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August 24, 2023

The Feast of St. Bartholomew


TONIGHT: Everybody's Pub Theology at PaPPo's  

Sit down with Donavan, Jeannie, and Ranie TONIGHT, Thursday, August 24th, from 6-7:30pm, in a room just for us, at PaPPo's Pizzeria, at 7540 Memorial Pkwy SW, Huntsville, for great fellowship, good food, tasty drinks, and hearty discussion! Tonight we will discuss whether or not it is important, as Christians, to find ways to workout our SOULS, and, if it is important, how we go about that in our day-to-day lives. We can all join a GYM to workout our bodies and keep them healthy, but is the CHURCH really supposed to be a gym for the working out our souls?

Text Jeannie and let her know you plan on joining us tonight at 256-348-9918 or email Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org.

All women of St. Thomas are invited to join the Daughters of the King! Find out more TONIGHT!

If you are searching for more in your spiritual life, more in your prayer life, more in your connection with God and His people (that’s all of us), then I encourage you to consider Daughters of the King.  We are beginning a training program of discernment to become a Daughter starting TONIGHT, August 24th through September 28th. These will be six sessions from 6pm to 7:30 in which we will discuss what The Daughters of the King is about and how it can enrich your life. There will be time for study, reflection, and discussion for community building. If this interests you, come join us on Thursdays, starting tonight, and see what we’re all about. 

For further questions, ask me or anyone wearing the cross. Blessings, Barbara Meyer at bmeyer2944@gmail.com.

Children and Youth Christian Formation CONTINUES THIS SUNDAY!

St. Thomas' Children and Youth Christian Formation classes are now underway every Sunday! We're now offering five different Sunday school classes for our children and youth!

Pre-K - 1st grade: Godly Play- Renee' Redfield - Hiers 4

2nd grade-3rd grade: Love First- Laura Beth Bestor - Hiers 2 (new room)

4th grade-5th grade: Bible Stories & Art- Kathie Clayton & Lila Powell - Hiers 6

6th grade-7th grade: My Faith, My Life- Sonya Carrier & Jane Allgood - Hiers 5

8th grade- 12th grade: Science & Religion with the Rev. Jeannie Randall; Confirmation Classes starting Sept. 3 with the Rev. Ranie Neislar - Youth Room

Contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Laura Beth Bestor, at children@stthomashuntsville.org or our Youth Ministries Coordinator, The Rev. Jeannie Randall at jrann228@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to help out with this important aspect of our ministries.

EYC Youth Movie Matinee & Fishing Excursion: THIS SUNDAY!  

This Sunday August 27:

Girls, grade 6 -12, Barbie movie and ice cream w/ Mtr. Ranie and Jeannie

Gather at 1:15 in the parking lot by the youth room. 

Cost for tickets is $12.00 plus money for refreshments. Ice cream costs will be covered

Friends are welcome. 

Boys, grade 6 -12, Fishing and food with Bob Harwell and Brett Tomlin

Gather at 4:30pm in the church parking lot by the youth room

Bring your rod and tackle. If you need equipment, let Jeannie know jrann228@gmail.com

Please let Jeannie know if your child is planning to attend! Email her now at  jrann228@gmail.com


Sept 10th, YOUTH CHESS TOURNAMENT, for Grades 6 - 12. All levels of players are welcom, and a lunch will be provided

Adult Christian Formation Classes THIS SUNDAY!

Adult Christian Formation classes are also available every Sunday morning at St. Thomas.

Fr. Donavan's Adult Christian Formation offering for the rest of this month and the first two Sunday's in September will be a "Rector's Forum," at 9:30am in the Parish Hall. Each Week, Donavan will teach the ancient way of "Praying the Scriptures" known as "Lectio Divina." Using a visual or aural piece that he feels bring the Bible verses and message together, he will share each week something that speaks to him directly from the Sunday morning scripture. And after his short presentation, he will invite you to share your thoughts or ask questions that can either go with Sunday's scripture or something completely different to add to the discussion.

And in the Conference Room beginning this Sunday, August 20th, Mtr. Ranie will begin a new Sunday morning book study for Adults, starting at 9:30am. The Adult Formation Book Study will pick back up the book Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans. Evans knows firsthand how a relationship with the Bible can be as real and as complicated as a relationship with a family member or close friend. In Inspired, Evans explores contradictions and questions from her own experiences with the Bible, including:

  • If the Bible was supposed to explain the mysteries of life, why does it leave the reader with so many questions?
  • What does it mean to be chosen by God?
  • To what degree did the Holy Spirit guide the preservation of these narratives, and is there something sacred to be uncovered beneath all these human fingerprints?
  • If the Bible has given voice to the oppressed, why is it also used as justification by their oppressors?

If you are interested in joining us we will be ordering books this coming week to purchase through the church for $10. Please email Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org. 


Join us Tuesday nights in Conference Room 2 from 6-7:30PM, as we dive into Paul’s Letter to the Romans!

Many of our Christian beliefs are deeply formed by this sacred text from the New Testament. Bring a Bible, something to eat and drink, and come prepared to enjoy fellowship and learn "What Saint Paul is saying to the Romans" and what it means for modern-day disciples! Mtr. Ranie will be leading the class. If you have any questions please email her at associate@stthomashuntsville.org. 

St. Thomas Music Programs and rehearsals are back!

Rehearsals for Adult Choir, Bell Choir and Treble Choirs have resumed! New members are always welcome.

Come sing and ring with us! Find rehearsal dates and times here:

  • Treble Choir Minors (Grade Pre-K — 2) will rehearse Sunday afternoons 3:30-4:15 Starting August 20.
  • Treble Choir Majors (Grade 2 – 8) will rehearse Wednesday afternoons 4:30 – 5:30
  • Bell Choir will rehearse Wednesday evenings 6:00 – 6:45
  • Adult Choir will rehearse Wednesday evenings 7:00 – 8:45
  • Joyful Noise rehearses as needed, usually on Saturday morning the day before a JN service.

Contact Kathy Heim music@stthomashuntsville.org for information about Treble & Adult Choirs.

Contact Donna Clark clarkdf@aol.com for information about Bell Choir.

Contact John Hanson johnspacecadet31@gmail.com for information about Joyful Noise.

SIGN UP THIS SUNDAY: Youth Confirmation class begins Sept. 3rd & Adult class begins September 17th!

If you have or know of a youth in the 9th grade ready for confirmation, we would love to have them participate in Confirmation Classes on Sunday mornings, beginning on September 3rd with our Associate Priest, Ranie Neislar. We will explore the essentials of our faith in preparation of the Bishop’s visit to St. Thomas on Sunday, October 22nd this year. Get signed up NOW by emailing Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org.

And if you're an adult interested in Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church, or if you'd like to Reaffirm your faith when Bishop Glenda Curry is here in October, SIGN UP IN INFORMATION HALL THIS SUNDAY! Fr. Donavan will begin offering an Adult Confirmation class and luncheon on Sundays, starting on Sunday, September17th. If you have questions about confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation as an adult, email Fr. Donavan anytime at dcain@stthomashuntsville.org.

Lobsterfest 5K Early Bird Registration and Sponsorship OPEN NOW!

It's the 30th anniversary of Lobsterfest at St. Thomas, and we want YOU to join us for the SHELL-ABRATION! Early bird (and best price) registration for the Lobsterfest 5k is now open. We have a NEW time and NEW swag this year...but still donate ALL proceeds to local and international outreach. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4 at 3:00 p.m. The race is family-friendly, with runners and walkers of all levels welcome. And with your race entry, you'll receive a cool sweatshirt to keep you warm all winter long.  To sign-up NOW click HERE!

And you (or your business) can also really help by becoming a Lobster Friend or LobSTAR race sponsor! As a sponsor, you not only directly support our St. Thomas Lobsterfest outreach ministries...your name will also be featured on the sweatshirt! If you'd like more information on how to become a Lobsterfest 5K sponsor, click HERE!

Let's have a great showing of parishioners at this wonderful community event; sign up TODAY to walk, run or sponsor the Lobsterfest 5K! 


A HUGE thank you to all those who participated in our  August 13th Blood Drive. In the midst of a busy Rally Day, 31 people volunteered to donate blood for our local hospital patients. God blesses us, and so we become a blessing for others. Thank you! Our next blood drive will be on December 3. Please mark your calendars!

Betsy Hill


BBQ Bandits are cooking for Labor Day Weekend & for St. Jude's!

The St. Thomas BBQ Bandits are once again having the St Jude BBQ Fundraiser on the Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day Weekend, September 2nd & 3rd. Proceeds will go to the St Judes Affiliate here in Huntsville, AL. BBQ Offering can be found and ordered from our on-line store: https://st-thomas-bbq-bandits.square.site/

And if you are headed out of town for the holiday weekend do not let that stop you from participating. Just contact Charlie Erwin at 256-468-4221 to arrange a Friday pick up for your outing or if you have any questions about this event.

Thanks in advance for your support of this wonderful organization!

Choral Evensong set for the Eve of the Feast of the Holy Cross 

The St. Thomas Choir, with Fr. Donavan officiating and preaching, will present a special service of Choral Evensong on Wednesday, September 13, to commemorate the Eve of the Feast of the Holy Cross. More information about this special service is coming soon!


Our First Stop Breakfast Group needs you!

Part of our Outreach efforts here at St. Thomas includes reaching out to people in our community experiencing homelessness. One of the ways we serve is through a breakfast ministry at the nonprofit group First Stop here in Huntsville. We are in need of volunteers for either the 1st or the 2nd Friday of the month for our First Stop Breakfast Crew. If you can help prepare and serve food in the mornings on either the 1st or 2nd Friday of each month, please contact Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org. If you are interested or have questions, please feel free to reach out. The church reimburses food costs. We and our neighbors just need your time!

Habitat for Humanity Work Opportunities

We are making great strides with our Andros Drive home. We will install trim, shelves, and baseboards on Saturday. Please come help Vicki Wade get her house ready. We begin at 8 and lunch will be served about 11. Call Elouisa Stokes at 256-604-8669.

Farmers Market

The Bailey Cove Farmers Market at St. Thomas is open for just TWO MORE SATURDAYS!

The Bailey Cove Farmers Market at St. Thomas is open from 8am to 12pm every Saturday all summer long through September 2nd!

And you can help! Sign up to volunteer for 'Set up' and 'Take down' any weekend in Information Hall. Or, if you'd like to assist, call Kim Cantrell at (256)508-2363, and she will give you all the info.

Hope to see you at the Farmers Market THIS SATURDAY at St. Thomas!

Sunday night Dinners following the 5pm "Laid Back" Sunday Eucharist are now once a month

St. Thomas' "Laid Back" 5pm Sunday worship service is here to stay, but we have made a change to our Sunday evening dinner offering. As the days get shorter and the Fall season approaches, dinner will now be offered only on the FIRST SUNDAY of each and every month, on September 3rd, October 1st, November 5th, and December 3rd. Our special "Come As You Are" Holy Eucharist will continue every Sunday, with simple hymns from the Alleluia III hymnal, good sermons preached from the floor, and Holy Communion. Come as you are and invite a friend to join you for the 5pm Evening Holy Eucharist EVERY SUNDAY at St. Thomas.

Caregivers Support Group

If you or someone you know is or has been a caregiver for a loved one, we have a Caregivers Support Group at St. Thomas. This group wants to be a community support for caregivers and we welcome anyone who needs that resource whether or not a parishioner here. We have a volunteer licensed therapist, Jane Allgood, as group facilitator. We meet every other Wednesday from 1 until 2:30 pm in the Crossroads Room. If you are interested just show up then. If you have any questions about the group, call or email Mona Parker: 256-599-9942, mona.s.parker@gmail.com   

St. Thomas now has a VENMO account for easier online giving!

Forget your checkbook or cash and want to contribute to St. Thomas? Consider using our brand new VENMO account! If you have a VENMO account, you can now look for our new VENMO QR code (included here!) in the church and parish hall, or simply search on your VENMO app for @StThomasHsv. And please help the Finance Office by being sure to note where your contribution should go in the "What's it for?" line (e.g., breakfast, supper, donation, pledge, baseball game, Clergy Discretionary account, etc.).

And THANK YOU to Gail Perna and members of our Finance Committee for doing the hard work to bring the ease of VENMO to St. Thomas!

AT A GLANCE: August 17 - August 23

Daughters of the King Social, August 17th

Christian Formation for children, youth, & adults for Fall 2023 at St. Thomas!

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Phone: 256.880.0247

Email: StThomas@stthomashuntsville.org
