April 11th, 2024

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WEBINAR - Climate Change and Pharmacy: A Place for Everyone

Join the Coalition, PEACH, and CAPhE as we welcome pharmacy professionals and students from across Canada to discuss their experience tackling climate change and environmental sustainability.


  • "Pharmacy - On the Front Line of the Climate Crisis "
  • "Hospital pharmacy leadership challenges when tackling sustainability practices change"
  • "PharmaD Insights on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Education"
  • "Embracing Social Prescribing - A Pathway to Holistic Sustainable Healthcare"
  • "DPI v.s. MDI Inhaler Assessment in Primary Care"

Date: April 23rd, 2024

Time: 9:00am PT/12:00pm ET

Register here

Canadian Association of Pharmacy for the Environment (CAPhE)

Check out CAPhE, an organisation devoted to the pharmacy profession’s impact and response to planetary health and climate change.

The organisation is a diverse body of volunteers comprised of pharmacy professionals from across Canada. CAPhE's focus is on research, education, partnerships, and communication within the realm of climate mitigation, adaptation, operations, and supply chain management.

CAPhE was established in mid-2022 and since then, the organisation has experienced significant momentum, capitalizing on key partnerships with prominent pharmacy organisations as well as planetary health specific organisations.

Visit the website

Canadian Health Care Forests

Last week the Coalition released our new webpage for the 'Canadian Health Care Forests' initiative!

Visit the page to read about the initiative, discover interesting resources, learn about our collaborators and view the tree plantings map.

If you are interested in doing a planting at your health care site, let us know so we can help you get the process started. And, if your organisation did a planting in 2020 and beyond, let us know so we can add you to the map!

Visit the webpage

WEBINAR - How Canadian Nurses are Advancing Planetary Health: From the Local Stage to the International Arena

Join the Coalition, PEACH, CANE, and Ontario Nurses for the Environment in celebrating nurses’ week by engaging with several nursing leaders who are actively advancing planetary health. From international action all the way to local advocacy, we are bringing together four incredible nurses who are working hard to protect the health of both people and the planet.

Date: May 8th, 2024

Time: 9:00am PT/12:00pm ET

Register here

Join Our Fundraising Committee

The Coalition is seeking dynamic and results-oriented professionals to join the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care’s Fundraising Committee as a volunteer.

As a key person on the committee, you will play a crucial role in developing and implementing fundraising strategies to support our vision and mission priorities.

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Podcast - A Circular Future

How would implementing sustainable practices in health care benefit the environment and also lead to cost savings?

In this podcast episode of "A Circular Future", Stephanie McLarty speaks with the Coalition's ED, Dr. Myles Sergeant. They discussed issues and possible solutions for greening the health care industry. Listen in to learn more.

Listen here


UBC Study: Nurses' experiences of caring for older people during climate-related weather events in Canadian long-term care homes

Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch, a Professor at the UBC School of Nursing is recruiting nurses (RNs, LPNs, RPNs) from across Canada to learn more about their experiences of providing care in long-term care homes during climate-related weather events. The study is inclusive of staff nurses, educators, clinicians, managers/DOCs, and advance practice. 

Participation involves a one-on-one interview via Zoom and completion of a demographic form. Participants will receive a $25 honorarium. They are recruiting until June 30, 2024.


The study is approved by the UBC Behavioural Research Ethics Board. 

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Greening Nursing School Community of Practice

Greening Nursing School Community of Practice is a place for nursing educators and those interested in nursing education to discuss projects to green nursing education.

Meet virtually with nursing educators and those interested in nursing education from across Canada. Discuss projects to implement planetary health into nursing curriculum or practical projects like greening the lab. If you are already undertaking such a project, please share it with the others. If you are not sure where to start, this is a good place to find inspiration.

The hope is that this group will have recurrent meetings every two months or at least once a semester, and it will become a community of practice where like-minded nurses can connect.

Register here


Government of Canada launches public engagement on the 2035 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target 


Everyone's contributions are essential to reach Canada's long-term target of net-zero emissions by 2050, a goal shared by more and more provinces, territories, businesses, and more. 

On February 2nd , Environment and Climate Change Canada launched a public engagement process to hear the opinions of Canadians and Indigenous peoples across the country to inform setting Canada's 2035 national greenhouse gas emissions target.

This important step is mandated under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act and Canada's international obligations under the Paris Agreement.

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Just 57 companies linked to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions since 2016

The Guardian

A mere 57 oil, gas, coal and cement producers are directly linked to 80% of the world’s global fossil CO2 emissions since the 2016 Paris climate agreement, a study has shown.

This powerful cohort of state-controlled corporations and shareholder-owned multinationals are the leading drivers of the climate crisis, according to the Carbon Majors Database, which is compiled by world-renowned researchers.

Although governments pledged in Paris to cut greenhouse gases, the analysis reveals that most mega-producers increased their output of fossil fuels and related emissions in the seven years after that climate agreement, compared with the seven years before.

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Reducing financial exposure to fossil fuels

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) identified a need for effective and affordable ways to save for retirement for physicians. This led to the creation of the registered retirement savings plans and the creation of MD Financial Management.

They now have investment options across stock and bond holdings that avoid companies involved in extracting, processing or transporting fossil fuels: MD Fossil Fuel Free Funds™.

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One worker's push to get her pension to divest from fossil fuels

CBC News

As a paediatric physiotherapist, Elizabeth Houlding, began paying into a pension fund last September, and has concerns about where her retirement money is being invested.

Houlding works for the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and is a member of the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP). HOOPP, which has roughly $104 billion in assets, has come under criticism for investing too much money in fossil fuel companies.

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Inside Island Health's long-term efficiency plan

BC Hydro

Island Health is responsible for delivering health and care services to approximately 900,000 people in and around Vancouver Island. Their facilities maintenance and operations department manages approximately 5,500,000 ft2 of owned health care facilities and approximately 130 leased facilities.

Offering a complete range of health services, the organisation provides public health support, primary health care, home and community care, mental health and substance use services, as well as acute care in hospitals.

Like most B.C. public service organisations, Island Health is committed to a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, and an 80% reduction by 2050.

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Fraser Health Planetary Health Strategy

Fraser Health

The climate and ecological crisis is a big problem that affects how healthy we are. It is the most important health challenge we face in this century.

The good news is that this crisis gives us an opportunity to make things better. We can use it to fix problems that have been around for a long time while making people healthier.

That’s why Fraser Health is excited to share their new Planetary Health strategy.

This plan aims to reduce the impact of Fraser Health services, reinforce the connection between a healthy planet and communities, create a climate-resilient health system and build a culture of social and environmental sustainability.

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Measuring and controlling greenhouse gas emissions

Health Facilities Management

Sustainability, decarbonization, carbon neutral and net zero are becoming part of the health care vernacular and have been seen and heard via American Society for Health Care Engineering conferences, websites and publications.

But what do they mean for health care facilities management? Why does a health care organisation need to be concerned? More critically, how can facilities managers and directors be a part of the effort to bring these terms to realization?

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The Worlds Best Hospitals 2024


Newsweek has partnered with Statista for its annual ranking of the world's best hospitals, a series that began in March 2019. This year, the list includes data on 2,400 hospitals across 30 countries.

Each hospital's score is based on an online survey of more than 85,000 medical experts and public data from post-hospitalization patient surveys on their general satisfaction.

Congratualtions to University Health Network in particular for making it into the top ten!

Canadian hospitals ranked

Canadian hospital in world's top 10


Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program

Introduced in 2019, the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) is a substantial $680 million initiative designed to tackle a significant obstacle to the widespread acceptance of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) in Canada—the insufficient number of charging and refuelling stations. ZEVIP offers up to 50% off total project costs.

ZEVIP will open for applications in Spring 2024 to provide funding towards projects focusing on EV charger deployment in public places, on-street, in multi-unit residential buildings, at workplaces, and for vehicle fleets.

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Release of RETScreen® Version 9.1

Version 9.1 of the RETScreen® Clean Energy Management Software platform is now available for download from the RETScreen website. This update has arrived with a number of salient new features to enhance the RETScreen experience!

One of the latest features is an automated Net Zero Planning Tool which further enables portfolio-wide decarbonization planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting – all available within one single multilingual platform. Learn more about the new tool HERE.


A Better Way to Communicate Climate

Join OMA GIH, PEACH, and CAPE as they welcome Patricia Moore to present "A Better Way to Communicate Climate."

No matter our backgrounds or beliefs, we all yearn for a healthy life, a safe place to live, and a favorable future for ourselves and our loved ones. So why, even with access to information and opportunity, would anyone choose not to take action against climate change? Between misinformation, conflicting priorities, and a natural drive to avoid pain, many people instinctively resort to inaction, rather than suffer the emotional cost of accepting the devastating realities of climate change. By understanding the cognitive processes behind these barriers, health care professionals can more strategically communicate through them, ultimately turning climate apathy into climate action.

Date: April 18th, 2024

Time: 5:00pm PT/ 8:00pm ET

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Healthy People, Healthy Planet Speaker Series: Changing the Paradigm

Healthy People, Healthy Planet is a new virtual speaker series designed for faculty, staff and learners in the Queen’s community to promote healthy behaviour with a focus on the intersection of lifestyle and planetary health to achieve optimal wellbeing. Six sessions will take place throughout April covering topics such as healthy sleep, diet, sustainability and physical activity.


  • April 17th - What if it came in a pill? Physical activity as a chronic disease ‘cure’ for the 21st century
  • April 22nd - Animal agriculture and the global impact on environment, food security, and social justice
  • April 25th - A unifying theory of lifestyle medicine
  • April 29th - What’s missing from medicine: The lifestyle medicine solution
Register here

Ya’akstulth: Leading with Compassion in a Tumultuous Era | Leadership and strategy for sustainable health systems webinar series

The Atleo Centre for Compassionate Leadership presents ‘Ya’akstulth: Leading with Compassion in a Tumultuous Era’. This is an invitation to explore what they believe is the essence of leadership, rooted deeply within each of us. Through the lens of Team Atleo, you are invited to an introduction of their philosophy, approach, and skills programs, which weave together traditional/cultural and western/eastern teachings as well as their experiences. Their foundation is grounded in the concept of relationality, that we need each other, and embraces the key principles: to ‘add no more harm’; to make connection before content; and to nurture self-connection (compassionate resilience).

Date: April 18th, 2024

Time: 10:00am PT/ 1:00pm ET

Register here

SAVE THE DATE! CHES 2024 National Conference - Sept. 8th-10th

The planning for the 2024 CHES National Chapter Conference & Trade Show in Halifax Nova Scotia is coming together and we want to see you there! 

The theme for this year’s conference will be: "Enriching Patient Experiences by Optimizing the Environment" 


Registration is coming out shortly. In the meantime, check out the promo video, and you will be inspired to attend.

Watch video

Have you registered as an organ donor?

Contact your local organ donation agency and speak to your family about your wishes. You have the power to save and transform lives. Learn more and register to donate HERE.

The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change. www.greenhealthcare.ca 

Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.
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