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Aug. 20, 2024

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The integration of New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) into Rutgers School of Medicine (RSOM) presents an exciting opportunity to create a new admissions process that draws on the strengths and expertise of both schools. With this opportunity, NJMS and RWJMS can now join forces in selecting outstanding students who are dedicated to advancing equitable and humanistic health care for all.

The admissions teams from both schools are working together to ensure that the new admissions process is the best it can be. Early in the integration planning stages, an Admissions Work Group was formed by the Integration Executive Committee. The work group, part of the Medical Student Subcommittee, is co-led by H. Liesel Copeland, PhD, RWJMS; and Mercedes Rivero, MS, NJMS. Both hold leadership roles in admissions at their respective schools. Other members of the work group are George Heinrich, MD, and Danitza Velasquez, MD, from NJMS; and Sonia Garcia Laumbach, MD, and Carol A. Terregino, MD, from RWJMS. They meet virtually on a regular basis to discuss best practices in developing new application and admission procedures.

“This process of collaboration has allowed us to realize that we have much more in common than different; We all share the same goals: to select the very best, who will do their very best for the communities they serve.” notes the Admissions Work Group.

The work group has made great progress in aligning their practices into a well-integrated and thorough admissions process. NJMS and RWJMS, like most U.S. medical schools, use the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), the centralized application processing tool of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). As two different schools, they have separate listings in the AAMC database. Moving forward, RSOM will be listed as one school. Applicants to RSOM will submit a primary AMCAS application, followed by a secondary application in which they will designate campus preference (Newark, New Brunswick, or both). Prospective students will have an opportunity to visit the campus(es) of their choice.

The work group has examined the premedical requirements of both schools and other medical schools in our region. Reevaluating our requirements offers the opportunity to strengthen the admissions process. Some requirements, including letters of recommendation, are aligned with both schools and will remain the same. Other requirements will be changed. For example, NJMS replaced a second semester of organic

chemistry for a semester of biochemistry, and RWJMS decreased the math requirement to one semester.

Changes are underway in the interview process as well. A vital part of applicant selection, the interview offers the opportunity to evaluate the nuanced interpersonal and cognitive skills and qualities that are not fully captured through other means. It ensures that those admitted are well-rounded and equipped to meet the demands of the medical profession.

NJMS has traditionally utilized the one-on-one interview, an in-depth discussion that allows for exploration of an applicant’s background, growth, maturity and insights about the healthcare system (i.e. social determinants of health, humanism in medicine, community health needs, health equity & social justice). In contrast, RWJMS has used the MMI (multiple mini-interview), a series of shorter interviews designed to measure personal and professional competencies like resilience, teamwork and cultural humility.

Both of these interview processes have unique advantages. The MMI focuses on scenarios and specific competencies and aims to decrease the impact of implicit bias, while the one-on-one interview examines how an applicant’s lived experiences have influenced their core values and motivation for medicine.

The new admissions procedure for RSOM will take a ‘best of both worlds’ approach, with students having both a one-on-one interview and an MMI. Approaching the interview this way maximizes the strengths of both.

Like all other aspects of the integration, the Admissions Work Group is committed to open communication. Honest and direct communication builds trust and will continue to be a key part of the integration journey.

Reimagining approaches to admissions will require continuing coordination and collaboration across the two schools. Liesel Copeland and Mercedes Rivero remind us that, “Change is hard, but we are genuinely excited about the opportunity to learn from, with, and about each other as we create a transformative process for the new school.”

Share Your Feedback!

Achieving a successful integration goes beyond talking, emailing, posting blogs and giving presentations. Equally important is listening. We care what you think. We value your ideas and feedback, and encourage you to submit your questions and ideas through the Feedback Form. Surveys have been distributed on both campuses to gather the input of our medical community. Please take the time to weigh in.

Medical School Faculty, Residents, and Students Engage in a Discussion on the Impact of the Dobbs Decision with Congressman Pallone

Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ 6th District) hosted a roundtable at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School on the effects of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on healthcare in NJ and the nation. Congressman Pallone was joined by Gloria A. Bachmann, MD, MSS, associate dean of Women's Health for the medical school; Lily Bayat, MD, MPH, assistant professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences; Glenmarie Matthews, MD, MBA, MS, assistant professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences; Jeffrey P. Levine, MD, MPH, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health; Kathleen Francois, MBA, MSW, LCSW, behavioral health consultant and social worker at the Eric B. Chandler Health Center; fourth-year medical student, Veena Bhagavathi; third-year resident, Marisa Giglio, MD, and physicians from NJMS, along with other experts.

Learn more about the Supreme Court decision here.

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