January 26, 2024

Prayer for Israel and Palestine from Bishop Logue

“God of peace, we pray for the people of Israel and Palestine in this time of war.

For all who are fearful for the safety of their loved ones and themselves, we pray that the assurance of unfailing love, even in the midst of danger, settles upon them. Shelter them from despair and protect them from harm.

We remember before you the Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Most Reverend Hosam Elias Naoum, and the people of his churches, hospitals, and other ministries.

For all who have died, we pray they find rest.

For all who grieve, we pray they find comfort.

For all who are wounded, we pray they find healing.

For leaders on all sides, we pray for the will to lay down arms and for the conviction to embrace a path of reconciliation and peace that preserves the rights and dignity of all of your children.

God of justice, we pray with hopeful hearts that your beloved children of the Holy Land.

We ask all this in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.”

Church Office Hours for interim period:

Monday - Thursday

10 am - 2 pm

Closed on Friday

Worship Services

January 28: Epiphany IV

8:00 a.m, Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Psalm 111

1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Mark 1:21-28

Rector Discretionary Fund - (RDF)

Due to a changed in the budget and from now on, the Rector’s Discretionary Fund will not be in the budget.

Therefore, the 1st Sunday of the month, all non-designated and plate gifts will be put in the RDF.

Thank you.

Website Reconstruction

Let’s update our Christ Church website to reflect who we are.

Please take a look at the website and send suggestions to


This link:

https://christchurchvaldosta.org/archives/website-maintenance-log/ will take you to a page that reflects revisions that have been suggested and ones that have been completed.

Audio/Visual Services

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Live-Streaming this week of the 10 a.m. worship service on January 28, 2024 will begin at 9:55 a.m. If for any reason we experience Technical difficulties with the Live-streaming, a recording of the service will be uploaded and a link sent to the congregation at a later time.

If you missed it, here is a video of the January 21, 2024 - Holy Eucharist

Link to the 10:00 bulletin for the January 28, 2024 service.

A Link to YouTube video that will begin Sunday, January 28th at 9:55 a.m. is here.

Feature for in-person worship - Our hearing assistance feature is available as part of our sound system. This feature uses your smartphone, earbuds, or hearing aids to bring the sound directly into your ears. An information sheet is linked here, and copies are also available from the ushers or the Audio/Visual booth staff.

20s & 30s Group Gathering

20s & 30s Gathering will be held at Paul and Molly Stevenson's home (6933 Old Valdosta Road N., Hahira) on Saturday, January 27, 2024 beginning at 4:00p.m.

Children welcome and encouraged to attend

40s and 50s Gathering

40s and 50s Gathering will be held at the home of Michael and Krystle Black (4585 Amelia Circle, Hahira) on Saturday, February 10, 2024 beginning at 6:00pm.

Bring an appetizer to share.

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer at Christ Church on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. We invite you to join us.

Tuesday Night Bible study

Bible Study led by Willa Valencia, is held at 7:30pm at the home of Ron and Tammy Borders (1718 Williams St.). All adults are welcome. Please bring your Bible—any translation. 

The Garden Guild will meet again Tuesday, January 23rd. We focus on the church grounds. The Garden Guild meets each Tuesday from 10 - 12pm. More hardworking people are welcome to join us. Bring your gloves and tools.

Serving this week - January 28, 2024

Eucharistic Ministers: Eric Nielsen, David Sandbach, Julia Ariail

Lectors: Julia Ariail, Rita Watters, David Sandbach

Acolytes: Joel Williams, David Holland, Holly Rogers

Altar Guild: Debi Saeger, Julia Ariail, BJ Mistick

Ushers: Mike Tanner, Paul Steveson, Cameron Prevost

Greeters: Michael Black

Coffee Hour: Bonnie Hanson, Phyllis Holland, Elise Sandbach, Chris Roan, Melissa Carter

Audio/Visual Crew: Julius Ariail, Ken Rumstay, Larry Wisenbaker

Serving next week - February 4, 2024

Eucharistic Ministers: Tammy Borders, Molly Stevenson, Jeani Synyard

Lectors: Katherine Mayer, Jane Kinney, Molly Stevenson

Acolytes: JD Greneker, Molly Stevenson, Erica Thieme

Altar Guild: Sandra Fletcher, Sallie Honeycutt, Amber Tanner, Robin Coleman

Ushers: Trent Coggins, Cliff Baker, Jerry Byrd

Greeters: Dottie Pitts

Coffee Hour: Robin Coleman, Debbie McLeod, Jeani Synyard, Margaret Mittiga, Lucille Sineath

Audio/Visual Crew: Julius Ariail, Ken Rumstay, Larry Wisenbaker

For many more serving opportunities see a Vestry Member.

Vestry Elections were held on January 21st.

New 2026 Vestry Members are: Cliff Baker, Becky Meadors, Ed Mistick, Bobby Yarbrough

Please extend a thank you to those nominees not elected for their willingness to serve if elected:

Please also thank our outgoing Vestry Members for their willingness to serve on your Vestry. Brad Burnette, Sandra Fletcher, Dottie Pitts, Al Turner.

Vestry Retreat to be held on Saturday, February 3rd at Christ The King beginning at 8:00 a.m. for Coffee with the retreat to begin at 9:00 a.m. and going until 3:00 p.m. All Vestry Members are highly encouraged to attend.

Stitchers of Love

The Stitchers of Love meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in the Parish Hall from 4 to 6 p.m. All are welcome. Join us to learn to knit or crochet or bring your projects and socialize with the group.

Grace Cafe News

During the fall semester, Grace Cafe had 2,502 visitors. We are off to a great start this semester as well. 

We need to say a huge thank you to the Yarbroughs and Weidmans for their generous donation of beds for two of our new international interns.  

We have a full house at Louttit Hall this semester with 6 men. We have 3 women at Tomberlin. Please introduce yourself to our interns when you see them around the church. 

We have made 2 purchases from Second Harvest so far this semester. This is where we get most of the coffee and snacks that we serve at the cafe. We also purchase canned foods for the food pantry from Second Harvest. Our most recent purchase was 240 lbs of food which cost us $43.00.

There are many of you who have donated snacks, food, time and prepared meals for Thursday dinners. Thank you so much for your generosity. The interns and students are grateful!

If you’ve got a bicycle collecting dust that is in good working condition that you’d like to donate, we have an intern who would greatly appreciate it. 

February 8th is our next Thursday dinner. We are looking for people who would like to prepare a crockpot of soup. Text or call Jeri-Lyn at 404-771-7116 to let her know if you’re willing to make a soup for the students. We generally feed around 60-70 students at our Thursday dinners. 

Sunday Evening Vespers - a group of Christ Church members meet on Zoom (2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays) at 6:00 p.m. to read the Compline Service, pages 127-135 in the Book of Common Prayer and for friendly conversation afterwards. The first and third Sundays of the month we will meet in-person, but will make an audio recording available after Vespers for those unable to attend in-person. To join the group and receive the link to the weekly gathering, contact Phyllis Hiers or call 229-563-2464.

Ever wondered what Vespers was all about? Here is Audio Recording from January 21, 2024.

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Staged Reading of ‘The Gospel of Mark’


Few books of the Bible are as fast paced and action-packed as the Gospel of Mark. And St. Barnabas Episcopal Church aims to bring this story of Jesus’s mission and ministry to life in the way it was originally intended: as an oral interpretation of the story of God’s saving work through Jesus. Done as a staged reading, the performance will be Saturday, February 10 at 3pm at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, 3565 Bemiss Road, Valdosta, GA.


“Most people will only hear snippets of scripture on Sunday mornings,” says the Rev. Susan Gage, priest-in-charge at St. Barnabas. “But Mark is a whole, tightly knit drama, and depicts a Jesus who has come into a chaotic and dangerous world with an intent to bring light and unselfish love into the world. To fully grasp this, a person needs to hear it completely, not just a few choice stories or verses here and there.”


The Gospel of Mark is thought to have been written sometime between 66 and 70 CE, putting it close to the time of when the Roman Empire destroyed the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem for a second time. It was a period in history when there was growing unrest in the region. The original Markan community suffered from the persecution of the Romans and the growing tensions within Judaism as more Gentiles became drawn into the emerging Jesus community. Mark’s Gospel reflects that dynamic and ends at a point of acknowledging what was the reality on the ground for the Jesus followers: people believed the Messiah had come but were afraid.


Fifteen church members from both St. Barnabas and Christ the King Episcopal Churches will participate in the reading. Each person has one or several parts and will give voice to the persons in the Gospel. Rehearsals have been about learning what was happening at the time and the ways Mark constructed his Gospel in addition to developing character.


“I think this will be interesting even to those who are not ‘church people,’” says Rev. Gage. “It’s a chance to hear the whole story without interruption and to maybe discover a very relatable Jesus who was ministering at a difficult time. We might learn something for our time from listening closely to this narrative again.”

Ways to donate

We are utilizing VANCO Payment Solutions to safely and securely make your offering.

Christ Church now uses a free mobile app that makes it simple for you to make an online gift.

Download the free “Vanco Mobile” app and search for Christ Episcopal Church and then Valdosta, GA.

Or you can donate on our Vanco Online site, or by scanning the QR code above or our website donate page located here.

We now also have a mobile text to give number simply text your gift amount to 844-928-4938 and then follow the instructions on your phone to complete your donation.

Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church.


January 28 - February 3, 2024

28 Anne Burnette, Tyler Croft

29 Anna Coggins     

30 Clinton Beeland

1 Lee Womack

2 Ash Croft, Ashley Drazdowski


January 28 - February 3, 2024

30 Walter & Gail Hobgood

Contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday or Anniversary

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace for wisdom, discernment, and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby

Church of England, Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrel

Remember in Your Prayers

Don Brice, Ann Burnette, Alexis Carr, Jenna Culpepper, Allan Dear, Irene Dodd, Merrill Guice, Gene Greneker, Louise Harden, Michane James, CathyAnn Kautter, Dennis Marks, Doug Mayer, Mindy Meeker, Ed Mistick, Gnann Moser, Ray Murphy, Brett Nelson, Della Richards, Rocky, Burt Tillman, Lucy Tomberlin, Willa Valencia, Sue Marie Waddell, Michelle Weidman

Family of the Rev. Randy Keehn

Family of Bobbie Warren

We are keeping those in need of prayer on the list for 1 month. We ask you to renew the need for continued prayer by calling the office. - Fr. Hal

Clergy and Staff of 

Christ Episcopal Church

Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 10-2


Father Hal Weidman, Rector


church office (229) 242-5115

Nancy Sartin, Deacon


church office (229) 242-5115

Position Available, Administrator


church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper


bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 

Michelle Weidman, Director of Christian Education


mobile (229) 262-0426

Position Available, Director of College Ministry


church office (229) 242-5115


Elise Sandbach, Director of Preschool


mobile (229) 460-4738

Sue Ellen Rumstay, Organist


church office (229) 242-5115

Issa Young, Choir Director


church office (229) 242-5115

Stefani Carroll, Treasurer


church office (229) 242-5115

Steve Honeycutt, Jr. Warden


church office (229) 242-5115

Nancy Lutsko, Verger


home (229) 241-7527

Christ Church uses Vanco Payment Solutions for online giving. Download the Vanco Mobile app, text to give 844-928-4938, or scan the QR code below. Thank you for your support.

Email us at office@christchurchvaldosta.org

website: www.christchurchvaldosta.org

Call us at 229.242.5115

or bookkeeper at 229-242-0616

Christ Episcopal Church is a parish church in the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.

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