The Collapsed West & Its Resurrection

3rd King & Queen Give Birth to Next Generation!

I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs. When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive. For the Lord  hears the needy and does not despise his own people who are prisoners. Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and everything that moves in them.  For God will save Zion and build up the cities of Judah, and people shall dwell there and possess it; the offspring of his servants shall inherit it, and those who love his name shall dwell in it. Psalm 69:30-36

We must liberate God. Each of us must save God. Instead of trying to be saved, we must make God free. This is the consummation of the providence of salvation. 

SMM, CSG Book 1, Ch. 4-True Father’s Insights on God, p 151.

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon by discussing how "Comrade Kamala" chose Gov. Tim Walz, who is a pro-Hamas leftist, creating a rift in the Democrat party with supporters of Israel. Thousands of pro-Hamas protesters were outside the DNC convention in Chicago. God is dividing the goats and the sheep. Every realm, even among leftists, has a Cain and Abel side.

Communism wants a horizontal revolution, poor vs rich. If the “poor” take power, they become the new tyrants. It’s important to have all strata fighting for a higher purpose, rich, middle and lower classes all divided between the sheep and the goats. 

He spoke about a Black foodtruck owner, who was forced to sell it. Then an illegal migrant was given a bank loan to purchase it. The USA is no longer a sovereign country that controls its borders. Importing millions of illegal migrants is correctly called population replacement.

Hyung Jin Nim spoke about his experiences in visiting Tibet and with a Buddhist monastery which is directly connected with the government. China imported 100,000’s of Han Chinese to live in Tibet to replace the indigenous culture.

The postmodern west is falling into hedonism and despair, seeking freedom without responsibility. In Cheon Il Guk, you have freedom, but you also have duties to your community and society.

Sanctuary Service 8/25/24

Since a secular society is based on relativism, it has no rationale to reject incest, and other perversions, but that doesn't mean it is tolerant. The Left didn’t allow freedom during the Covid pandemic, instead imposing mandatory lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

The Left is not satisfied with just private homosexual conduct, they want to expand the gay culture and use the education system to indoctrinate the youth. They are not the party of rationality and science, as they claim. As examples, consider the 6 foot distance rule and the mandatory face masks, which had no basis in research. These are the supposed rational experts, the wizards, the shamans.

A few years ago Hyung Jin Nim saw a motorcycle rider with no helmet, but wearing a face mask. Insane! Also, he saw people driving alone in their car wearing a face mask! Governments ruthlessly used force. People who refused the jab were fired from their jobs. In Canada and in California, people were arrested for having more than 5 people gathered in their homes.

In the nation of Cheon Il Guk, you can choose whatever treatment you want, not only what Big Pharma is selling. There will be no government licensing. Doctors who did not follow the Covid treatment protocol lost their hospital privileges or even their licenses!

3rd King & Queen with Youngnam (Brave Man)

Females tend to be more influenced by emotion and fear, so they vote for more government programs to protect them. It leads to a system where single women are rewarded for not being married. Deep marital relationships are based on sacrificial love. That is the center of a successful community.

Jesus bled and died for us out of love. Though they may not (yet) believe, if they respect Jesus’ example of sacrificial love they are in His realm.

Relativists say, “do what makes you happy, but don’t hurt anyone.” But what if incest makes you happy? Think about a Magic Wand example- if all homosexuals became heterosexuals, would there be any damage to society? No. If all heterosexuals became gay, the human population would vanish with 1-2 generations.

At the Democrat National Convention, Michelle Obama said, “my mama fought against those who took too much.” Barack and Michelle Obama’s net worth is $70 million. They own 4 luxurious homes. They spoke about how they don't trust billionaires and then they brought out a billionaire, Oprah Winfrey. Hypocrites.

Cosmic Seonghwa Memorial of True Parents of Heaven, Earth & Humanity

Transgenderism has a continuum fallacy, with no sharp line between male and female. They ignore the reality of XY (male) vs XX (female) chromosomes. Young people are brainwashed, with mass-hypnosis and “gender-affirming” surgeries to increase their delusions. It’s like saying “drug addicts are pursuing their identity!”

How many people got in trouble because of their desires? The average age of being exposed to porn is 12 years old, with some exposed at age 7 or 8. We should punish porn sites that make it easy for young people to see porn. Young people should be out in nature catching frogs and learning how to cook what they catch.

Porn becomes habitual, then users need to seek adrenaline highs through watching more violent, abusive pornography. It’s obviously much better to wait until you marry and have a wonderful sex life with your wife.

There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. That is why highly intelligent people suffer from more mental and physical disorders.

Lucifer was the angel of intellect. The highly intelligent are tempted to feel qualified to rule others. Hypocritical climate activists like Obama buy ocean-front property for $12 million. Wow, how sacrificial, “he is risking his life to warn us if the water rises!”

3rd King's DP Lecture

Women have to deal with the biological reality that fertility declines by age 40. In Vitro Fertilization can help, but it costs $18K or more, and has a failure rate of nearly 90% for women over 40.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, a female fetus has 6–7 million of eggs. By the time the woman is 30 years, she will have lost nearly 90% of her eggs and at the age of 40 years, only around 3% of eggs are left. Most women are no longer able to become naturally pregnant in their mid-40s.

Invest your young years into your marriage and children. Your body wears down, like any physical thing. Choose between being a self-centered “coomer” and relationships, which give us purpose.

The devil is investing in you! He is one of your main investors to just seek pleasure, to be emotional. The other investor in you is God, who wants you to have self-regulatory power.

Trevor Loudon Interview: How CCP controls US political leaders & influences our elections.

At the higher levels of debate, people are talking about sexual issues. People go to government to have it pay for their poor decisions. This becomes their “right.” “Love is love.” Each of us has a duty to raise our children. If not, the society is destabilized, with abandoned children picked up by sex traffickers and pedophiles.

If the white community had accepted True Father, they would have rejected “live and let live” and the destructive free sex lifestyle.

Governments are a reflection of a shared worldview. Before the American revolution, each state had a state religion. Politics is downstream of culture, which is downstream of theology. Your government is ultimately a reflection of your theology, which is the basis of ethics. America adopted English common law which is based on the Christian worldview.

In Communism, the government is “god.” In Buddhist society, there are more rights for animals since they believe in reincarnation. Jain monks wear a cloth mask to reduce number of insects or bacteria who die.

Cheryl Chumley, TWT Opinion Editor: Our Battle to Defend Our Nation

The idea of separation of church and state is just shaming meant to shut Christians up. Why is the rainbow anus cult better than the teachings of Moses and Jesus? It’s not freedom, it’s free fall, which destabilizes society which leads to tyranny.

Marxism says the root of evil is greed and that the working-class revolutionaries are the saviors. It leads to dictatorship. The nature of government is the willingness to use force. Communists say they will save you from human greed through psychopaths who are willing to do whatever is needed to force that on everyone. The nature of government is that of the Archangel, which is why it needs to be always treated as a dangerous servant.

The ”swipe right” syndrome is that 80% of women want to go after 10% who are the “elite” men. It is sad that they often ignore good, conscientious men.

Each man is called to be the king and priest of the home, loving his wife. Each woman is called to be the queen and evangelist, who respects her husband. Men are called to control their sexual desire. Women are called to control their emotions. 


The Abandoned “Cross of the Heart”

by John Williams

There is a point I want to share that I haven’t heard anyone discuss elsewhere: Mother’s* indemnity foundation is supposed to be her forbearance with all the emotional pain that she experienced as a result of taking her mission and her relationship with Father**. This is especially true regarding his involvement with other women.

From what I recall of reading Father’s words and hearing him speak, this is supposed to be the “cross of the heart,” I think it was called, that she is to bear without complaint. Sharing her husband with other women is exactly what Sarah could not do, Elizabeth could not do, and a parallel was the challenge that Judas could not face, Joseph could not face, and others—Lucifer being, of course, the first one.

Her complaining about Father’s** involvement with other women, in fact, elevating it into a new part of God’s teaching in effect, is seriously problematic. It is perhaps similar to Jesus retracting his revolutionary forgiveness of his enemies on the cross. If Jesus could not forgive his enemies, demonstrating God’s love for Satan’s people, if Father** had not demonstrated forgiveness of his enemies, then he would’ve been disqualified as the representative of God on earth.

Mother* complaining, and actually spreading her grudge to us children, is possibly negating her indemnity foundation. It seems like a horrendous development. Given that she did not suffer externally the way that Father did, it seems like she is now destroying her own “claim to fame” that would have brought her into equivalence with Father, her new claims of divine lineage not withstanding. 

In other words, it’s one thing for her to be teaching things that aren’t true and elevating herself in a strange way above Father**, but she’s also negating her qualification as the bride of Christ.

On a simply horizontal, humanistic level, for a widow to poison the memory of her deceased husband with falsehoods and distortions is one of the most dishonorable things that a wife and mother can do.

On a gut level, I am having a big problem respecting her as a representative of Father** and True Parents anymore. Her previous achievements stand forever, and the True Parents’ foundation stands forever, but I wonder if the True Parents even exist anymore at this point. This is very distressing to me.

John Williams' essay posted on


 *The reference to "Mother" by the author is referring to Hak Ja Han who was the 3rd wife of Reverend Moon. Due to her failures to uphold the position of "Mother", Hyung Jin Nim, the ordained and crowned heir to Reverend Moon, was directed by God to anoint Kang Hyun Shil as "True Mother" on September 23, 2017 since Hak Ja Han vacated the position that is foundational to the restoration of "True Parents" of mankind and revealed in the Divine Principle, that Reverend Moon** taught. "Father" is an honorific used to by followers that holds the founder in high esteem.


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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

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