The DA Dispatch
Office Updates from Your Denver DA

Happy Holidays

The holiday season is upon us and on behalf of everyone at the Denver District Attorney’s Office, I wish you season’s greetings. I’d like to offer a special thank you to everyone in Denver law enforcement who keeps our city safe; you are all heroes.


Every year at this time, I look forward to hearing the music of the holidays and seeing the beautiful lights and decorations, especially at the Denver Botanic Gardens and Denver Zoo. We always have a live tree that we cut ourselves; the smell fills the house and the pinecones form natural decorations. Who doesn’t love the Nutcracker performed by our own Colorado Ballet, A Christmas Carol at the DCPA, beautiful hymns and music of the many religions, or the holiday markets throughout the metro area.


May we all have a happy and safe holiday season.

 Denver DA Beth McCann

Dashboard Promotes Effective, Just and Transparent Decision-Making

In September, along with seven other Colorado DA’s offices, we made history – from the History Colorado Center – in announcing the launch of data dashboards; a first of its kind project. We turned our data into interactive graphs so anyone can better understand the work we do. By exploring our data, you can look at trends in cases filed and resolved over time and characteristics of defendants and victims. Our dashboard is part of a larger effort to use our data and technology to drive decisions within the criminal justice system. 

Graph from our Data Dashboard

We hope the dashboard provides insights into where we are making a difference and where there may be room for improvement. Our involvement in the project grew out of our two studies on race and justice and affirms DA McCann’s pledge to be mindful of cultural and racial impacts in the work that we do so that we are treating people of all races and ethnic backgrounds fairly. 


As DA McCann said during the launch at History Colorado, “We are committed to transparency and embrace prevention-oriented approaches to public safety; approaches that are rooted in data and facts. By using our existing data, we can be smart on crime, think about new ways to maximize public safety, ensure fairness, and create new systems of accountability to the public.”


Explore our Data Dashboard here

Restorative Denver

On a chilly November night, we joined our partners at The Conflict Center and members of the community at Hogshead Brewery to raise money to support Denver’s restorative justice program aptly called, “Restorative Denver.” Rather than using traditional punitive approaches, Restorative Denver provides alternatives to those caught up in the criminal justice system. 

 DA McCann speaks at the Restorative Denver Event

The program allows offenders to take responsibility for their actions but avoid having a criminal record while also increasing empathy and repairing the harm they caused to victims and to the broader community. With a 98% success rate, Restorative Denver is proving to result in greater victim satisfaction, reduced recidivism and cost savings.  

Learn more about how Restorative Denver works

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We joined Mayor Hancock, Chief Ron Thomas, Rose Andom and many others for “A Mile in Her Shoes” walk. United, we were a physical presence signaling to those being abused that they are not alone and to seek help. We walked from the Rose Andom Center, a one-place support center for victims of domestic violence, to the Denver City and County Building where Assistant DA Maggie Conboy told the crowd that according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 36.8% of women and 30.5% of men in Colorado experience domestic violence. If you’re being abused, don’t wait to get help, don’t become a statistic.


Visit Violence Free Colorado for help

 Assistant DA Maggie Conboy speaks at the

"A Mile in Her Shoes" event with Mayor Hancock and Rose Andom

Elder Abuse Prevention

Over the last year, Colorado's Elder Abuse Ombudsman program received 253 complaints related to various types of abuse. We support the Elder Abuse Act Project: Raising Awareness Through Abuse Prevention. Through a series of videos, the project shines a light on the problem of abuse and neglect of at-risk adults in the hope that everyone, no matter their age, may live with dignity and be free from harm. We are very proud of our Elder & At-Risk Abuse Unit Chief, Jane Walsh, who contributed to this important and sensitive topic.  

Watch the Educational Video Series

 Thumbnail of Chief Deputy DA Jane Walsh’s video interview with Dr. Sheri Gibson 

Your mother was right, “If It Sounds Too Good to be True, It Is.”

Geoffrey Wescott James received a 12-year prison sentence and was ordered to pay more than $5,000,000 in restitution after pleading guilty in September to committing securities fraud and theft. James misled investors by purporting to run a successful gold mining and importation business. In exchange for their investment, James promised his clients returns of between 200% and 600% within 90 days and/or 20% per month in the form of cash, gold or diamonds. James stole or misappropriated at least $5.4 million from more than 45 investors between September 2012 and July 2020.

Read more about the sentencing of Geffrey Wescott James

 Geoffrey Wescott James’ Arrest Photo

Neighbors Unite around Public Safety

Northeast Denver’s Front Porch community paper and Central Park United Neighbors hosted a safe neighborhoods forum in November. The thoughtful discussion focused on building stronger communities. 

 Photo from Safer Neighborhoods Forum

District Attorney Beth McCann, State Representative Steven Woodrow, Denver Youth Violence Prevention Program Manager Felicia Rodriguez, Together Colorado’s Vickie Wilhite, Denver Police Chief Ron Thomas and Lieutenant Kevin Hines participated on the panel, which was moderated by Bill Fulton, founder of Civic Canopy, a non-profit that facilitates community dialogue. 

Front Porch, NE Denver Forum: Creating Safer Communities

Another Senseless Shooting

We were heartbroken by the senseless, incomprehensible tragedy in Colorado Springs at Club Q. The Denver District Attorney’s Office joins with those who denounce attacks against the LGBTQ+ community. As Scott Levin, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League said, “We mourn the lives lost in Colorado Springs, but we refuse to become numb to the spread of hatred and conspiracy theories online, to the rise of hate crimes and bias incidents. We must find ways for our communities to feel safe from hate.” 

  Lady Justice with Pride Flag

An Unusual but Compelling Field Trip

Many of our staff joined one of three trips to tour the prison facilities in Cañon City. We heard from incarcerated individuals who train dogs, participate in a culinary arts program and work in the in-house print shop.


The residents inspired us in their resolve to live full lives. The prison staff are committed to their mission and find strength in the camaraderie with each other. The Department of Corrections offers several educational and vocational programs designed to help participants achieve a successful reentry. In a place that can easily be devoid of it, we experienced an abundance of hope and met inmates who are or have changed their lives.

 Denver DA staff in front of Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility

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