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The Express: August 2021 (Update #2)

This issue of The Express highlights the following new resources:

Our Hurricane Resources Page, Issue 10 of The Exchange (on preparing for and responding to wildfires and planned outages), and Natural Disasters Topic Collection may be useful as our stakeholders experience related challenges.


These resources may also be helpful for those managing COVID-19 patient surge:

Please continue to access our Novel Coronavirus Resources Page, the National Institutes of Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines, and CDC’s Coronavirus webpage, and reach out if you need technical assistance.

New: Healthcare Coalition Radiation Emergency Surge Annex Template

The 2019-2023 HPP Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) requires HCCs to develop a complementary coalition-level radiation emergency surge annex to their base medical surge/trauma mass casualty response plan. ASPR TRACIE developed this annex to help our stakeholders improve capacity and capabilities to manage exposed or potentially exposed patients during a radiation emergency. This template provides general headers and descriptions for a sample HCC radiation emergency surge annex. It includes links to helpful resources (e.g., sample HCC plans). HCCs are not required to use the ASPR TRACIE template but are encouraged to do so to promote consistent operational planning and formatting of the specialty annexes.

For additional information, check out our recently updated Radiological and Nuclear Topic Collection and our CBRN Resources Page.

New: Pediatric Surge Resources for COVID-19
This TA response highlights general considerations related to pediatric surge capacity, capability, management, and guidance; resources that include operational considerations; and related resources.
New: Sample Physician's Orders for Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Treatment
Healthcare planners can use the information in this TA response to develop their own standing physician's orders.
Subscribe to the Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection’s Bulletins
ASPR’s Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) offers a variety of newsletters to keep stakeholders informed during emergency response and steady state. The newsletters inform stakeholders of the most significant issues facing the Healthcare and Public Health Sector including cybersecurity, healthcare supply chains, COVID-19, and more. If you are interested in receiving CIP newsletters, visit the CIP newsletter subscription webpage.
COVID-19 Clinical Rounds Return!
Peer-to-Peer Virtual Communities of Practice, a collaborative effort between ASPR, the National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center (NETEC), and Project ECHO, hosts weekly training opportunities where clinicians from the U.S. and abroad who have experience treating patients with COVID-19 shared their challenges and successes. Access past sessions and sign up to receive updates.
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