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January 2024

Happy New Year, Arlingtonians! If your resolution is to push for green policies across the county and state, then we’ve got you covered. Whether it’s calling on County Board members to lean into battery electric buses, encouraging state lawmakers to promote energy efficiency and renewables and address tree canopy coverage, or convincing a friend to bike instead of Uber, your acts of advocacy both big and small make a difference. And stay tuned for future additions for more opportunities.

Now's the Time to Start the Transition to Clean Electric ART Buses

With the new ART Operations and Maintenance Facility, designed for battery electric buses ( BEBs), moving toward completion in 2025, Arlington should commit to purchasing these buses for all new buses. With short routes, a small area, temperate climate, and steady improvements in battery technology, Arlington is well suited for these buses.

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Read EcoAction Arlington's Letter to the County Board
Take Action via the Sierra Club Potomac River Group

Stand Up for Climate Progress in the General Assembly

This 2024 session of the Virginia General Assembly is now underway with opportunities to advance legislation to address tree canopy coverage and natural resources, strengthen the Virginia Clean Economy Act, support improvements in residential energy efficiency, and promote renewable energy and greater local authority to set energy and environmental policies.

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Sign up to receive action alerts with fact sheets and information on how to weigh in on key bills as they make their way through the legislative process. And let us know if you're attending the Virginia Water and Conservation Network’s Lobby Days in Richmond on January 30 and 31.

Signup for Action Alerts

What You Can Do

Reducing Your Transportation Carbon Footprint

With 2023 now officially the hottest year on record, the impact of climate change on our daily life is becoming clear, but we can each make a significant impact on the future climate with the choices we make today. With transportation accounting for about 40 percent of Arlington’s total carbon emissions, going carfree or car-lite can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.  The next time you make a trip somewhere, consider walking, bicycling, or using public transit or other transportation methods.

  • Walking, biking, or taking public transit instead of driving saves 1 lb of greenhouse gas emission per mile that would have been released into the atmosphere; 
  • Going carfree was the top way to reduce one’s carbon footprint and shifting to public transit ranked fifth according to one study;
  • Consider an e-bike for your second car;
  • Let County Board members know through letters, Open Door Mondays, public comment during regular sessions, and participation in public engagement processes what improvement to transit, bike, and pedestrian services and infrastructure to meet your transportation needs carfree.
image with bright green background: Online webinar Getting to Zero Carbon Builidings, reducing the carbon footprint of new buildings; photo of a woman with brown background, woman has long brown hair and is wearing a taupe vest with orange turtleneck, Kiersten Washle Consulting engineer; to the right is a photo of a man with short brown hair wearing a light blue collared shirt and suit jacket, Daniel McGee, Redbrick LMD, February 15, 2024, 7:00 PM ET, Via Zoom, ecoaction arlington logo

Online Webinar

Getting to Zero Carbon Buildings

Saturday, February 15

7 PM ET via Zoom

Learn from practitioners about progress in reducing the carbon footprint of new buildings needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet carbon neutrality goals. Zero carbon buildings incorporate high energy efficiency, fossil-fuel free operation, renewable energy and low or even negative carbon materials.  This webinar will also explore metrics for gauging return on investment, challenges, and policy opportunities to accelerate change.

The EcoAdvocate is compiled by the EcoAction Arlington Advocacy Committee

EcoAction Arlington | Elenor Hodges, Executive Director | 703-228-6427 | |

Support EcoAction Arlington

EcoAction Arlington's mission is to educate, advocate, and act to create a sustainable community by improving our natural environment, encouraging environmentally-friendly behaviors, ensuring environmental justice, and addressing the climate crisis. The EcoAction Advocacy Committee engages in public discussion and promotes civic engagement among its members to influence government action to support its mission. EcoAction Arlington is a non-profit and non-partisan organization.

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