This Giving Tuesday, we are inviting our Sisterhood to consider adding MW USA to their giving budget. Like every organization these days, we face a rapidly changing context at so many different levels. With our small budget and identity as a women’s ministry, we are challenged to recreate our place amid new realities.

Here are some of the ways we have been serving women and staying relevant:

As we move into a new pandemic reality, your donations will help us to continue doing what we've always done; while also dreaming up new ways of being sisters together.
For over 20 years Mennonite Women USA has been supporting women all over the world by giving them scholarships to pursue higher education in Bible studies, Church leadership, theology, Peace studies, and more. In that time we have supported about 160 women from over 30 countries.

This year, we have received 37 applications totaling over $15,000. We desire to support each and every one of these women, but need your support to do that.

In 2021, you all came together in a big way and poured out your generosity for these women and we were able to give over $12,000 in scholarships to every woman who applied.

Please help us meet that goal of every woman funded again this year by donating to the International Women's Fund today!
We Want to Connect with You!
We love connecting with our sisters! One great way for you to connect with us is to follow us on social media. We are active on both Instagram and Facebook. Join us there and connect with other sisters!