Don't miss out on the Pull for Conservation Sporting Clays Classic Saturday, July 30 at River Hills Sporting Clays in Boonville. Registration will be onsite beginning at 8:00 a.m.
Pull Schedule:
Registration: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Shooting: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Awards: 3:30 p.m.
Shoot as a Team or Individual:
Two Shooter Scramble - 75 targets, $50/team
Additional Rounds - $35/team
Individual Sporting Clays - 50 targets, $35/shooter
Additional Rounds - $20/shooter
Prizes are awarded for first, second and third places for both individuals and teams.
Two Shooter Scramble: Individual Sporting Clays:
1st: 2 $50 Bass Pro Gift Cards 1st: $50 Bass Pro Gift Card
& 2 cases of shells & 1 case of shells
2nd: 2 $25 Bass Pro Gift Cards 2nd: $25 Bass Pro Gift Card
& 1 case of shells & 1/2 case of shells
3rd: 2 $25 Bass Pro Gift Cards 3rd: $25 Bass Pro Gift Card