
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA

June 30, 2022

ITGA News & Announcements

Did you Know? 

Did you know that several current and previous ITGA members traveled to San Diego to participate in the 2022 Apartmentalize conference hosted by the National Apartment Association? The group was asked to serve on a panel entitled, "Town & Gown: Creating beneficial Partnerships."

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Plan on Attending the Racial Justice and Equity Committee Meeting

July 14 at 10:00 CST: Save the Date

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The 2022 ITGA City & University Relations Conference 

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National & International Headlines

Meet SGA President Cris Lugo, an International Student 

Cris Lugo understands the education gap caused by a lack of technology. Born in Dominican Republic and raised on the Turks & Caicos Islands, there were no computers in his home. Now he hopes to combine his experience as the first international student ever to be chosen president of SGA. 

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Clemson Program Leaving Its Paw Print on Greenville   

The orange logo looming high above One City Plaza is indeed a Clemson Tiger Paw, in this case signifying not performance in football, but in real estate development, one of just nine real estate development graduate programs nationwide. 

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University Launches Nationwide Effort to Pair Colleges with Local News Organizations

The University of Vermont  launched a nationwide program Wednesday that seeks to address the strains on local newsrooms across the country by partnering news organizations with colleges.

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The ITGA Presidential Excellence Award Honoree

HomeFirst is a volunteer-led financial wellness program powered by The University of Alabama's Center for Community-Based Partnerships. Since 2019, Dr. Nicole Prewitt, recipient of the award and an ITGA Board member, has led the HomeFirst program.    

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A Big 'Thank You' to Our Sponsors

International Town & Gown Association

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