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THE EPISTLE: May 18th, 2022

Taize Service

We invite you to join us for a special time of prayer and meditation happening this Wednesday at 6:00 PM! The Taize Service is a contemplative style of worship that St. Thomas offers once per month.

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Pentecost Worship and Picnic - Save the Date!

The Pentecost Picnic is Sunday, June 5 - Service at 10:30 on Green Mountain. Pentecost is the festival when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.

There will NOT  be an 8 o’clock service Sunday, June 5! Please wear RED!

The picnic will again be held in the large pavilion in the Nature Center on Green Mountain. The pavilion is designed to be easily accessible to everyone. We will celebrate Pentecost and Holy Eucharist. The church will provide fried chicken tenders, sides, and dessert. Please bring your ice, cooler, and drinks. There are many picnic tables available, or you may want to bring a chair to be more comfortable. Let's hope for a sunny day!

No nursery will be available. But bring your kids for some fun! If you need assistance, call Jeannie.



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Everybody's Pub Theology

Sit down with Ranie and Jeannie Monday, May 23 from 6-7:30 PM on the patio at Mellow Mushroom, 2230 Cecil Ashburn Drive SE, Huntsville, AL, 35802 for great fellowship, good food, drink, and hearty discussion!

Text Jeannie and let her know you plan on joining us at 256-348-9918 or email Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org. We will be discussing summer topics at this meeting so bring your ideas!


Habitat for Humanity

Please join us on Saturdays to work with a homeowner to prepare the house. This really allows stability to families and we have seen a change in neighborhoods by ownership instead of rent. Besides, you will learn new skills you can use in your own home. The address is 6221 Maywick Road. For more information, call Elouisa Stokes at 256-604-8669.

Meals on Wheels Delivery Volunteers Needed!

Meals on Wheels provides a nutritious lunch Monday-Friday, year-round to Huntsville seniors age 60 or over, who are unable to cook for themselves, have no one available to cook for them, and are primarily homebound. 

The St Thomas MOW delivery team needs volunteers who can deliver one day each month. If you want to join this ministry or need more information, contact Mark Dixon at (256) 426-0381 or mddixon@aol.com.

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Memorial Day Weekend

The BBQ Bandits are firing up the smoker for the Memorial Day weekend!

This year’s event is just a week away (May 28) and benefits Alexander Steel and John Crown with the Make-A-Wish Alabama Trailblaze Challenge.  

The online store is now open and taking orders for pick-up on May 28 or 29. Please specify the day and time you would like to pick up at checkout. If you would like to make an online order, please visit the webstore (https://st-thomas-bbq-bandits.square.site). If you are not on the email distribution, please email us at erwins@comcast.net or stthomasbbq@gmail.com to get included!

We celebrate our college and high school students. 

May God guide them as they journey forth.

Griffin Anderson, Kate Carroll, Peter Cote`, Alex Hattaway, Alice Poplin, Jack Roberts, Erin Slagle, and Foster Tomlin

Youth Notes (grades 6-12)

We will continue to meet from 9:30 – 10:15 in the youth room each Sunday through June 26.


YP/EYC on Sunday afternoons has ended for the school year. Look for an announcement of a canoe trip on June 18 and a rafting trip planned for late July.

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5 PM Summer Service

Join us for a "come as you are" service throughout the summer beginning June 19

This casual service will feature simple music and our signature laid-back hospitality at its best!

More details forthcoming!


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Waterworks! Park Vacation Bible School is coming to St. Thomas July 11-15. Registration is open for children entering Pre-K through rising 6th graders. Limited nursery slots available for children <4 years old. Click here to access the online registration form.  

We need adult and youth volunteers to teach, assist teachers, prep classroom materials, lead crafts, decorate, prepare snacks, serve snacks, and lead games.  Sign-up in Information Hall or contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Laura Beth Bestor (children@stthomashuntsville.org)!

Parish's Database

Have you been getting the EPISTLE every other week via email? Has your birthday been absent from our weekly birthday list? Please understand how important our database is for the church.

If you have changed your address, email address, or phone number, send an email to the church office (stthomas@stthomashuntsville.org) and let us know.

If you didn’t give us your birthday, then we can’t include your name in our weekly prayers. We appreciate your help! 

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Phone: 256.880.0247

Email: StThomas@stthomashuntsville.org
