Weekly eBulletin - December 20th, 2020
Fourth Sunday of Advent

It is providential that on the last Sunday of Advent this year we listen to the story of the annunciation of the birth of Jesus to Mary. Mary serves as an example for all us on how to prepare and welcome the Christ Child. Read more...

To download this weekend's worship aid, click here.

God Bless,
Fr. Ritche
Mass Times: 3:00 pm (new time) and 5:00 pm (livestreamed)
Confession: 4:00pm - 4:45pm
 9:30am (livestreamed) and 11:30am

Please don't forget to bundle up for Mass. It can be cold outside. If it rains, Mass will be canceled. Please check our website for the latest update.
To sign up for a Christmas Mass, please click on the Mass RSVP button above. Please don't forget to bundle up for Mass. It can be cold outside.
Together in Prayer
Turning the calendar means a fresh start. Let’s come together for Evening Prayer during the month of January as we pray for the New Year, for our country and our community!
We hope you can join us Monday through Thursday evenings from 7:00-7:30pm. To find our more and register click here.
Preparing for Advent Together
In the Incarnation, God has visited his people and set them free (the Song of Zechariah). He visits not to be hosted by us, but to invite us to a life of freedom, joy, and peace - to share in the life of God himself. All creation is gifted with "God-towardness” and God has undoubtedly “us-towardness” that leads to the divinity to spill out in the Incarnation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Join Fr. Rene Lopez on Dec. 20th to find out more.To register, click here.
Christmas is one of the most important days of the Church year, second only to Easter itself. It is the feast of the incarnation (the birth), the feast of God becoming flesh (the Latin "in carne" means "enfleshment"). Read more...
Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers:
Vincent & Angela Alejo
Steve Herreria
Brent Ladd
John Malloy
Laura Mitchell
Steve Randazzo
Jean Teeple
Mason Williams
Died this week:
Gertrude Pleu Fresia
Connor Metz
Alana Vega
Lou Williams
Despite the many joys of the Season, the holidays can add a heavy load of duty and responsibility which cause feelings of stress to soar. Caregivers, parents, and those carrying grief in their hearts are especially affected by this added stress. Read more...
Advent Reflection
As we enter into the final week of Advent, it seems like the joy of Christmas has diminished. Something about this season just feels a little off and time doesn’t slow down to allow us to sit and reflect. However, just because our world and our current reality has taken a huge paradigm shift, we should not allow all of this to affect the miracle that we celebrate and the joy that He brings us. The birth of Jesus is a wonderful thing and if we really believe what we believe, then we must allow Him to bring that joy, even today. Please take a look at this news clip of a Secret Santa offering cash to those in need. This video shows that prayer works, that God works, and that God works and answers prayers through us. Bring joy to others, people need it. Secret Santa News Clip
Gifts of Opportunity
Holy Spirit Church is once again excited to offer our community the opportunity to donate and give the gift of lasting change! Read more...
Your Help is Needed
One of the tragedies of the pandemic are the unmet needs for food by vulnerable families during the economic downturn. One response has been food distribution sites set up throughout the County by Catholic Charities and Second Harvest Food Bank. For more information click here.
On behalf of all the students, teacher and staff of Holy Spirit School, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
Holy Spirit Parish
1200 Redmond Avenue
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-5101