
Welcome to "DMIA Matters"

The digital message board for DMIA members

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It’s been a while since you received a “DMIA Matters” circular. I trust that in 2024 it will become a monthly recurrence in your digital mailboxes.


I hope you all celebrated a happy Thanksgiving with your families and friends!

We’re now on the last stretch toward the year-end holiday season. Admittedly, we see many factors that could affect ‘our’ sales season: US consumer confidence is not high, two wars are being fought simultaneously on the doorsteps of the Western world, and, last but not least, lab-grown diamond sales may impede our sales volumes and profits.

Therefore, we must help our retail clients and partners tell the diamond story and communicate the lasting value of diamonds to the consumers.


Some of you may have noticed that the DMIA website is offline. The new DMIA website will come online in the first week of December. However, as you can read below, we’re missing some information. We are literally “quizzing” the membership to complete the missing data.

Next, we're planning to launch a monthly webcast series that covers topics of specific interest to our members. Read more below.

In closing, we reach out to our colleagues and friends in Israel who are, once again, going through tough and very disconcerting times. Our thoughts are with them.

Stuart Samuels


The DMIA Matters Circular No. 4, November 2023

Past DMIA Presidents - a Quiz.

The DMIA was formed in 1931. We know the names of all the Presidents who have led the boards of directors throughout the past 88 years. We, however, do not know when they all exactly served their terms.

Can you help? Then, download the list here, fill in the data, save it, and send it to

Thank you!

The DMIA Mini Webcast Series

In 2024, the DMIA will commence a monthly Mini-Webcast Series entitled “750 seconds with…” It will entail a ten-minute interview, with five minutes for questions – 750 seconds! Of course, all these webcasts will be recorded and posted on the DMIA’s YouTube Channel.

Who would you, the DMIA membership, want to listen to?

What topics would you like to see and hear covered? Let us know via!

Advertising on DMIA website

Our communications and digital team has been working steadily on the design and content of the new DMIA website.

The new site will integrate advertising banners into its design. There is room for advertising banners in the monthly “DMIA Matters” circular, too. While the DMIA’s sponsorship efforts are underway, DMIA members’ advertising banners will be given priority. Let us know your interest at

DMIA board member Stanley Zale

leaves Stuller, joins HIll & Co.

Earlier this year, DMIA board member Stanley Zale retired from his long-time position as Vice President of Diamond & Gemstone at Stuller. Consequently, the Zales moved from Lafayette, Lousiana, to Chicago, Illinois. Under the guise of semi-retirement, Stanley joined the jewelry industry consultancy firm Hill & Co., where he will help “responsibly sourced diamond, gemstone, and jewelry businesses harness digital technology with business strategy to increase revenue faster.”

Thankfully, Stanley is staying on as a member and his invaluable insights and contributions will still be part of the fabric of the DMIA! 

The Diamond Manufacturers & Importers Association of America

580 Fifth Avenue, Suite 625,,