Jim Morningstar will lead you in creating an empowering mission statement for yourself and our world which will serve as a beacon for your role in the evolutionary shift in consciousness...
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The Four Principles of Success
The Four Principles of Success
The Four Principles of Success
How are we to move forward when changes seem to be accelerating everywhere on the planet? How are we to be successful in living our purpose and furthering our mission in the face of how our own doubt and confusion challenge our vision. How do we know we are in the right place taking the right steps?  Jim Morningstar  gives us four simple and powerful guidelines for success in using our creative power for staying on course from Jeshua in Love Without End.
This and many other insights and tools                                                                        are  offered in the 9 class video course:  now online. info@transformationsusa.com  Being and Living the Love  You Are 

Failure is not the opposite 

of Success. It is part of 

Returning to Source: A Journey of Breath and Intention

-A nine month journey Home. Online with Jim Morningstar
January-September, 2018

How to incisively address our most primal human challenges with loving intention and conscious breathing is the goal of this nine month journey Home. As the circle of our consciousness expands toward the infinite, it aspires to the heights of Ascension. And it also takes us to the depths of Beingness and all it entails to be divine in human form. This is the stumbling block for most  en route to enlightenment. We shall with courage and shared intention experience and integrate both the heights and depths of our beings in coming Home to the ownership of our Source.

In this course you will receive:
~ a video a month with fresh content on the core topics including taped interviews with acknowledged leaders in each field.
~ instructions on a specific practice in which we will engage as a group over a month's time to deepen our individual and collective journey.
~ daily email feedback from Jim Morningstar and class peers on our progress. 
~ access to the in-person monthly recordings of the on site class participation.
~ emotional, mental and spiritual support for your personal journey back Home to:
  • feeling safety in your body and on our planet, 
  • heartfelt camaraderie on the road to Self Realization, 
  • having our trip be loving and filled with humor and authentic joy.

Each class will include videotaped presentations, virtual group engagement, ongoing practices and community support. 
You may watch the class videos at any time that fits your schedule.

This nine month series is open to students anywhere in the world who want to engage in life transforming practices in a dedicated community. Class presentations will be videotaped and sent with materials and exercises included. A daily inspirational sharing will be sent via email by Jim Morningstar. Students will experiment and share their results via email or some form of video conferencing, e.g., Skype, Face Time... as they choose with other classmates.

Dates video classes will be received: January 29, February 26, March 26, April 30, May 28, June 25, July 30, August 27, September 24, 2018

Tuition: $180 USD. Reduction for some countries outside the US (contact instructor).

Payment: check or money order in USD to: Transformations 
4200 W Good Hope Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53209 USA.
enter tuition amount under:  Consultation Services  Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. 

For On Site classes which include video course ($360) click here  On Site .

  Break Through with Breathwork
Of special interest to anyone dealing with anxiety, depression, or trauma who has not gotten relief from traditional therapeutic approaches.
Order Today    CE credits available soon

In this groundbreaking book, clinical psychologist, Jim Morningstar, PhD, shows how to achieve remarkable breakthroughs using the power of Therapeutic Breathwork.
Break Through with Breathwork
is an accessible and thorough introduction to one of the most powerful tools in supporting health and wellbeing, reducing stress, and stimulating deep emotional and spiritual growth. 
              You will learn:

*How breath awareness and modulation can give you mental and emotional                 self control, 
*How human consciousness has evolved and with it systems of therapy and               breath mastery that fit each stage of this evolution,
*How trauma is embedded in the nervous system of everyone to some degree             and how faster than normal breathing can promote healing, along with 13           integrating techniques and 9 experiential exercises,
*How we all develop body themes that graphically display our strengths and                 weaknesses and can be built on to our advantage,
*How breathwork has helped countless people dramatically break through                   limiting patterns personally and professionally, 
* 35 life-changing personal accounts included.

is the originator of Therapeutic Breathwork(tm), director of one of the longest-standing breathwork training centers in the world, and co-director and founder of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, which sets ethical and training standards for the  field of dyadic breathwork.