Farm Assistant Darion Newkirk and Youth Ambassadors next to their newly built mulch bin
Farming, financial literacy games, Mental Health Mondays, yoga, wood working and cooking there's no shortage of exciting things going on in South St. Pete!
This month we jumped into an AMAZING fun run event put together by St. Pete Run Fest for the 4th of July. We were grateful to benefit from proceeds from the run, but also had a blast participating, meeting runners, giving away free seedlings, and cooling them off at the hydration station with cold water and water guns. Our Collaboration Manager Carla Bristol and Youth Ambassador Semaj even represented us in their pie eating contest!
Speaking of all the fun, we had even MORE fun at the Historic Kenwood Neighborhood Association Kenwood Kids event. We partnered with Historic Kenwood to do a Mini Garden Building Workshop with kids and their families. Nearly 50 mini gardens were made that they got to decorate with paint and pipe cleaners then take home! Thank you Historic Kenwood for continuing to support us and inviting us into your neighborhood.
Sometimes we think the previous month was our busiest, but it’s feeling like July beat June in that game. We are beginning to see more of the bountiful impact of our work being spread in the community and with our Summer Cohort of Youth Ambassadors. It’s always thanks to the many who support us in so many different ways.
We continued bringing in more youth programs to visit the farm. This month, we had the Cohort of Champions touring the farm and learning about different edible plants, our hydroponics, and aquaponics. Also Metro Inclusive Health/Metro Youth’s LGBTQ+ Summer Camp came out for a tour and built Mini Gardens.
We had a super productive volunteer workday with 25+ members of Radiant Church St. Pete and our dedicated volunteers who we invited along. It’s amazing how much we can do when people show up to serve and get down in the dirt. Our Youth made farm fresh pesto and bread for our volunteers as well. We had a lot of fun!
Part of July included 2 guest speakers for our Person of Influence series. We had Senator Rouson's legislative aid Andrew Pink join our Youth for lunch. We also had USF Professor and social scientist Dr. Micah Johnson pay our youth a visit.
Be sure to check out the news coverage we've had this month which includes a feature on our Farm Assistant Darion Newkirk, who was part of the first cohort at St. Pete Youth Farm over 3 years ago in the Summer of 2019! Upcoming events and more below.
All our private tours and volunteer days are FREE to youth programs, corporate groups, and churches who are interested in getting involved and learning more about what we do. Please contact us if you're interested!
July Highlight - $15,000 Grant Awarded
St. Pete Youth Farm is the winner of the Root Family Foundation $15k grant through the We Choose Program. The Root Family Foundation was started 4 generations ago by Chapman Jay Root who was the inventor of the famous glass Coca-Cola bottle we all know and love. This money will be used to kickstart our Community Chicken Coop Project. We will provide the chickens, coop, feed, and all necessary supplies to any interested neighbor and all we ask is that leftover eggs that they don’t need are given to us. This aligns with our mission at St. Pete Youth Farm of providing access to nutritious food. The same way we are giving away Mini Gardens for people to grow their own food is the same idea behind this project, so that the power is given back to the people in controlling where their food comes from and how they can access it.
- 110 mini gardens distributed to date
- Transferred our 40 tilapia into our two 250 gal tanks and they are growing (2 months old starting next week)!
- Currently growing over 85 fruit trees at the farm
- Building out our new and exciting kiddie garden
- Putting together pallet fence around our sweet potato patch
- 2+ tons of food waste diverted to compost in July
- Our Community Compost is growing thanks to the addition of Mercy Keepers Church adding to our soil
- We also started composting coffee grounds from Starbucks
Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
"BIPOC Mental Health Month highlights the unique mental health challenges and needs of historically disenfranchised or oppressed racial and ethnic groups in the United States."
THIS SATURDAY we'd like to invite everyone, young and old, families and individuals for an evening on the farm for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Mental Health Awareness Month! We are hosting a community gathering for mindful movement and meditation, conversation circles, gardening, art, food and more.
This is a family friendly event where we will make space to connect on mental wellness in BIPOC communities, something we prioritize in the work we do with our youth.
You do NOT have to identify as BIPOC to attend.
We've opened Fall applications for youth interested in working at the Youth Farm to apply.
Programming for the Fall begins August 15th through December 16th, Monday - Friday 3:30 - 5:30pm.
This Saturday, July 30th at 5pm and Wednesday, August 3rd at 6pm we are welcoming families and youth who would like more information to come see what we're all about!
1664 12th Street South
Behind Enoch Davis parking lot
July 26th | Bay News 9
At St. Pete Youth Farm, there’s a lot more that’s being cultivated there than just plants. Kids, many of them underprivileged, are being “grown” into adults there. Read more...
July 18th | ABC Action News
Brianna Chambers is changing the world, one head of lettuce at a time. Read more...
July 7th | ABC Action News
July marks Black Mental Health Awareness Month. Throughout Tampa Bay, organizations are coming together to break the stigma surrounding mental health needs in the Black community.
July 5th | WFLA News Channel 8
The City of St. Petersburg, the Pinellas Education Foundation, and the Foundation for a Healthy St. Pete came together to create the St. Pete Youth Farm. Read more...
Want to get more involved?
Follow us on social media to see all the latest happenings at the farm.