.
Selling a business often requires a team of advisors, including investment bankers, attorneys, business accountants and financial advisors to work through the various complexities. Making sure you have the right team of specialists in place can help avoid the common pitfall of planning in a vacuum.
Decide What's Next
A large liquidity event is a major life development for a business owner. Selling a business can create issues related to cash flow, investment portfolios, how family property is held and how to set up trusts, among other things. A new approach may be needed to preserve your family's newfound wealth, which usually includes diversifying your assets across industries and markets. As you plan the sale of your business, considering how to manage your windfall of cash and other assets may better prepare you for what lies ahead.
Beyond these technical considerations of wealth management, former business owners often go through an identity crisis following the sale of a business as they face challenging questions about lifestyle, how to raise their children and how to navigate the personal, familial and social complexities wealth creates. Working through all of these questions with a trusted wealth advisor can help eliminate many of the unanticipated anxieties you may feel leading up to the sale of your business.
Like all business decisions, selling the family business has its pros and cons. While a liquidity event gives you the opportunity to diversify your assets away from previously concentrated wealth and makes the estate planning process easier, giving up control of the business can also create emotional stress and upset family dynamics. When creating your own succession plan, it's important to give yourself enough time to adequately plan for these challenges. Additionally, you may want to consult with a diverse team of specialists to ensure that you have as much information as possible prior to making a decision.
Written by Catherine Schnaubelt
News from NPMA
NPMA Maintains Farm Bill Pressure on the Hill

Last week, NPMA participated in outreach on Capitol Hill with fellow members of the Pesticide Policy Coalition (PPC), Spencer Duncan of the Kansas Pest Control Association, and Jay Vroom of CropLife America. We attended several meetings with the Senate Committee on Agriculture Majority staff, Chairman Pat Roberts's staff, and an event benefiting Chairman Roberts. NPMA was also a signatory on a letter with a broad coalition voicing support for the regulatory reform provisions in the Farm Bill that was sent to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of both Ag. Committees. NPMA and others in the coalition will be ratcheting up pressure on Farm Bill conferees and other key players in the process to ensure that we can protect public health and property without burdensome regulations for generations to come. 
Technical Spotlight

Synthetic VS. Organic???

The definition of "pesticide" is pretty simple: Pesticides are chemicals that kill pests or disrupt pest populations. A pest is an organism (plant, animal, fungus, or microbe) that causes some type of damage to something we value. Furthermore, pesticides can be grouped in a number of different ways based on their active ingredients and how they work such as synthetic pesticides, organic pesticides. This subject is a dilemma for a lot of PCO'S. It is usually driven by your customer's needs.

Synthetic pesticides
Pesticides in this group, for example carbaryl (Sevin), fipronil (Termidor) and imidacloprid (Merit, Bayer Advanced), are manufactured in a laboratory and marketed/sold by a chemical company. Synthetic pesticides are further grouped into similar chemical classes such as organochlorines, organophosphates, pyrethroids, and carbamates.

Synthetic pesticides have been widely used since the end of World War II. During the last 60 years new synthetic pesticides have become more pest specific, exhibit lower toxicity and are less environmentally damaging. While synthetic pesticides have contributed to an abundant and cheap food supply they still present a certain amount of risk to human and environmental health.

Organic pesticides
Pesticides in this group, for example rotenone, pyrethrum, nicotine, neem oil, and all of the botanical pesticides are products of living organisms. Often they are chemicals that plants and microbes use to protect themselves from parasites, predators and pathogens.

Nicotine, for example, is produced by plants in the genus Nicotiana as a powerful herbivore (plant-feeding) deterrent. Nicotine is also a potent insecticide and is highly toxic to mammals. In small doses, delivered by smoking dried tobacco leaves, nicotine is a stimulant.

Organic pesticides are often lower in toxicity than older synthetic pesticides but this is not always the case. Organic does not necessarily equal low toxicity and environmentally safer.

Inorganic pesticides
Pesticides in this group, for example borates, silicates and sulfur, are minerals that are mined from the earth and ground into a fine powder. Some work as poisons and some work by physically interfering with the pest. Older "inorganics" included such highly toxic compounds as arsenic, copper, lead and tin salts. Current inorganic pesticides are relatively low in toxicity and have low environmental impact. Borate insecticides, such as Bora Care and Timbor have many uses in structural pest management and are very safe compared to older conventional pesticides (see Bora Care Insecticide and Timbor Insecticide).

Biorational pesticides
This term refers to synthetic, organic, or inorganic pesticides that are both low toxicity and exhibit a very low impact on the environment. "Biorationals" also have minimal impact on species for which they are not intended (called non-target species). Biorational pesticides include oils, insecticidal soaps, microbials (such as Bacillus thurengienesis and entomopathogenic nematodes), botanicals (plant-based) and insect growth regulators. The biorational pesticides should therefore be your first choice whenever a pesticide is needed (see what are Natural Insecticides?).

The difference is one is made of naturally occurring chemicals and one is synthetically made.

Most people incorrectly assume that "Natural" means it is not toxic and safer; this is not necessarily the case. This is where life is lived in the grey areas.

There are significant differences in efficacy and control when using natural products. It may cost a little more, but choosing the right product should resolve your pest problem and be safe for your customers...

It is important to remember that these products are still pesticides.

Remember we are professionals, and which ever products you use. Use accordingly!

By: Leland J. Manuel

Upcoming Meetings          

The Eastern Division is set to meet on September 13, 2018 for their Fall Seminar. Click here for registration information.

The Meetings and Events section of the website is always the most up-to-date resource for happenings of the Association. Be sure to check it out!

The Eastern Division continues to hold its monthly meetings with varying topics of discussion on the second Thursday of every month at the Crowne Plaze in Trevose.  For more information on monthly topics and speakers, contact Sue at (215) 331-1121.
Legislative Update

The information below represents legislative activity (including bill introductions) that has occurred since the last newsletter.  For a full listing of legislation that Versant is tracking for PPMA, please contact us at (717) 635-2320 or cwright@versantstrategies.net.  Activity marked HCO or SCO indicates a co-sponsorship memo which precedes the actual introduction of legislation and is designed to secure the support of other legislators prior to introduction as a bill.

The State Legislature has been at recess since the the end of July . However, on your behalf, Versant Strategies has continued to monitor legislation and co-sponsorship memos that have been introduced. No legislative activity specific to PPMA's interest has been seen since the last report. 
Increase Your Business Opportunities; Update your Find a Pro Listing Today
To update your company's service area, please follow the steps below:
  1. Log on to the Manage My Group area of the NPMA websitePlease note: in order to access the "Manage My Group" area of the NPMA website, you must be a company administrator. 
  1. Click on "Company Information" from the drop down menu.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Service Area section.
    1. Download the excel template found on this page.
    2. Update this template to include all of the zip codes that you service.
    3. Save the file on your computer.
    4. In the Service Area section click Choose File.  Locate the excel template file that you just saved. Click open.
    5. Click Upload file.
Once you've completed these steps your service on Find-a-Pro is instantly updated to include these new zip codes. 
If you are having problems accessing please contact NPMA at (703) 352-6762 or npma@pestworld.org.

Articles of Interest

08-31-2018 First Spotted Lanternfly spotted in Radnor
RADNOR - An uninvited and unwanted guest has come to town: The first Spotted Lanternfly in Radnor was discovered at the Willows Park. The invasive species that hails from Southeast Asia and China turned up in 2014 in Berks County and began spreading, said Vikram Iyengar, a Villanova... - Main Line Times

08-22-2018 DEP: Mosquito Spraying Set for Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Susquehanna and...
  (Press Release)

08-21-2018 DEP to Conduct Aerial Mosquito Larval Control on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 as...
  (Press Release)

08-07-2018 An Invasive New Tick Is Spreading in the U.S.
The Asian long-horned tick was first identified in New Jersey last November. The species now has been reported in the suburbs of New York City and as far west as Arkansas.CreditJames Gathany/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention For the first time in 50 years, a new tick species has arrived in the... - New York Times