
The E-pistle

July 5th, 2024

Sunday, July 7th, 2024

9:00 A.M.

Holy Eucharist

Collect for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

O God, you have taught us to keep all your commandments by loving you and our neighbor: Grant us the grace of your Holy Spirit, that we may be devoted to you with our whole heart, and united to one another with pure affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Scripture for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Ezekiel 2:1-5, Psalm 123, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13

Serving this week, July 7

Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d Jane G. Tillman

Server: Darryl Lafferty

Lector/Intercessor: Jean Rousseau

Musicians: Berkshire Winds (Cathy Mohn, Julie Martin, John Davies, Stewart Edelstein, and Gerold Mohn)

Greeter: Jorja Marsden

Fellowship: Georgeanne Rousseau

Altar Guild: Robin Race

Serving next week, July 14

Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught

Assisting Priest: The Rev’d Jane G. Tillman

Server: Darryl Lafferty

Lector/Intercessor: TBD

Musician: Doug Schmolze

Greeter: TBD

Fellowship: Brett Roberts

Altar Guild: Jorja Marsden

Parish Prayer List

Those who are ill or in need of intercession

Bruce, Charles, Linda, Veronica, Jeff, Karen, Lisa, Rosalind, Jacob, Kathleen, Doug, Holly, Rick, John, Lenore, Vicki, Donna, Cynthia, Eliza, Cindy, Lori, LaDawn, Elaine, Kit, David, Ann, Jessica, Heidi, Paul, Kate

Those who have recently died

John P Boyce, husband of Natalie Boyce

Those who have asked for our long-term prayers

Allie, Irby, Ginger, Joan, Duncan, Bernadette, Ray, Piers, Katrina, Rich, Karen, Michael, Khali, George, Barbara, Christy, John, Anthony, and Astrida

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer  (Week of 7/7)

Congregations, Ministries, and Partners in Ministry

St. Stephen’s Church, Pittsfield (The Rev’d Nina Ranadive Pooley, Rector)

Worcester Regions (North Clericus Dean: The Rev’d Tim Crellin; South Clericus Dean: The Rev’d Julie Carson)

The Church and Wider Mission

Girls’ Friendly Society

Bishops United Against Gun Violence

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Sun 7/7: Province of the Indian Ocean

Mon 7/8: Diocese the Rio Grande (Episcopal Ch.)

Tues 7/9: Diocese of Guadalcanal (Melanesia)

Wed 7/10: Diocese of Guatemala (Central America)

Thurs 7/11: Di0cese of Guildford (England)

Fri 7/12: Diocese of Guinea (West Africa)

Sat 7/13: Diocese of Gujarat (North India)

Photos from the Parish Picnic

Join a Fellowship Dinner this Summer!

Would you like to deepen your relationships with fellow parishioners? Would you like meet new people at St. Paul’s over good food? If so, you are warmly invited to join one of the Fellowship Dinners hosted in the homes of parishioners this summer. There are eight dinners scheduled in the months of July and August in the various locales in which we live. Find one that works for you and sign up here. If you are having any difficulty with accessing the google doc, please call Martha (413-281-9772) and ask for help. She recently discovered that she can add names using her desktop computer, but cannot on her phone! She is happy to help you!

Questions? Contact Junior Warden Martha Bodine

For the second year in a row, St. Paul’s is sponsoring a hole at the Human to Human Golf Tournament, a new annual fundraiser to support a wide variety of ministries throughout Western Massachusetts. Father Sam would like to issue an additional challenge: this year, let’s field a team of 4 players to play the tournament! If you enjoy golfing, you can represent St. Paul’s, raise money for important work around the Diocese, and have fun all at once! You can find more information here. And don’t let the registration cost deter you—the Vestry is happy to pitch in to make any registration possible.

Two Opportunities to Pray Together Each Week

Wednesday: Morning Prayer at 8:30am (Online)

Every Wednesday, a group of parishioners meet at 8:30am to pray Morning Prayer online via Zoom. All are warmly welcome to join via the Zoom link on our website. Thank you Darryl Lafferty for continuing to lead this weekly offering.

Friday: Intercessory Prayer at 8:30am (In-person)

Some may remember that several years ago, a group of parishioners met each week to pray for the needs of those on the parish prayer list. All are invited to join on Friday mornings in the church as we revive this tradition of intercessory prayer. Thank you Alice Wohl for your leadership in reviving this weekly offering.


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

29 Main Street, P.O. Box 704

Stockbridge, MA 01262

Church Office Voicemail: (413) 298-4913


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