News & Events in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine | |
Volume 26, Number 6
June 20, 2024
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It's still Pride Month!
Did you know that there have been more Pride events scheduled in Maine than ever before? And it's not too late to get in on a parade or other festive event. Check out the calendar from Equality Maine for Pride celebrations still to come from Bangor to Washington. Find photos from the Portland (above right), Bangor (above, left), and Belfast Pride parades here.
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June 1 Regional Confirmation, St. David's, Kennebunk
Congratulations and blessings to all the confirmands!
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"The Philadelphia Eleven" Panel Discussion
In case you missed the screening of "The Philadelphia Eleven" on May 14 in Portland, or want to revisit the excellent panel discussion afterwards, we captured it on video. Listen to the Rev. Merrill Bittner, the Rev. Sukie Curtis, the Rev. Portia Hirschman, the Rev, Nancy Moore, and the Rev. Vicki Smith discuss women's ordination and the evolving role of women in The Episcopal Church.
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Global Mission Advocates Network Hold First Conference
In early April, Global Mission Advocates Network (GEMN) held its inaugural conference in Camp Allen, Texas. Director of Formation and GEMN appointee, Emily Keniston, attended the conference on behalf of the diocese. Keniston also holds a position as a member of the Standing Commission on World Mission, which she will complete at next week's General Convention. Learn about global mission work here, and reach out with questions about this mission work
anyone with questions about global mission goals and advocacy may reach out to Keniston,
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The Episcopal Diocese of Maine will have strong representation at General Convention! The Maine delegation—see who they are here—and Bishop Brown will depart for Louisville later this week. Director of Faith Formation Emily Keniston is traveling to Kentucky with a group of Maine youth who will meet with community organizers in the gun violence prevention movement, including Bishops Against Gun Violence, and have the opportunity to experience convention.
Director of Communications Susan Sherrill Axelrod will also be on hand beginning Tuesday, June 24 to capture the news and excitement on social media. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates, and find all the convention-related news releases from The Episcopal Church here.
Bishop Brown recorded the video below for anyone who wants to see a comprehensive overview of what the convention is all about.
For any and all other GC81 related news, livestreams of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies, worship services, photographs, and other public affairs, please visit the General Convention Media Hub.
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Summer Finale
Sept. 13 - 15
Camp Bishopswood
Registration is now open for Summer Finale! There is also a day-only option on Saturday, Sept. 14. And back this year after a several-year hiatus is a mini retreat especially for those who do formation work in our diocese on Friday, Sept. 13 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. As in years past, this will be an opportunity to spend a day in conversation with formation folks, to enjoy delicious food, and imagine ways in which we can collaborate and uplift one another in our formation work.
Register for Summer Finale here, including one-day and overnight options. Register for the Formation Mini-Retreat on Sept. 13 here.
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Announcements and Updates | |
Special Commission Report
On June 7, the third meeting of the Special Commission to Study Diocesan Investments was held via Zoom with ten participants, including Bishop Brown ex officio and Director of Engagement Teresa Pinney. Among the discussion items were, Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) within the diocese, including the importance of defining what SRI is for the diocese, involving stakeholders in the process, and whether they might be segregated and managed separately; and the importance of better communication with parishes and transparency around investments. Read more here.
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John Hennessy Elected President of Equality Maine
Episcopal Diocese of Maine Director of Public Advocacy John Hennessy was elected last month as the new president of the board of directors of both Equality Maine and the Equality Maine Foundation.
“I am honored to help lead EqualityMaine into its 40th year of advocating for LGBTQ+ Mainers all across our state," Hennessy wrote in a press release.Today, more than ever, our community’s rights are under attack, and we need to be ready to defeat anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, advance a pro-equality agenda, and create an environment where everyone can live their authentic selves." Read more here.
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Have You Checked Out Our Digital Museum?
In partnership with with HistoryIT, the diocese has embarked on a project to make our extensive archives digital and accessible, and to preserve this valuable record of our history for generations to come.
So far, about 200 archival assets have been imaged, cataloged, and tagged for the first phase of our Digital Museum, including a surprise discovery, film reels documenting the 1968 ordination and consecration of Bishop Frederick Barton Wolf, the sixth bishop of Maine. This important footage is now preserved, and can be watched here. Explore the rest of the Digital Museum here.
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New England Lutherans Elect New Bishop
The New England Synod of ELCA Lutheran has elected the Rev. Nathan Pipho (pronounced peep-oh) to be its fourth bishop. The bishop-elect, who takes office on Aug. 1, currently serves as Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Worcester, MA. He will replace the Rev. James Hazelwood, who is retiring after having served as the synod's bishop for 12 years. "Nathan will be a good colleague for all of you and is one who embraces the Call to Common Mission and our full communion partnership," wrote Hazelwood in a letter to New England's Episcopal bishops.
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Camper Openings at Camp Bishopswood
We are so fortunate to have such an excellent diocesan camp in our midst! Though some weeks are sold out, there are still opportunities for young people in Maine to become campers at Camp Bishopswood this summer.
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Leslie Nesin Retires
The Rev. Leslie Nesin, priest-in-charge at St. Thomas' in Winn, has retired after 21 years of priesthood. We thank her for her years of ministry among us, including her notable tenure at Good Shepherd in Houlton from 2004-2011. We wish her a blessed and joyous retirement.
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Wabanaki Alliance Releases Style Guide
We are grateful to the Maine Association of Non-Profits for alerting us to the release of this new style guide, which is an important and valuable resource for anyone writing or otherwise communicating about Wabanaki people, land, history, and culture. For example: Don't use the generic "tribal elders" to reference elected or appointed government officials. Also included is a helpful pronunciation guide. Find both here.
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A Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land
Adapted by the Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, from the Mennonite Central Committee
O God of life and love and peace,
We witness the violence and injustice in your Holy Land
And our hearts break.
Our hearts break for the people of Palestine and Israel
For the victims of violent attacks by Hamas
For those who live with fear and insecurity
For those who suffer from the intergenerational trauma of violence
For the victims of violent attacks by the Israeli military
For those being denied water, electricity, and medical care
For those who are refugees, long displaced from their homes.
We especially pray—
That weapons of war be laid down
That walls of separation be dismantled
That prisoners be released
That demonizing of “the other” cease
That political leaders seek the good of all people in Israel and Palestine
O God, whose heart breaks for the world,
Rain down justice to dwell in the land
Let righteousness abide in fruitful fields
Give quietness and trust forever
And may the effect of justice be peace—enduring peace.
We pray in your holy name and because of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace.
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Call to the 205th Annual Diocesan Convention
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024
Holiday Inn and Cathedral of Saint Luke, Portland
OFFICIAL NOTICE is hereby given, in accordance with Canon Six, Section I, of the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, that the 205th Annual Diocesan Convention will assemble, God willing, at the Holiday Inn and Cathedral Church of St. Luke in Portland on Saturday, Nov. 16.
An online pre-convention session will be held on Thur., Nov. 7 at 5:30 p.m. We will repeat this session online on Tue., Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. for those who cannot make the first one. Clergy and lay delegates are asked to please attend one of these sessions.
Find the form for certifying lay delegates, a list of open positions and the nomination form, and the guidelines for submitting a resolution at Additional information will be posted on this page as it becomes available.
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Open Clergy Positions
St. Giles Episcopal Church in Jefferson has a part-time opening for an organist or keyboard player, one to three Sundays per month, depending on applicant's preference. Application deadline is July 15. Contact Meegan Burbank,
Is your church hiring? Would you like us to share the job description? If so, let us know!
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23-28 81st General Convention in Louisville, KY
30 Deacons Day
2 Summer Chapel Gathering
4 Holiday - Diocesan Offices closed
5 July & August - Summer Fridays - diocesan offices closed beginning July 5
7 Regional Confirmation in Brunswick, 4 p.m.
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