Sunday, May 17th
8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.
Holy Eucharist
Collect for the Day of Pentecost
O God, who on this day taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Scripture for the Day of Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21, 104:25-35, 37, Romans 8:22-27, John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Serving this morning, May 19 (8:00 a.m.)
Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Acolyte: Rob Maloney
Lector/Intercessor: Jorja Marsden
Altar Guild: Natalie Boyce
Serving next week, May 26th (8:00 a.m.)
Celebrant: The Rev’d Jane G. Tillman
Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Acolyte: Kim Savery
Lector/Intercessor: Kim Savery
Altar Guild: Jennifer Carmichael
Serving this morning, May 19 (10:00 a.m.)
Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Acolyte: Rob Maloney
Lector: Frank Smith
Intercessor: Gale Page
Musician: Nancy King
Greeter: Ginny Wilcox
Fellowship: Carl Sprague
Altar Guild: Natalie Boyce
Serving next week, May 26 (10:00 a.m.)
Celebrant: The Rev’d Jane G. Tillman
Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Acolyte: Kim Savery
Lector/Intercessor: Martha Bodine
Musician: David Smith
Greeters: TBD
Fellowship: Lis and Virgil Stucker
Altar Guild: Jennifer Carmichael
Altar flowers are given by Jorja Marsden in memory of Francis Pilling, Anna Pilling, and Bob Marsden.
Parish Prayer List
Those who are ill or in need of intercession
Bruce, Charles, Linda, Veronica, Jeff, Karen, Lisa, Rosalind, Jacob, Kathleen, Doug, Holly, Rick, John, Lenore, Vicki, Donna, Cynthia, Eliza, Cindy, Lori, LaDawn, Elaine, Kit, Adam, Peter
Those who have recently died
Larry Tonini
Leslie Wright, father-in-law of Darryl Lafferty
Margie Cosby, sister of Michael Cosby
Nina Fersen, friend of Mary Maltzoff
Those who have asked for our long-term prayers
Allie, Irby, Ginger, Joan, Duncan, Bernadette, Ray, Piers, Katrina, Rich, Karen, Michael, Khali, George, Barbara, Christy, John, Anthony, and Astrida
Those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries
For the birth of Forrest William Tierney, son of Colin and Mary Tierney, on May 6
Bill Higgins; Bill Higgins & Anne Covell
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer (Week of 5/19)
Congregations, Ministries, and Partners in Ministry
Trinity Church, Milford (The Rev’d Daniel L. Collier, Priest-in-Charge)
Bement-Waterfield Educational Grant Committee
Young Adult Ministry Network
The Church and Wider Mission
National Episcopal Health Ministries
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
Sun 5/19: The Anglican Church of Canada
Mon 5/20: Diocese of Ely (England)
Tues 5/21: Diocese of Embu (Kenya)
Wed 5/22: Diocese of Enugu (Nigeria)
Thurs 5/23: Diocese of Enugu North (Nigeria)
Fri 5/24: Diocese of Esan (Nigeria)
Sat 5/25: Diocese of Eswatini (Southern Africa)