Have you spotted it yet? The first few changing leaves are sporadically interrupting the mass of verdant summer splendor. Do their bright colors feel different in a good way? The big yellow buses are back in the traffic mix. Are their little passengers ready for the next grade? The pumpkin spice memes are popping up in social media circulation. Did you remember to savor the fresh corn and watermelon?
Fall is coming in the Northern Hemisphere, and it is a classic seasonal transition. Do you welcome change or worry about it?
Change hits differently depending on your own season of life, but it is the one thing they say is constant. As followers of Jesus, we know about consistency. We live in a way that trusts in, holds hope for, and reveals what is possible if we all rely on the enduring love of God.
Like a leaf of a different color, we may feel a little out of place in our mass culture of image-conscious consumerism and competition, but as Paul wrote in (The Message translation of) Philippians 4:4, we “celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in [God]! Make it as clear as [we] can to all [we] meet that [we’re] on their side, working with them and not against them.”
Everything could fall apart—every single leaf could fall from the tree—and followers of Jesus will come together to tend the roots, because we know about new life. It is not that we know exactly what results in growing from the changes and challenges. We simply choose love by doing our best and taking time for rest, by generously offering our particular gifts, and by trusting that we are enough just as God lovingly made us.
Continuing in Philippians 4:6, “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape [our] worries into prayers, letting God know [our] concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle [us] down.”
So, as we exchange our lawn mowers for leaf blowers, pack lunch boxes, and pick from the pumpkin patches, let it remind us of the hope that change offers and the love that we believe never fails. We are as magnificent as the fall foliage, because we were made by the same loving and creative source who is with us on all the bus rides, in all the classrooms and at every grade. Let the seasons change, because we have nothing to fear, nothing to prove, and everything to relish.
Written by Suzanne Ayer Lay
MW USA Administrative Assistant + Graphic Designer