Registration Fee Update
Beginning Indoor 2024-25 the following changes will be made for registration fees:
Player Outdoor and Indoor Season Fees
Participant – per season
i. Mini: $18
ii. Youth, Adult & Masters: $34
The change has now amended the previous policy where soccer and futsal were collected for players who participated under each category. Now, regardless if the participant has registered with a multiple clubs or under multiple categories, registration fees will be collected by each member the participant registers with.
For example:
Player 1 registers and plays with Soccer Club X and with Soccer Club Y during the indoor season, both Club X and Club Y will collect SSA fees and submit them in their Registrar Report.
Player 2 registers and plays with a Soccer Club A and with Futsal Club B during the indoor season, both Club A and Club B will collect SSA fees and submit them in their Registrar Report.
Player 3 registers with Club C who offers both Soccer and Futsal category programming. Club C will collect a SSA fee for the player and submit them once in their Registrar Report.
More information on the official policy update will be released later in the year.