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The Express: June 2021

This issue of The Express highlights the following new resources:

In light of wildfire season, we invite you to check out Issue 10 of The Exchange that focuses on preparing for and responding to wildfires and planned outages and the wildfire sections in our Natural Disasters Topic Collection.


As cyber breaches continue to affect healthcare, we encourage you to check out our new Cybersecurity Resources Page.


Please continue to access our Novel Coronavirus Resources Page, the National Institutes of Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines, and CDC’s Coronavirus webpage, and reach out if you need technical assistance.

New: Innovations in COVID-19 Patient Surge Management
COVID-19 patient surges have prompted healthcare facilities to be innovative in record time, updating and creating new plans as lessons were learned. In this article, ASPR TRACIE highlights how four healthcare executives from different states and settings collaborated and used data to manage patient surge statewide.
New: Infectious Disease TTX Toolkit
This toolkit can help emergency planners create an interactive, discussion-based exercise focusing on impacts to healthcare coalition and healthcare facilities caused by large numbers of patients seeking healthcare following exposure to an infectious agent.
New: The Role of Respiratory Therapists during COVID-19
In this presentation, Douglas S. Laher (Chief Operating Officer, American Association for Respiratory Care [AARC]), provides an overview of AARC and their role during the pandemic. Two presenters from Rush University, J. Brady Scott, (Director of Clinical Education, Associate Professor, Department of Cardiopulmonary Sciences, Division of Respiratory Care, College of Health Sciences), and David L. Vines, (Chairperson, Academic Program Director, Associate Professor, Department of Cardiopulmonary Sciences, Division of Respiratory Care, College of Health Sciences), highlight the critical role played by respiratory therapists during the pandemic and discussed the rapid training they developed on prone positioning for acute respiratory distress syndrome. Access the rest of the Healthcare Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic speaker series for more information.
New: Be a COVID-19 Vaccine Champion: Webinar QA
Speakers respond to the questions received during and after the webinar; check out the slides and link to the recording for more!
New: The Experience of Chaplains during COVID-19
The leader of Spiritual Care at Hennepin Healthcare, a Level One Trauma Center and safety net hospital in downtown Minneapolis, shares how the pandemic presented the chaplain team with distinct challenges and opportunities in this article.
Subscribe to the Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection’s Bulletins
ASPR’s Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) recently launched the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Infectious Disease Update. This newsletter can help you keep track of the 2021 Ebola outbreaks and other emerging infectious diseases by providing you with the latest news and resources. Keep your organization resilient and prepared for infectious disease—subscribe today by visiting the CIP bulletins subscription webpage.
Access Archived COVID-19 Clinical Rounds
Peer-to-Peer Virtual Communities of Practice, a collaborative effort between ASPR, the National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center (NETEC), and Project ECHO, created a peer-to-peer learning network where clinicians from the U.S. and abroad who have experience treating patients with COVID-19 shared their challenges and successes. Access previous webinars and special topic sessions and sign up today to receive information on upcoming events.  
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