The Direct Dispatch
A Newsletter For Healthcare Providers

August 2019

"If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will." - Bob Hooey
Improved Healthcare
Report: Health orgs use surprise email exercises to train...

A KLAS and College of Healthcare Information Management Executives report, based on an analysis of CHIME's 2018 Healthcare's Most Wired survey results, found that 59% of small, 52% of medium and 53% of large health care organizations use...

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What is data science? Transforming data into value

Data science is a method for gleaning insights from structured and unstructured data using approaches ranging from statistical analysis to machine learning. For most organizations, data science is employed to transform data into value in the form ...

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Quarter of hospitals fail to comply with Leapfrog's...

About a quarter of hospitals fail to meet the Leapfrog Group's standards in addressing serious patient harm events should they occur, according to a new report. The analysis, published Thursday, found 74.5% of the more than 2,000 hospitals that...

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New CMS models for providers will include specialty care
The CMS is implementing new direct provider contracting models, and although they have been described as tools to "deliver value-based transformation in primary care," they will also hold other participants, including surgeons and specialists, accountable for care, write Joshua Liao and Amol Navathe. The models, which will facilitate new ways of engaging specialists in value-based care, borrow from the successes of Medicare Advantage, Liao and Navathe write.
Quality Improvement
FDA supports open data to improve patient safety: The...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration signed a letter of support May 30 for openly sharing data through efforts such as the Patient Safety Movement Foundation's Open Data Pledge, according to an announcement made June 27.

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Have Readmissions Penalties Jumped the Shark?

Have readmissions penalties jumped the shark? A new study in Health Affairs found that 30-day hospital readmissions for hip and knee replacements began to decline rapidly when the federal government announced that it would penalize hospitals for...

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Delirium Prevention and Treatment: How to Improve Care...

Age-Friendly care maximizes value for all involved: patients, caregivers, and the overall system. The following excerpt from IHI's Business Case for Becoming an Age-Friendly Health System is a case study of the work at Hartford Hospital...

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To the moon and back: Don Berwick on politics,...

What is it like working for Barack Obama and learning from NASA? What are the best and worst aspects of the NHS? Guest host Anna Charles sits down with Professor Don Berwick, President Emeritus at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, to...

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How a Joy in Work Team Advanced Culture Change

How do you improve teamwork, collaboration, mutual respect, and engagement? The leadership team of a cardiovascular intensive care unit used the IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work using the Four Steps for Leaders with an emphasis on...

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How Else Can Direct Difference Inc Help You?
Measuring quality is necessary for improving healthcare. We understand that when providers are overly consumed with measuring and reporting quality metrics, it is difficult to actually apply results and focus on actions that lead to real improvements.

Why not smart source all of your data abstraction needs so that it is done better, faster, more consistently, and at lower cost with less risk?

Did you know we provide abstraction services for core measures, non-core measures, registry, OPPE-FPPE, NHSN, peer review, pharmaceutical studies and others? If you have any data abstraction needs please contact us for more information. All you have to do is respond to this email to get started.
340 E. 1st St, #306
Tustin, California 92781
(800) 805-4880