The FELONS who FOUNDED America!

Then they came for...

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

In the outside world, people, especially Communists, want to slander others and find fault with others; even though you have no such fault, they will pretend that you have. What would you do in fighting against them? In order for the Communists to grow so fast, they did not mind about what measures used, but we must be more fearful or much stronger than those people. SMM, “Becoming a Responsible Person" July 14, 1974

Hello Richard,

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams were all felons according to British law. Even Jesus was a felon according to Roman law. Trump is a threat to the Deep State, so he was convicted on 34 felony counts. 

Communism is clothed in politics, but facilitates satanic values, the destruction of the family. The judge was a Biden donor, whose daughter is a Democrat party activist.

It’s important for us to be active at the local, state and national level. There are states where hopeful policies are being enacted. In Tennessee, teachers can carry firearms in schools to protect against predators. Drag Queen story hours are banned for youth in schools and libraries.

This is a time of separating the sheep and the goats. As German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) who lived in Nazi Germany confessed:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

   Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

   Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

   Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Sanctuary Service 6/2/2024-Pt.1

J6 prisoners include grandmothers walking through the U.S. Capitol rotunda taking selfies and handing out pocket U.S. constitutions. Many Republicans lack courage. They are not willing to defend peaceful people, some being held in solitary confinement. Some of whom are very ill. Some have committed suicide.

Communism has infiltrated education and judicial systems. The FBI raiding Mar a Lago to seize classified documents held by President Trump were given permission to use deadly force. As the USA abandons Christianity it is weaker, atomized, and selfish. Only one pride flag should be allowed-- the red, white and blue.

The LGBTQ pride flag celebrates the lowest levels of sexual desire. Hedonism cannot be the basis for a good community. It is the return of the ancient gods of Moloch and Asherah. The priests of Asherah were castrated men who wore rainbow colors.

It’s critical for patriots to rise up. Our nation has been invaded by 30 million illegal aliens. There are indications of minority communities turning to President Trump. The Bible says “resist the devil and he will flee.”

Trump was convicted before any of those who went to Epstein Island even charged with a crime. Will the new threat of Bird flu lead to new lockdowns? We need to warn people about the “father of lies.”

Sanctuary Service 6/2/2024- Pt 2

He spoke about the declining birth rates in Korea, Japan and European countries. In Korea grandmas run up to Shingoong to thank her for having children. They were even taking photos with her.

Feminism tells women that children are a burden. But the Bible says children are a blessing. It’s important to invest in your spouse and children! Pass on your skills and lifestyle! Homeschooled children have higher literacy rates.

Will Republican candidates stand against transgenderism, for J6, etc., against needless wars? Soros funds both Dems and Republicans.

Pray and support those who are fighting for America. Christianity must become strong again. Children need their fathers. Our grandchildren will ask “grandpa, what did you do?”

Communism and radical Islam are threats. If America divorces God, someone else will come into your bed. It’s as if patients in a mental ward on a hospital ship are in charge of running the ship!

It’s important to contemplate God’s word. His yoke is not heavy and his burden is light.

California Hell - King Bullethead

Hyung Jin Nim then led us in contemplative prayer.

Thank you, God, that we were able to live in the most free and prosperous country in human history! This land America was consecrated to you in a small church in NYC by George Washington. On the way to his inauguration, he stopped on bended knee to pray for guidance for the nation.

So many Christians were fleeing religious and political oppression. Not just a land of settlers. Preparing for the coming of the Lord, the End Times. Your promised land was consecrated to you, just as Canaan was prepared for the Israelites.

We are not just delighting in libertarian freedoms, but a land of those seeking righteousness. a nation secured by honorable and righteous men. Freedom that is accountable to the Creator, to avoid sins and to seek justice, benevolence.

The Western world was far from perfect, but it was consecrated to Your Purpose.

Let us remember who we are at this critical time. We are in the center of the storm. Just as you walked on water in the midst of the storm. We pray to keep our eyes on the horizon. Every storm will cease. the sun will rise.

Jesus Should Have Had Children!

We pray fellow Americans will realize the seriousness of the time in which we live. We repent that we have kicked out God out of our schools and classrooms and invited in demons.

Just as the people of Israel invited in and worshipped demonic gods, we have sinned. We pray for those who have been persecuted. We pray for our enemies to repent and pursue You. We do not want to divorce from You, God. We need you more than ever.

We pray for those who are heartbroken, seeing our country and children falling apart. Let them know they are not alone. We pray for the prisoners who have been unjustly detained.

We pray for those in the military and police to realize that they may be acting like “good Nazis,” and creating a house built on sand, on power, not on the pursuit of God.

There is a woman listening who has the spirit of divorce who doesn’t want to forgive her husband, but may she realize that none of us deserve Your forgiveness. Let that sister stand in agreement and receive your grace and love.

Pray for families that are standing in sickness and disease. Lean not unto your own understanding, but rest on God.

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You are a God of sacrificial love. With blood bleeding out, the most courageous, radical love of the Father. Once you drink from that you will never thirst again. Nothing will ever compare.

Let us do things we are afraid of doing, but let us not have the spirit of fear, but the power of love and a sound mind.

I want to seek not just blessings, but to seek the Blesser. I want to acknowledge You now!

We want to fight evil without becoming evil and fight wickedness without becoming wicked. Train us! To have peace in You! Place on us the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith. Sword of God. Let us be righteous soldiers in Your Kingdom! Let the enemies’ plans be thrown into confusion. Let them be transformed into our brothers to fight for freedom.

When we feel tired, let us remember that You took on all the arrows first. You went up on the cross on our behalf.


Armed Forces Brewing Co.-Alan Beal TKR Interview

Gregory Stenstrom- Mail In Ballot Fraud Exposed

Richard Gage - 9/11 Truth

Interview with Steve Stern

John Stubbins- American Anarchy

True Father Prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his Successor

by Jim Stephens

This article will present the evidence that I can clearly see which shows that True Father trained and prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his heir and successor.

Just as Jesus knew that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed, True Father could foresee that Hyun Jin (Preston) and then later Hak Ja Han were going to betray him.

True Father knew all his life by the Principle of Creation that he had to establish God’s lineage on the earth in order to build the Kingdom of God.

He spoke extensively about “love, life, and lineage.” Therefore he knew that he had to have a lineage and thus a successor to carry on after he passed to the Spirit World.

After the many failures of a long line of John the Baptist figures, True Father must have realized that God’s Kingdom was not going to be established during his physical lifetime.

(read rest of Jim Stephen's essay)

Woke Hanism Contradicts DP!

by Peter Daly

FFWPU lecturer Robert Kittel gave a presentation explaining Hak Ja Han’s new ‘Only Begotten Daughter' theology. He said that in the Divine Principle, the Tree of Life means Perfect Adam, and so the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil means Perfect Eve. He said that when he joined the church in 1975 he was taught wrongly that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil means immature Eve before the Fall.

His claim is wrong according to the Divine Principle because, throughout all the time when Father was alive, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was always understood to be immature Eve before the Fall, ‘Good and Evil’ indicating the two possible ways she could have gone.

In any case, the Tree of Life only meant Adam in perfection and we know he never reached perfection, so clearly the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil standing next to the Tree of Life meant immature Eve. If it was perfect Eve, as Robert Kittel states, then how could a perfect woman fall?

(Read rest of article.)

"Let My People Go" by Dr. David Clements Eye-opening documentary about the 2020 Selection!


Dear Father Music Video

Grand Sanctuary Meeting

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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