Dear Friends,

As we approach the one year anniversary of the lockdown in this country due to COVID-19, we pause to remember the more than half a million lives lost to this disease just in this country. For every life lost, there are families, friends, and loved ones who will be forever impacted. We now hope that the three available vaccines get into enough people's arms to give us a sense of confidence in resuming many activities that have been put off for so long. 

This month our newsletter focuses on direct caregivers who were profoundly impacted by COVID-19. This sector of our workforce serves the most frail of our older population, which was at high risk for serious illness and death throughout the pandemic. The direct caregiver is often the eyes and ears of the person they care for, especially when they have a cognitive impairment. The following news piece provides more information about the experiences of direct caregivers over the past year. 

Happy Spring, and be sure to get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible.
