This issue of The Express highlights the following new resources: Coming soon: Issue 14 of The Exchange, featuring articles on the impact of civil unrest on healthcare facilities, workplace violence in healthcare, and changes that can be made to emergency departments to deter violence and increase staff, patient, and visitor safety. Please continue to access our Novel Coronavirus Resources Page, the National Institutes of Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines, and CDC’s Coronavirus webpage, and reach out if you need technical assistance. |
Healthcare Coalition Radiation Emergency Surge Annex Tabletop Exercise Toolkit
This toolkit template can be used by healthcare coalitions (HCCs) to enhance operational area awareness and capabilities to effectively address the needs of patients impacted by a radiological incident as part of a whole community emergency response framework. HCCs are not required to use this template, but it can be utilized to satisfy Funding Opportunity Announcement requirements for the Hospital Preparedness Program Cooperative Agreement. The template complements ASPR TRACIE’s HCC Radiation Emergency Surge Annex Template. For more information, access our CBRN Resources Page and additional resources for HCCs. |
Register Today—Monoclonals and More: Issues and Opportunities with Early COVID-19 Treatment Options (webinar)
In this webinar (November 12, 12:30-2:00 PM ET), speakers will review some of the most current recommendations for use of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), upcoming therapies, and the challenges and opportunities that new therapies may pose in conjunction with mAb and other treatments (e.g., prioritization and distribution). Speakers will also highlight operational principles for a scaled strategy for use of these therapeutics in a scarce resource situation. Register today! |
New Training! Disaster Medicine: Sepsis
Populations affected by disasters are exposed to a variety of health hazards such as trauma, burns, poor sanitation, and mass sheltering, all of which place them at increased risk of infection and sepsis. Under the austere, resource-limited conditions typical of disaster zones, the clinical identification and management of sepsis can be more challenging compared to normal operating conditions in conventional health care settings. This free training module (funded by BARDA) provides guidance to emergency health professionals on how to recognize, assess, and evacuate patients with or at risk of sepsis in the context of a disaster response. |
Subscribe to the Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection’s Bulletins
ASPR’s Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) offers a variety of newsletters to keep stakeholders informed during emergency response and steady state. The newsletters inform stakeholders of the most significant issues facing the Healthcare and Public Health Sector including cybersecurity, healthcare supply chains, COVID-19, and more. If you are interested in receiving CIP newsletters, visit the CIP newsletter subscription webpage. |
COVID-19 Clinical Rounds
Peer-to-Peer Virtual Communities of Practice, a collaborative effort between ASPR, the National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center (NETEC), and Project ECHO, hosts weekly training opportunities where clinicians from the U.S. and abroad who have experience treating patients with COVID-19 shared their challenges and successes. Access past sessions and sign up to receive updates. |