
Greetings from Portland. Home of well... me. And important Black Lives Matter protests. And a great couple weeks of Summer weather. And missing festivals. Just like you are missing your <favorite summer thing here>. I came up with the idea below over the course of a couple days and have been trying it out some - I'd be curious to hear what you think. I keep fluctuating between wanting connection and wanting solitude - but it might be a way through some of the time when we do want connection.

I've given my business newsletter a new name: The Bizmissive. Check out the most recent one here. You can also learn what's happening in the world of Portland small businesses and the effort to save them here. (super cute video warning).

One thing that is continuing to help me stay sane during the waning tRump years is Robert Hubbell's newsletter, Today's Edition. I highly recommend signing up and reading it. He does a great job of providing hope and perspective right now.

I hope you're managing to thrive and survive in these challenging times. Please keep in touch - hit reply and let me know how things are you on your end and what you're doing to change the world :)

Action step for the next month: figure out which Democratic Senators to support, donate to and possibly work on their campaigns. Also, encourage everyone you know to request an absentee ballot - vote by mail works great - hopefully, this will spur the whole country to move permanently in this direction. More on the November election coming soon.

Also, feel free to print out the sign above and pass it along to your neighbors who have fruit trees.

All my love,

I’m figuring something out and I want your help putting the finishing touches on this idea. Thank you in advance for giving this some thought.

What’s the safest # of people to gather during a pandemic? One. What’s the second best #?

It’s two. Two is a great number of people for gathering. It’s the best way we can give each other the attention we deserve. We can go deep with each other. We can get bored with each other. We can play games, catch up, and stop when we’re done.

I’m going to make a list of things that can be done by 2 people. Feel free to hit reply right now and share your favorites. Riding bikes? Playing music? Walking? Sitting on a bench and talking. So, if you can do much of that outside and wear masks when it makes sense – it’s the easiest dance to do besides the one with yourself. And if it’s hard, slow it all way down and ask the other person for help.

So, let’s say one was feeling lonely sometimes. Like me. I used to spend much of my life either arranging gatherings or attending them. I’m someone who went to 8+ festivals a Summer and loved hosting shabbat gatherings at my house when I wasn’t organizing house concerts or other meetups. Show me an interesting gathering and I am there and will possibly help organize and promote it along the way. I organized in-person classes on social media marketing from 2008 until 2 years ago all over Portland, Seattle, and the nearby regions. Howdy Boise! Anyway, all that to say this pandemic has put a crimp in my style.

That said, I’ve been following the work of Jan Keck who I met at the World Domination Summit in 2018 and then hosted his Campfire Conversations last Summer in our backyard. Just north of the cul-de-sac.

Jan has been teaching people how to Ask Deep Questions. These days he’s continuing to trailblaze and show people how to make Zoom meetings and virtual events more fun and meaningful. He’s a fantastic teacher and person and has a great following of people who are learning from him. On this note I’m hosting Caelan Huntress from NZ who will lead an event full of fun games you can play on Zoom on August 19th @ 2:30pm PST – come join us. He led this event during the recent World Domination Summit weekend and it was the hit of my weekend.

Back to the point of this missive. Are you missing parties? What are parties? They are often a series of one on one interactions. Sometimes with a small group. So, take my premise above and add it on the the series like nature of your average party experience and boom – you have your social life back again. Maybe even in a richer way.

If you would like to be a guinea pig in my experiment – ie, you would like to spend time with me – we’ll start with an hour – preferably in SE Portland or somewhere I can bike to. We’ll sit far apart. We’ll do this outside in a park, on a porch or some other spot that makes sense.

Easiest way to begin would be to set up an appt. with me on my calendar – but you can also just reach out via email and we’ll take it from there.

This idea is obviously not just for me. Please, if you find value in what I’m posing, feel free to try it out yourself or share Rough Notes from the Cul-de-sac with others on social media - use the share buttons below if you like.


PS – More on Vitamin T and getting your touch needs met during these times, here.