Sunday, August 4
8:00a - Holy Eucharist
9:45a - Nursery
10:00a - Holy Eucharist (in person
and streamed)
11:15a - Coffee Hour
6:00p - Vespers - Sanctuary
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Events for the Week
Saturday August 3
10:00a - Altar Guild
Monday, August 5
No event scheduled
Tuesday, August 6
No events scheduled
Wednesday, August 7
7p - Choir
Thursday , August 8
No events scheduled
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Father Hal is away until August 12th.
Should you have a Pastoral Care need, please be assured your pastoral needs will be addressed. Contact Deacon Nancy Sartin (August 1-11) at 229.834.0147 or Father Walter Hobgood (August 1 -9) at 229.630.6444 or Pastor Bob Carr (August 2 - 11) at 248-231-3717.
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Leigh Long has been diagnosed with recurrent cancer. She has been in and out of the hospital for the last several weeks and is currently receiving treatment in Atlanta. Friends have planned a fundraiser to help offset medical expenses, and travel. I am helping with the T-shirt sales for anyone at church who wishes to purchase one. The goal is to take a group photo of everyone wearing the T-shirt and give it to Leigh. I will be selling them at church on Sunday, August 4th. T-Shirts Available - $20- Adult sizes in Comfort Colors Chambray; $20- Youth in Comfort Colors Chambray (XXS-XL) $15- Toddler Rabbit Skins Light Blue (2T-7); $15- Infant Rabbit Skins T-shirt’s (6 months-24 months) Light Blue; $15- Infant Rabbit Skins Onesies (NB-24 months) Light Blue
If you would like a shirt text me at (229) 560-0439 with your name and size needed. You can cash app me at $BobbyYarbrough or Venmo me at @Bobby-Yarbrough-2.
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Grace Cafe Event for Students - August 22nd
Grace Café is having a Watermelon Social event for college students. The interns are asking for watermelon donations to help offset expenses. Donations can be dropped off the week of August 19th, up to Noon on August 22nd. Use the back door at the Café for watermelon donations.
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August 14th - First Day of PMO/Pre-School for 2024 - 2025
Pre-school will be starting on August 14th. Classes are from 9a to Noon.
Applications are still being accepted for classes.
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Christ Church Pre-School Supply Drive Sunday, August 11th is the last day for donations.
John McRae has been spearheading the School Supply Drive for the past three years and wishes to thank all that have contributed to the Christ Church pre-school drive. All your donations are appreciated and will assist in keeping costs down. A red tub for school supply donations has been placed in the Narthex of the church for supply drop off. You can also bring your donations to the office Monday- Thursday 10a - 2p or call John McRae at 229.220.5619
Supplies needed: Sharpies - fine point black, Uncoated white paper plates, Jumbo crayons, Highlighters, Elmer's Glue (or similar), Glue Sticks, Markers, No pencils and No notebook paper.
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Foyer Groups are made up of 8 - 10 people who meet (preferably) every month. The purpose of these groups is to get to know one another better, and to meet new people in the church. The groups can meet in different houses, or restaurants, any night of the week they decide on. If you are interested in joining one of these groups, please email, Peggy in the church office (office@christchurchvaldosta.org or email Jeani Synyard jsynyard@bellsouth.net or text/call Jeani at 229.834.6004.
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Garden Guild Special Project
Garden Guild at Christ Church and Tony Brooks have plans underway to restore the Sara Oliver Camellia Garden.
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With assistance and advice of local Camilla guru Mark Crawford, and volunteer help from the six garden clubs in the area everything is falling into place. To cover expenses, the Garden guild is selling Boston Butts prepared by Hog-n-Bones just in time for Labor Day. Tickets cost $35 and tickets will be available starting Sunday, July 28th - August 31st. Pick-up will be at Hog-n-Bones with a call 24 hours in advance. To purchase a ticket please contact Tony Brooks (229.415.6177), Pat Denmark (229.251.4964), or go to saraolivergarden.com | | |
The broadcast of the 10 a.m. worship service on August 4, 2024, will begin on the church's Facebook page and YouTube channel at approximately 9:50 a.m. Recorded videos of past services are also available on both of those platforms.
For those worshiping in-person, we have a hearing assistance feature available inside the church as part of our sound system. This feature uses your smartphone and your earbuds or hearing aids to bring the sound directly into your ears. An updated information sheet is linked here, and printed copies are also available from the ushers or the Audio/Visual booth staff.
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Serving this week - August 4, 2024
Eucharistic Ministers: Eric Nelson, David Sandbach, Jeani Synyard
Lectors: Jeani Synyard, Rita Watters, David Sandbach
Acolytes: Molly Stevenson, Erica Thieme, Mara Shenton
Altar Guild: Sandra Fletcher, Sallie Honeycutt, Amber Tanner, Robin Coleman
Ushers: Bobby Yarbrough, Blake Yarbrough, Glen Flowers
Greeter: Dottie Pitts
Audio/Visual Crew: Julius Ariail, Larry Wisenbaker
Serving next week - August 11, 2024
Eucharistic Ministers: Tammy Borders, Molly Stevenson, Jeani Synyard
Lectors: Katherine Mayer. Jane Kinney, Molly Stevenson
Acolytes: Phyllis Holland, David Holland, Holly Holland
Altar Guild: Phyllis Holland, Anne Reid, Mimi Allen, Pat Bezona, Daphne Wright
Ushers: Mike Tanner, Paul Stevenson, Cameron Prevost
Greeter: Jeani Synyard
Audio/Visual Crew: Julius Ariail, Tom Carroll, Larry Wisenbaker
For many more serving opportunities see a Vestry Member.
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Remember in Your Prayers
Remember in Your Prayers: Mimi Allen, Justin Allen, Greg Greneker, Louise Harden, Peter Ingeman, Michane James, Leigh Long, Doug Mayer, Marge McCartney, Mindy Meeker, Ed Mistick, Gnann Moser, Ray Murphy, Maxwell Oliver, Sally Querin, Juanita Quinn, Richard Rigby, Rocky, James Smith, Gary Thomas, Anne Turner, Julie Van Ham, Eliza Waddell, Michelle Weidman, Gordon Zeese, pray for the family of Vivian Varner, Joe Tillman, and Scott Shaw.
We are keeping those in need of prayer on the list for 1 month. We ask you to renew the need for continued prayer by calling the office. - Fr. Hal
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Prayer for Israel and Palestine from Bishop Logue
“God of peace, we pray for the people of Israel and Palestine in this time of war.
For all who are fearful for the safety of their loved ones and themselves, we pray that the assurance of unfailing love, even in the midst of danger, settles upon them. Shelter them from despair and protect them from harm.
We remember before you the Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Most Reverend Hosam Elias Naoum, and the people of his churches, hospitals, and other ministries.
For all who have died, we pray they find rest.
For all who grieve, we pray they find comfort.
For all who are wounded, we pray they find healing.
For leaders on all sides, we pray for the will to lay down arms and for the conviction to embrace a path of reconciliation and peace that preserves the rights and dignity of all of your children.
God of justice, we pray with hopeful hearts that your beloved children of the Holy Land.
We ask all this in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.”
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Prayer for the Ukraine
God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace for wisdom, discernment, and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby
Church of England, Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrel
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Christ Church uses Vanco Payment Solutions for online giving. Download the Vanco Mobile app, text to give 844-928-4938, or scan the QR code below. Thank you for your support. | |
Clergy and Staff of Christ Church
Father Hal Weidman, Rector
church office (229) 242.5115
Nancy Sartin, Deacon
church office (229) 242-5115
Peggy Baer, Administrative Assistant
church office (229) 242-5115
Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper
Bookkeepers office (229) 242-0616
Michelle Weidman, Director of Christian Education
mobile (229) 262-0426
Jeri-Lynn Flowers, Director of College Ministry
Elise Sandbach, Director of Preschool
mobile (229) 460-4738
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Sue Ellen Rumstay, Organist
church office (229) 242-5115
Issa Young, Choir Director
church office (229) 242-5115
Stefani Carroll, Treasurer
church office (229) 242-5115
Steve Honeycutt, Jr. Warden
church office (229) 242-5115
Molly Stevenson, Sr. Warden
mobile (229) 292.8215
Nancy Lutsko, Verger
home (229) 253-4358
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Email us at office@christchurchvaldosta.org
website: www.christchurchvaldosta.org
Call us at 229.242.5115
or bookkeeper at 229-242-0616
Christ Episcopal Church is a parish church in the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.
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