A Christian community of all ages

grounded in

worship, well-being, and service.

August 3 - August 9, 2024

From the Associate Rector

Dear Friends,

And suddenly, it is August. 

The calendar informed me of the change, of course, but if it hadn’t been the calendar I would have realized it anyway, because sunflowers of every kind have started to appear all around us, including in our Community Garden at St. Mary’s. I love when these flowers appear - a simultaneous reminder that summer will soon come to a close, but there are still several long days left in which we can turn our faces towards the sun and soak up it’s warmth and comfort.

This weekend at church there our several opportunities for you to slow down and take notice of all that surrounds us, soaking up sacred moments and acknowledging God’s presence and abundance. 

In addition to worship, on Saturday evening you can join us at 6pm in our Community Garden for a reception and music provided by local musician Luis Mateos. On Sunday afternoon, Jennifer and Jenny Williams will be offering a Rest and Return Retreat in the chapel. Both of these offerings will help us stop and take in the beauty that surrounds us and is in us. 

I look forward to our weekend together, and in the meantime want to leave you with a prayer that caught my eye this week, written by author Kate Bowler. This prayer is particularly poignant for those of us still impacted by the school year, but I imagine there will be parts of it that resonate for all of us.

Wherever you find yourself this August, I hope that blessings abound.



the summer we actually had: 


The long sunset 

of summer

is beginning. 

Schedules around the corner.

A chance to be alone for once.


The light panic 

of not-readiness.

(Wait. Did I actually 

devour a “beach read?”

Did I see a beach?)

So please, God,

make every moment today

count twice.

Every pint of blueberries

and patch of shade. 

The smell of sunscreen

and sweat.

The obscene volume of watermelon that can be humanly consumed.

Give me rest I almost missed.

Patience for the sorrows

that came without

my permission. 

Keep every possible small joy, 

waiting there for me, 

to join the summer 

I actually had. 

written by Kate Bowler


in the

Coming Weeks

Weekly worship services:

Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and

Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in

St. George's Chapel, Parish House

All summer worship will be in St. George's Chapel.

Saturday, 8.3, following 5:00 service, Community Garden -- Garden reception with refreshments and music. Will be indoors if the weather is a problem.

Sunday, 8.4, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m., Parish House --Rest and Return Retreat. Details below.

Monday, 8.5, 5:00 p.m., Upper level parking lot -- Pickup Pickleball.

Thursday, 8.8, St. Paul's UMC, Newport -- Soup Kitchen. Sign up online to help with this ministry.

Monday, 8.12, 5:00 p.m., Upper level parking lot -- Pickup Pickleball.

Wednesday, 8.14, 10 a.m., Funeral for Claire Bowerman-- Collation brunch to follow. Sign up to help!

Wednesday, 8.14, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., St. Mary's Lawn -- Bar Fly Concert. Details below.

For a calendar of all of St. Mary's activities visit our website.

Save the dates for our remaining summer events!

The details of the events can be found below, with links to sign up and help provided. A flyer of our summer events is also available.

Fruit Sundays

Join us for worship and special treats.

  • August 25 - Peach Sunday
  • September 29 - Apple Sunday

Outdoor Concert

  • August 14 – Bar Fly (see below)

Beach Dinner

  • August 18

Community Garden

  • August 3: Garden Reception -- Refreshments and live music provided.

Rest and Return Retreat

  • August 4, 2-5 p.m. (see below)

Rest and Return Retreat

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 


Sunday August 4, 2-5 p.m.- In St. George's Chapel

Join Jenny and Jennifer for a few renewing hours of rest and peace. We will offer a brief meditations at the beginning and share a simple Eucharist at the end. This will be a time of spacious encounter with Spirit. Bring whatever will help you to sink into this sacred time and place - a journal, book, walking shoes, comfortable clothing. You will have nourishment for your body and soul. 

Bring friends if you’d like.

Please sign up online or email Jennifer. 

Click on the flyer above if you need to see it better.

Join us when Bar Fly returns to the St. Mary's outdoor stage on August 14!

A popular Aquidneck Island cover band, Bar Fly will a bring a diverse set list covering contemporary artists to our last concert of the summer.

Don't forget to bring your lawn chair and a picnic dinner. Sign up to help!


Click on the image above for the weekly bulletin.

Liturgical Ministers for Saturday at 5:00 and Sunday at 10:00 are listed in the bulletin.

Worship on Sundays at 10:00  is live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Use the comment section to say hello if you use Facebook. We are trying to make better connections between those who are in person and those who are at home.

Prayer requests for individuals can be added to the prayers of the people on Sunday mornings and in the daily evening prayers by contacting Parish Administrator, Karen Laroche. We typically keep people in the prayers for one month.


Thank you!

Because of your overwhelming generosity to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center's call for cake mix kits, we delivered 4 dozen kits that weighed a total of 378 pounds to the Center.

The weight is important because each pound received by the Center's food pantry between now and September 1 will be matched with $1 to go to the food pantry.

This potato is lonely and could use some company, so please share the bounty of your garden with the MLKCC and have it count twice!

Leave your donations in the kitchen in the refrigerator on the plate for the MLKCC or on the counter. They will be delivered with our weekly food drive to the Center.

Communication & Other Announcements
Have an announcement?

Please use this form to digitally share information about your ministry. This enables those who are working on the eNews, website, and Facebook (and other social media) to have the information in one place and accessible to everyone who needs it. The deadline for publication in eNews is noon on Wednesday before publication on Friday. If you have questions, please contact website@smcportsmouth.org.
For all other types of communication:

Contact the rector if you'd like it verbally announced at worship. 
Contact parish administrator Karen Laroche to be included in writing in the weekly worship bulletin.

St. Mary's Staff

Rector: The Rev. Jennifer L. Pedrick, jennifer@smcportsmouth.org

Associate Rector: The Rev. Meaghan Brower, meaghan@smcportsmouth.org

Pastoral Musician: Michael DiMucci, michael@smcportsmouth.org

Parish Administrator: Karen Laroche, karen@smcportsmouth.org

Property Manager: Jon Walker, jon@smcportsmouth.org

St. Mary's Officers

To contact an officer of the vestry, please see our website.

Image credits: Richard Grosvenor, Historic Church, watercolor, used with permission.

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