The Future is Bright

July 2022


Dear Friends of Liga MAC


With so much anguish, upheaval and uncertainty in recent months and years, it is always a welcome respite to hear of someone who has triumphed against all odds. We will learn more of a young man in our profile this month who epitomizes Liga MAC’s goal of helping students to overcome adversity in order to excel. 

The screening process to admit new students to our educational support program continues and we will update that situation. Dr. Deneb Poli is back from vacation with her take on the local medical scene. And the progress on Liga MAC’s new Learning Centre is, like the weather, heating up!

Student Profile: Juan Carlos Morales Morales

We reported last month that only one of Liga MAC’s student support program university students was in the June graduating class of 2022. Although that statement is correct, we are happy to report that one other student will graduate later this year. 

For Juan Carlos Morales Morales, a student who has faced countless issues in his quest to complete university, a command of the English language appeared to be his undoing. His educational goal has been to become a graduate of the Food & Beverage Management program at ITES university with an ultimate goal of becoming a chef.  

An adversarial relationship with his father created tension at home and with support and counselling from Liga MAC Juan Carlos was able to move out of the family home. But it also meant that he needed to work full time to support his educational dreams. In spite of all the hardships he was able to conquer, the one that alluded him was a mastery of English.  

During the 9 semesters at ITES, students are required to pass 6 English courses. Juan Carlos passed his sixth and last English course recently and although he did not qualify for a June graduation, he will be able to celebrate his accomplishment later this year. 

Meanwhile, nothing is holding him back. Juan Carlos is currently working as a Category “C” cook at the Garza Blanca Hotel and with school work behind him can concentrate on rising through the corporate chef ranks to levels “B” and then “A”.  

He has saved his money and bought a small car and is applying to buy an “ejido” building lot. His 3 siblings and mother have moved out of their toxic home environment and in with Juan Carlos. Taking responsibility for his family, Juan Carlos plans to build a family home for his mother and siblings.  

When asked by Liga MAC Executive Director, Elva Haro, what part of the Liga MAC educational support program in which he has been enrolled for the past 9 years, was of most benefit to Juan Carlos, his response was both surprising and touching. He reported that the vouchers to purchase school uniforms that all student support students receive at the beginning of the school year were the key to not only his education but that of his sister. 


Juan Carlos would return home from his morning shift at school, air out his white school uniform shirt and pass it to his sister for her shift at school. With no support from home for their education, Juan Carlos and his sister relied on help from Liga MAC.  

Some of our students need a whole package of aid including counselling, financial help, emotional encouragement and even medical assistance to bring them to a place where they are capable of achieving their goals. 

But others like Juan Carlos already have the motivation and merely lack the means to achieve their goals. We know that Juan Carlos will succeed and he knows that Liga MAC has his back. Felicidades Juan Carlos!

Program Registration for

2022/2023 School Year

The process to qualify new candidates for the 83 positions available in Liga MAC’s educational support program continues. Although applications trickled in initially, ultimately 170 applications were received. Of those, 160 applicants were interviewed by Liga MAC staff and for the first time, by members of our Board of Directors. 


Directors Lina Gonzalez, Fernando Meza, and Julian Ponton assisted with the interviews and discovered first hand the level of effort required to process applicants. 

Acceptance lists will be posted July 14 and 15 followed up by orientation classes for new students July 18 to 22. Due to possible spread of COVID, the orientations will be conducted by Zoom meetings and uniform vouchers will be distributed by appointment at the Liga MAC Centre.

Year End Follow-up

As the pandemic loosens its grip on Los Cabos, precautions are still in place to prevent further outbreaks. CECYT-04 high school has canceled their graduation ceremonies and COBACH High School had a simplified ceremony. 

However, Liga MAC has decided to celebrate our graduates in a different manner. Liga MAC staff are assembling a “Liga MAC Year Book” for our 35 students who graduated this year. Please stay tuned to future Updates for a link to the Year Book and a short bio of each student.

More Connections

In May we reported on the many and varied connections that have benefitted Liga MAC and our students in the recent past. The synchronistic connections continue to amaze and humble. An interested benefactor will be granting one Liga MAC student a scholarship to an international conference next year. The Tommy Spaulding Foundation “Global Youth Leadership Academy is a world-class educational and experiential learning program that provides students with leadership training, global and cultural awareness and a commitment to serving others.” 


Meanwhile, two community members are mentoring two Liga MAC students in an effort to groom them for the Spaulding Foundation scholarship. Eric Parizek and Lisa Heid are helping to ramp up the English proficiency of Lynda and Lorenzo in one-on-one sessions. The selection will be made in the spring of 2023.

Liga MAC’s Programs

Liga MAC’s “Community Service Program” (Agentes de Cambio) has just wrapped up its school year long program with an awards ceremony on July 2. The Boys and Girls Club of Los Cabos (formerly known as Gente Joven) works in conjunction with Liga MAC to operate a program designed to help students learn how to communicate effectively and to become “agents of change” by identifying a community project and carrying it to an effective conclusion. 

This year’s project involved reviving the group’s clubhouse patio, which is located in La Playita near El Ganzo Hotel, for use in sports activities and seminars. At the closing ceremony one Liga MAC student, Lorenzo Cempoal (the same Lorenzo mentioned above), was singled out for his involvement over the past 4 years. Lorenzo, who will be starting Grade 12 in the fall, was appointed as a new program Coach for the coming year.

Spanish and Math Tutoring classes for Grade 9 students concluded on June 24.  The classes, held at Centro Pedagogico del Valle and conducted by the qualified teachers at the institution, assisted 52 Liga MAC students to overcome learning issues that were impeding their progress. 

The one-on-one tutoring sessions as summed up by one of the students, Daniela Martinez, helped her “understand subject matters that were not reviewed at school due to the pandemic.” She found the atmosphere helped her to feel comfortable and that the teachers were very responsible, committed and taught with enthusiasm.

Liga MAC’s Alas and Aguilas programs which are comprehensive sexual education and self awareness programs for senior students will be conducted from August 13 until September 17 this year and for the first time will be co-ed.

Doctor's Corner

By Dr. Deneb Poli

We are now on our way to returning to “normal”: masks are no longer required in open spaces; restaurants are now allowed 70% capacity and can close at 3 am; children are back to school/after school activities; and, most people are back to work in the office. 


Although cases have risen and there are currently over 800 active cases in Los Cabos, all have mild symptoms. Masks are still mandatory in closed spaces (grocery stores, inside restaurants) and there is still no news on when this mandate will be removed. 

Vaccination is now much more accessible.  Vaccines for COVID-19 are now available at local public health clinics for first, second and third doses, those over 60 years old and those who are immunocompromised can receive a fourth dose. Vaccine coverage is estimated at over 90%. 

Also, children 5-12 years old have now signed up and are awaiting their first dose of Pfizer. Vaccinations for children have begun in La Paz and will soon begin in Los Cabos as well. Most parents are excited and thankful that vaccination has finally been made available for children. 


In non-COVID related health news, cases of hepatitis A and diarrhea continue to increase with the warmer weather. Local health authorities in conjunction with OOMSAPAS (water company) have been monitoring water sources for chlorination and bacterial count. 

Be sure to have your pila/cistern/tinaco cleaned and chlorinated, and wash and disinfect your vegetables, fruits and hands frequently. Drinking water should be purchased from a reputable company or at grocery stores. 

If you believe you may have hepatitis or someone in your family might have it please see your healthcare provider. Avoid sharing drinks and food. Symptoms of hepatitis include: fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, yellow skin or eyes, low to no appetite, white stools and dark urine. 

Liga MAC Learning Centre Update

Construction drawings are nearly complete for Liga MAC’s new Learning Centre. These preliminary drawings and rough cost estimates will be reviewed by the Building Committee in the coming days. We will share plans once reviewed and approved by the Building Committee and Board.  

Parting Comments 

With students like Juan Carlos, mentors like Eric and Lisa, and scholarship benefactors wanting to help children they don’t even know, the future is indeed bright for Liga MAC’s student support program. 

It is so refreshing to hear of students like Juan Carlos whose life plans are imprinted in their DNA and who only require encouragement and financial help to realize their goals. Now that Juan Carlos can devote his full time attention to his career, we know that because of his determination he will succeed and we are proud to have had a part to play in that success.


With sincere thanks,


Maria Lindenberg, President

Liga MAC Board of Directors

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