October 2021 Newsletter
It’s Time for Arlington to Declare a Climate Emergency
With the world experiencing a climate crisis, it's time for the Arlington County Board to declare a climate emergency and prioritize County efforts to meet this crisis.

Getting to Carbon Neutrality Series

The EcoAction Arlington Advocacy Committee presents a series of three virtual webinars on how to attain state and county commitments to carbon neutrality by 2050.

Getting to Carbon Neutrality: Reimagining Our Homes
Thursday, November 4
7 - 8:30 p.m.
Join community experts for the second in a series of virtual webinars on how Arlington can address the climate crisis and become a resilient, equitable, and prosperous community. This webinar will help us transform our homes and other buildings to meet carbon neutrality goals.
Vote to Promote Climate Change Action
Voting is an important way for individuals to support bold, comprehensive action to address the climate crisis and ensure healthy and equitable communities for all residents. EcoAction Arlington questioned County and School Board candidates about their positions on key environmental challenges currently facing our community.

See the video of our County Board Candidates Environmental Forum and read the County and School Board candidates’ responses.
Election Day is Tuesday
Site Plan Review Process Update
Several development projects are currently under review through the Site Plan Review Process, giving residents an opportunity to advocate for building designs consistent with the County’s carbon neutrality goal.

The EcoAdvocate is compiled by the
EcoAction Arlington's mission is to promote stewardship of our natural resources and practical solutions for a sustainable community. The EcoAction Advocacy Committee engages in public discussion and promotes civic engagement among its members to influence government action in support of its mission. EcoAction Arlington is a non-profit and non-partisan organization.