You will receive invaluable instructions on monitoring your intentions every day to stay on course in fulfilling your life mission. Jim Morningstar, PhD, will also give specific instructions on creating a Holistic Success Plan for yourself in the next year...
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The Four Levels of Intent and Your Holistic Success Plan
The Four Levels of Intent and Your Holistic Success Plan
The Four Levels of Intent and 
Your Holistic Success Plan
You must monitor your intentions every day in order to stay on course in fulfilling your life mission. You will receive invaluable direction in doing this. Jim Morningstar, PhD, will also give specific instructions on creating a detailed and effective Holistic Success Plan for yourself in the next year. It will be your blueprint to a balanced fulfilling life.
This and many other insights and tools are 
offered in the 9 class video course:
now online.


is a love affair

with the unknown.


limited Enrollment   2 CE hours/session
A few places on November 15 still open - Register today!
Call Jim with questions or to register 414 530 4649
NOW AVAILABLE:  Break Through with Breathwork
Of special interest to anyone dealing with anxiety, depression, or trauma who has not gotten relief from traditional therapeutic approaches.

In this groundbreaking book, clinical psychologist, Jim Morningstar, PhD, shows how to achieve remarkable breakthroughs using the power of Therapeutic Breathwork.
Break Through with Breathwork is an accessible and thorough introduction to one of the most powerful tools in supporting health and wellbeing, reducing stress, and stimulating deep emotional and spiritual growth. 
               What you will learn:

*How breath awareness and modulation can give you mental and emotional self        control, 
*How human consciousness has evolved and with it systems of therapy and               breath mastery that fit each stage of this evolution,
*How trauma is embedded in the nervous system of everyone to some degree             and how faster than normal breathing can promote healing, along with 13               integrating techniques and 9 experiential exercises,
*How we all develop body themes that graphically display our strengths and                 weaknesses and can be built on to our advantage,
*How breathwork has helped countless people dramatically break through limiting       patterns personally and professionally, 
* 35 life-changing personal accounts included.

"Jim Morningstar has written a heartfelt masterwork of breath-centered therapeutic support. He draws on an expansive knowledge of breath practices across cultures and throughout history, as well as many years of his own deep personal work and professional practice. The result is a valuable contribution to modern therapy and a revolutionary blueprint combining mind-body healing with the latest findings in brain research."
-Tav Sparks, author of  The Power Within: Becoming, Being, and The Holotropic Paradigm;  director of Grof Transpersonal Training

Jim Morningstar
is the originator of Therapeutic BreathworkTM, director of one of the longest-standing breathwork training centers in the world, and co-director and founder of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, which sets ethical and training standards for the  field of dyadic breathwork.