
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA


Thursday, January 13, 2022

ITGA News & Announcements

Submit Your Ideas to Present

Clemson University and the City of Clemson are excited to host the ITGA 2022 City & University Relations Conference, June 6-8. We are seeking innovative and collaborative proposals on topics that provide insight on the continuously evolving relationships impacted through a variety of challenges faced by students, community members and other stakeholders. Click here to learn more.

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The ITGA 2022 Conference Registration is Open!


Join ITGA's Emerging Professionals Group January 18 at 4:00pm EST


National & International Headlines

Journey From the Streets of NY to State College Borough Council

Standing in front of the Allen Street Gates, Lipscomb made a statement that changed the course of his life. "If you don't meet our demands, I'll run for your seat." He wanted to make sure that something like the Osagie shooting would never happen again.

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Poppy Humphrey Receives Distinguished Award

The new year started off right for Manchester based Off Campus Student Affairs Officer Poppy Humphrey. Following recognition of her work in town and gown relations, she was presented with a Commendation by Greater Manchester Police last week.

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Post-Pandemic Student Housing Research: Opportunity to Contribute

The main aim of the project is to understand how the student housing sector has changed since the pandemic (post-2019) and to identify emerging good practice and opportunities. The focus is on Purpose Built Student Accommodation & Shared housing.

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CSU Piloting a New Property Manager Liaison Position

The Off Campus Life team at CSU is piloting a Property Manager Liaison, launched January 3, 2022, when Stevie Jorgensen started their first day in the role. Stevie's first big assignment is to launch the Good Neighbor Program, modeled after TSU's ACT Program.

Link to Full Article

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Vernier Grants $3 Million to Potsville College Town Campus

The College Towne Initiative at Alvernia University has been well received in Harrisburg. This new branch campus is the cornerstone of a dedicated effort to revitalize downtown Pottsville. So far, Alvernia has received a total of $8 million in RACP funding.

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International Town & Gown Association

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