The ASCE San Francisco
575 Market St, Suite 400 | San Francisco, CA 94105
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September 2021, Volume 70, No. 9
ASCE Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony
Join us for a virtual celebration of the outstanding work being done by our members throughout the Section. We will honor 20 outstanding projects and 8 individuals while also installing officers for the San Francisco Section and our local Branches for the year ahead. We will salute all who have helped our organization stay actively engaged and focused on serving our profession despite challenging times.
Fred Blickle, 2020-2021 ASCE San Francisco Section President
My term as President of the San Francisco Section of ASCE comes to a close at the end of September. CSU Fresno State Professor Aly Tawfik will move into the President position and carry on the tradition and values of this institution that began in 1905. It was an honor to serve as the 116th President of this historic Section, which has completed so many incredible projects that do so much to better the lives of Bay Area residents. I look forward to continuing to serve on the Board for another year in the role of Past President. My experiences with ASCE and the San Francisco Section have been so rewarding. I’ve gotten to know many fantastic people that I otherwise would not have met without ASCE, our professional family network as Society President Jean-Louis Briaud likes to say.
As I look over the list of Past Presidents I see many whom I got to know through Section participation, who by the way is still involved whether it be as a judge for our annual Section awards, Region 9 committees, Region 9 Governor, or otherwise, such as Mike Kincaid, Tony Akel, Stephen Sherman (a.k.a., Chief Baseball Event Organizer, a lifetime appointment), Rune Storesund, Daren Gee, Matt Kennedy, Lorraine Htoo, Elizabeth Blaiek, and Ed Thometz. All accomplished Civil Engineers in their career, good people, and excellent leaders for our Bay Area professionals. I’m thankful for the opportunity to get to know them better.
Speaking of Jean-Louis, I participated in his monthly town hall call on 9/1, and it was good to hear of the efforts to grow ASCE by engaging more Civil Engineers from the public sector and students as they graduate from college. There are on the order of 400,000 Civil Engineers in the US, so there is a good opportunity to grow our membership from the current 150,000 number. One of the aspects of Jean-Louis’ Presidency was his plan from the beginning, with goals and timeframes. His reports titled with the number of days into his 365-day term gave a perspective that time is short really, and some urgency to accomplish the goals before time runs out on his term. He “showed up”, which is important for all of us to do in our work, our professional society experiences, our personal lives, and our families. I encourage you to show up in these areas and approach them with purpose, and conviction. Our lives are more fulfilling with that attitude.
And speaking of showing up, Ken Miles, our Section Executive Director celebrated his 20th year in that role as a consultant to the Section. I’ve had the honor of knowing Ken and participating with the Board for about half of that time and I can say that our Section is so much better because of his contributions and leadership. I don’t think Ken ever missed a meeting other than when he was on vacation with his family, and his steady and sound guidance for the Board and Section over the last two decades has been invaluable for all of us members. Thank you, Ken, our deepest appreciation goes out to you. I would also like to thank Ashley Burke, another HollandParlette consultant to the Section, for all her dedicated and efficient work putting together agendas, scheduling meetings, and following up on action items to be sure we stay on the path; great job Ashley!
Finally, I would like to remind everyone that our San Francisco Section is the host for the 2022 California Infrastructure Symposium (CAIS), which will be in April at the iconic War Memorial Performing Arts Center across from SF City Hall. Having participated on the planning committee for the 2021 CAIS hosted by the LA Section I can say that it was a fun and rewarding experience, getting to know other professionals that I otherwise would never have met. I feel that these experiences help me to be a better person and a better professional. If you have the time and interest, I encourage you to get involved with the planning. Contact CAIS 2022 Chair Ed Thometz or me and we will plug you in!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Section President. All the best to you and your families, and (this one’s for Ed) GO GIANTS!
by Richard Markuson, Region 9 Legislative Advocate
July/August was Recess Month
The Legislature recessed for their summer break on July 16 and returned on August 16. While the budget (which is composed of “early actions,” the budget bill, budget bill junior, and several budget trailer bills, left unfinished were several tailer bills including HSRA funding and Green House Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) allocations.
State Legislation
AB 75 (O'Donnell - D) Places the Kindergarten-Community Colleges Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2022 on the 2022 statewide ballot, to be operative if approved by voters at the election. 6/18/2021-In Committee: Hearing postponed by committee. ASCE position: Watch
SB 22 (Glazer - D) Would place on the ballot the Public Preschool, K–12, and College Health and Safety Bond Act of 2022 as a state general obligation bond act that would provide $15,000,000,000 to construct and modernize education facilities. It requires the department of general services to prioritize projects for funding, which includes the use of a project labor agreement (PLA). 6/10/2021-Referred to Coms. on ED. and HIGHER ED. ASCE position: Disfavor
SB 45 (Portantino - D) This bill would enact the Wildfire Prevention, Safe Drinking Water, Drought Preparation, and Flood Protection Bond Act of 2022, which authorizes the sale of $5.595 billion in general obligation bonds, upon approval by voters at the November 2021 statewide general election. Bond funds would be used for projects related to wildfire prevention, safe drinking water, drought preparation, and flood protection. 6/1/2021-Ordered to inactive file on request of Senator Portantino. ASCE position: Watch
Region 9 Digital Strategy Initiative
by Rune Storesund, Dr.Eng., P.E., G.E.,
San Francisco Section Region 9 Governor
ASCE Region 9 (California) is embarking on a new Digital Strategy initiative to streamline the overall member experience for activities within ASCE Region 9, such as local event registrations, professional development tracking, awards nominations, and Section, Branch, Institute, and Group voting. A major component of our future-looking digital approach is a Region 9 database that seamlessly provides integration across the four Region 9 Sections (Los Angeles Section, Sacramento Section, San Diego Section, and San Francisco Section). The aim of this effort is to reduce the need for multiple data entries and greatly streamline and reduce the administrative burden for our volunteer officers so more time can be spent on member engagement.
Currently, each Section, Branch, Institute, and local Group approaches websites and web management as an individual entity. Collectively, we are spending in excess of $50,000 each year on duplicative services. By consolidating and integrating web services, we can reduce the core expenditures to a fraction of that $50,000 (say $5,000 per year), resulting in the availability of $45,000 each year in member digital enhancement and engagement services.
Streamlined Dynamic Websites
Website ‘front-ends’ (a front-end is the web page user interface) will have the option of being connected to the Region 9 database (also known as the ‘back-end’) to eliminate duplicate data entry, offer real-time updates, and integrated archiving capabilities such as past events, officers, and awards. All Region 9 Section, Branch, Institute, and local Groups will be able to leverage website layouts, features, and enhancements from the other Section, Branch, Institute, and Groups within Region 9 and updates will be implemented at the Region level, thus eliminating the need for each Section, Branch, Institute, and local Groups to individually implement the same update locally. This enables a ‘divide and conquer’ approach where different groups can develop different features resulting in a larger menu of options, rather than each group re-developing the same feature multiple times.
Region 9 Strategic Plan Update
by Mojgan (MJ) Hashemi, P.E., M. ASCE
ASCE Region 9 (California) Governor at Large
Chair, Region 9 Strategic Plan Committee
At its November 19, 2020, meeting, the Region 9 Board formed a committee (Comprised of three Governors: MJ Hashemi, Rune Storesund and Tapas Dutta) to review and provide an update for the Region’s Strategic Plan in alignment with the Society’s Mission and Goals. The committee met over the next few months and conducted thorough research on the Society’s strategic planning process and ways to best utilize the Society’s existing Strategic Plan and documentation to serve the needs of our membership and profession in California. This report is intended to provide you with an update on this effort to date.
The primary purpose of a strategic plan is to provide a roadmap and direction for the entire organization to successfully accomplish its mission, vision, and purpose. As such, here are the latest ASCE Purpose, Vision and Mission statements:
“Help you matter more and enable you to make a bigger difference.”
“Civil engineers are global leaders building a better quality of life.”
“Deliver value to our members, advance civil engineering, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.”
To accomplish the above-identified Mission, Vision, and Purpose, ASCE’s 2021 Strategic Plan has identified the following six Goals along with associated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
- An ever-growing number of people in the civil engineering realm are members of, and engage in, ASCE.
- Civil Engineers develop and apply innovative, state-of-the-art practices and technologies.
- All infrastructure is safe, resilient, and sustainable.
- ASCE advances the educational and professional standards for civil engineers.
- The public values civil engineers’ essential role in society.
- ASCE excels in strategic and operational effectiveness.
Region 9 Outgoing Governor Observations
by Mojgan (MJ) Hashemi, P.E., M. ASCE
ASCE Region 9 (California) Governor at Large
Chair, Region 9 Strategic Plan Committee
September 30, 2021, marks the end of ASCE fiscal year and the conclusion of my three years of service as your Governor At-Large from Los Angeles Section. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve our members throughout California; and I would like to thank you for your support. When my term started in 2018, I wrote an article in this space about my plans and thoughts as a new Governor. I discussed my intentions of carrying out the objectives of the Board of Governors and working on programs that benefit Region 9. I also listed a few priorities that I considered important for the Region at the time: improving membership, increasing advocacy efforts, and promoting innovative state-of-the-art technologies and best practices. Here’s an update on the status of each of these priorities:
Improving Membership-Region 9 membership is around 19,000 including our student members. As a volunteer organization, we recognize the value of increased membership and active member engagement. In the last few years, one of the most successful membership programs has been the Member-Get-A-Member Program (, which offers a $50 Amazon Gift Card for each new member recruited. Also, in January 2021, Region 9 Membership Committee chaired by Elias Karam, Governor from Sacramento successfully negotiated a partnership program with the California Department of Transportation offering discounted membership to their over 20,000 employees at all ASCE membership grade levels. Region 9 continues to look for other partnership programs with major public and private firms to encourage increased membership and engagement.
Outgoing Region Governor's Perspective
by Jeffrey M. Cooper, P.E.
ASCE Region 9 Governor from the San Diego Section
This will be my last official communique as the outgoing Region 9 Governor from the San Diego Section. It has been an honor and privilege serving members of ASCE Region 9, and especially the San Diego Section. It has gone by quickly! I walk away with a greater understanding and appreciation of all that ASCE does and what it means to the civil engineering profession. I am proud of the organization and what it stands for. Clearly, as you give to this organization, it gives back manyfold.
Region 9 has a very strong Board, consisting of Governors representing the four sections of Region 9, which include San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento, as well as two At-Large Governors and a Director. Additionally, serving on the Board are the Presidents of the four sections and Chairs of the various Region 9 committees that provide invaluable updates and input.
I was fortunate to have served in various roles during my tenure on the Region 9 Board, including serving as the Treasurer of the Board over the last 2 years. I will be continuing as the Treasurer for Region 9 for next year. I have served on the California Infrastructure Symposium Committee for three years and was involved mainly in fundraising. I was also appointed to the California Green Bond Market Development Committee representing ASCE.
I am happy to report that we were able to nominate a very good candidate, Patricia McColl, who was recently voted in by the membership and who will be replacing me as the incoming San Diego Section Governor, starting on October 1, 2021. I wish Patricia the best and am confident that she will do a great job.
New Report on Economic Benefits of Investments in California Infrastructure
For Immediate Release: July 27, 2021
Contact: Kathy Fairbanks (916) 813-1010
Kelsey McCauley (916) 532-0194
Economic Benefits and Supports 700,000 Jobs in California Every Year. It includes a new, searchable database that shows the Economic Benefits of Government Infrastructure Funding for every California County.
Sacramento, CA – A first-of-its-kind report released today finds that upcoming spending on federal, state and local infrastructure will generate nearly $200 billion in economic activity in California annually over the next decade and will support 700,000 jobs per year.
According to the report, in the next 10 years government investments in California’s transportation infrastructure will grow from $40.4 billion in 2021 to $52.6 billion in 2030. This equates to a return of $4.30 in economic activity for every $1 spent on the transportation system. Every $1 billion spent supports over 15,000 jobs throughout the economy.
The report uses a series of sophisticated models to quantify both the immediate economic activity from increased highway, street, bridge, and transit program spending levels in California and the longer-term user benefits that accrue from improving the transportation system.
The “Economic Impacts of Highway, Street, Bridge, & Transit Investment in California” is the first to examine the impacts of transportation infrastructure spending on all sectors of the California economy, not just the transportation sector. The release includes the launch of a new, searchable online database that breaks down the economic benefits of infrastructure spending in every California county. County by county breakdowns here.
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