School Website

School Calendar

Parish Website

Important Announcements

Read Mrs. Kennedy's Letter
Needs Assessment

A Message from Our School Counselor

Mrs. Emily Kennedy

Our new school counselor, Mrs. Emily Kennedy, has been spending the last few weeks getting to know our students. Now that school has settled in, Mrs. Kennedy has some additional information she would like to share with all our parents about how you, or your child, can access this resource that we provide. A message from Mrs. Kennedy is available on our website. We also ask that parents complete the Needs Assessment linked from this email within the next week.

September Lunch Menu

The September lunch menu is available on our website. Please note that there is an error in this month's online ordering system showing that Chicken Enchilada Casserole will be served instead of Chicken Quesadillas (which is what is noted on the menu). Due to the online system used, the name of the dish cannot be corrected online, but Tadd & Holly will be serving Chicken Quesadillas as indicated on the menu. For questions about lunch, contact Tadd's Coastal Kitchen via text message at 251-299-4494.

Order Lunch

This Week at CCS

TOY BOWL FUNDRAISER Chick-fil-A Chicken Biscuits & Out of Uniform Day

September 10th

If you pre-ordered a Chick-fil-a Chicken Biscuit for this Toy Bowl Fundraiser, pickup will be available in the parking lot on the corner of McKenna and Evergreen starting at 7:20am.


September 11th


Our PTO Homeroom Parent Meeting has been moved to email. For questions, contact Tracey Netto at

Blue Mass: 5th Grade Field Trip

September 11th

On September 11th, our 5th graders will attend the annual "Blue Mass" at the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. This is a time for people in the community to pray for the safety of all involved in public safety and to honor all First Responders – firefighters, law enforcement and medical personnel. It is also a time to remember and give thanks for all who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.

Mid Quarter Progress Reports

Grades 3rd - 8th

Mid-quarter progress reports will be sent home with students in grades 3rd through 8th with a grade of C or below on Sept. 11th. Parents are encouraged to check their students' grades and progress regularly by logging into Rediker. If you need help with your Rediker log-in, please email or


September 9th - 13th

Visit the Courtyard before school to put your money in the bucket of the person you’d like to see get a pie in the face. Don't have CASH???You can Venmo @Michelle-Mcguire-2 to vote. Please include the teacher/teachers name you are voting for.

Each vote is $1.

September 16th - 20th

Enter your name into the raffle to be the one to pie the “winning” faculty member at the pep rally. Each entry is $1.

Vocations Visit from Fr. Gilbreath

September 13th

On Friday, Sept. 13th, we will welcome Fr. Patrick Gilbreath, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Mobile, to Corpus Christi. Fr. Gilbreath will celebrate our 8:15am School Mass on this day and will visit some of our classrooms afterwards.

Mark Your Calendars

Pancake Breakfast and Family Walk-In

Save the Date

September 19, 2024

7am - 7:45am

Walk-in Begins at 7:20am

Join us for our 1st Quarter Pancake Breakfast and Family Walk-In at 7am on Sept. 19th. Beginning at 7:20am, parents may walk their children to their classrooms. Parents will be dismissed over the intercom after morning announcements. Register to join us by Tuesday, Sept. 17th on our website.

Let Us Know You're Coming

Grandparents Day Mass

Save the Date

September 27, 2024 at 8:15am

Grandparents day is one of our favorite traditions at Corpus Christi School. Mark you calendars now and let your grandparents know to make plans to join us! Students who have grandparents who are no longer with us are invited to bring a flower for remembrance.

Planning for the Coming Weeks

September 10th: Chick-fil-a Biscuit Fundraiser and OOU- Toy Bowl

September 11th: 5th Grade Field Trip to Blue Mass / Mid Quarter Reports (Grades 3rd - 8th)

September 13th: Vocations Visit from Fr. Gilbreath

September 14th: Booster Club Drawdown + Cornhole Tournament

September 15th: PTO Meeting

September 18th: Coffee in the Courtyard for Teachers

September 19th: Family Pancake Breakfast / Walk-In Day

September 20th: Coupon Book Sale Ends

September 23rd: St. T-Shirt Day - St. Padre Pio / Book Fair Begins

September 25th: A is for Africa

September 27th: Grandparents Day Mass / Book Fair Ends

October 1st: St. T-shirt Day - St. Thérèse of Lisieux

October 3rd: Food Pantry Thursday

Remember that our full calendar of school events is available on our website and in your Rediker account.

View the Full Calendar

PTO News


Get the Details

Sponsorship packages for BOO BASH are now available! If you would like to sponsor this year's event, complete package details are available on our website. The deadline for sponsorships is October 17th. For questions, contact our Sponsor Chair, Tracey Tillman at

Sponsorship Package Details

Coffee in the Courtyard

A Treat for Our Teachers & Staff

September 18th

Our PTO treats our teachers and staff to coffee and tasty seasonal baked goods once a quarter before the morning bell rings. If you'd like to help provide items for Coffee in the Courtyard, click below for the sign-up form. Thank you to our PTO for organizing this for our faculty and staff!

Sign Up to Help

Booster Club News


Deadline to Buy Tickets is Sept. 12th!

Our Drawdown and Cornhole Tournament is this Saturday, Sept. 14th from 11am until 2pm. Each ticket includes admission for two, lunch (provided by Azteca's) and a chance to win the $5,000 Grand Prize! Tickets will NOT be sold at the door, so purchase a ticket NOW if you want join us for this fun event! The funds raised from this event will go towards replacing the outdated scoreboards in our gym.

Purchase Tickets

Living Our Faith

Bible Verse for September: Proverbs 3:5

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Prayer for September: Our Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Virtues in Education: This Week's Virtue is Generosity

Meaning: Giving of oneself in a willing and cheerful manner for the good of others

Ways to Cultivate Generosity

Generosity looks like:

Spending time with someone else

Generosity sounds like:

Would you like to play with me? Would you like to sit with us?

Prayer for Generosity

Lord, teach me to be generous, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to look for any reward, save that of knowing that I do your holy will.

Fundraisers that Support Our School

Ice Cream Fridays

Price: $2.00

Funds from our Ice Cream Fridays go directly back to our school and have allowed us to purchase some much needed PE equipment, several fun games for students, new exercise equipment for Workout Wednesday, as well as renting the blow-up obstacle course that we use for field day! Thank you for your support!

Coupon Book Sale

Available for Purchase

Coupon Books are available for sale until September 20th. Sales from our Coupon Books allow us to fund projects that are outside our school budget. Any student who sells 12 or more books will get to attend a Corpus Christi School Pizza Party!

Download the Flyer
Buy Online

Corpus Christi Parish News

Registration Open: SVDP Walk

Registration is now open for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk/Run. Join us on Saturday, Oct. 12th for this fundraiser that benefits the poor in our community.

Register for the Walk

Knights of Columbus: Silver Rose

September 15, 2024 after 11am Mass

Each year, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe. All are invited to join us on Sept. 15th when the Silver Rose Pilgrimage makes a stop to Corpus Christi!


Camp Grace - Mobile, AL

October 4th - 6th

Outback is a spirit-filled, adventurous weekend retreat for parents and teens, husbands and wives, and engaged couples. Build, restore and strengthen your relationships over this weekend retreat.

Register to Attend