July 2023

Summer Is Upon Us


It is July and it is exceptionally lush and green around here. We have been both blessed and cursed with a record breaking amount of rain and storms. As we enter July though, it is important to make sure supplemental watering is in place as the days will be long, temperatures will rise, and rain will undoubtedly become more scarce. Any newly planted trees, shrubs, perennials or grasses need extra attention to get established.  Tip: If your plant is wilting and you give it extra water and it perks up, good to know. If you give it extra water and it doesn't perk up, you are probably watering it too much already. Either way it is time to adjust accordingly. Check out Pine Lane's Steps for Success to learn more about how much water your new plant material needs.

July Hours:

Monday - Friday 8-6

Saturday 8-5

Sunday 9-4

What's happening at PLN this month?



Wishing you all a safe & happy

Independence Day

Story-time in July

We know how it is. By July parents evey where are looking for something fun and new to do with the littles. Join our Lil' Grow Getters Club (no membership required ;) on the patio July 8, 15, 22, & 29 at 10am for Story-time and Snacks.

Garden Thymes with Jackie

"I say, if your knees aren't green by the 

end of the day, you ought to seriously 

re-examine your life."

 ~Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes

General Landscaping

  • Check your sprinklers to make sure all you landscaping plants are receiving the correct amount of water
  • Weed, Weed, Weed! Not only are they unsightly, weeds rob your plants of precious nutrients and moisture

Shrubs, Perennials, Bulbs

  • Prune spring flowering shrubs after the flowers are spent
  • Cut back spring-blooming bulbs after the leaves have completely died back
  • Continue to fertilize your roses once a month

Veggies, Fruits & Herbs

  • Continue to plant warm season veggies (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, corn)
  • Protect your strawberries & cherries from birds and other wildlife with mesh netting
  • Plant your herb seeds like dill, basil, cilantro


  • Water daily especially if your baskets are in full day sun or wind. It's best to water in early morning
  • For fantastic color feed your flowering annuals once a week with a water soluble fertilizer high in phosphorous (the middle number on a fertilizer label)
  • Continue to dead head the spent blooms

Insect Watch  

  • Be on the lookout for aphids! A tell-tale sign is honeydew on the leaves
  • Spider mites are usually at their peak populations this month
  • Peach tree borer. Adult flights begin. Protective sprays are timely now
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